I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 186

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:22:24 AM

Chapter 186: put forward

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Lin Hang arched his hand at Chi Liming and said, "Patriarch Chi, there is something for the kid, I want to discuss with you, I wonder if Patriarch Chi can take a step to speak?"

Because he didn't see the auxiliary spirit treasure and the main material for refining it, Lin Hang didn't plan to go too far. If he couldn't copy it in the end, it would be a bit embarrassing. So it's better to talk to Chi Liming first, although Lin Hang's heart is still very sure about this copy.

Chi Liming looked at Lin Hang's expression and knew that Lin Hang must have something important, and immediately nodded and said, "Okay, then you come with me!"

Chi Liming gave a few words to the surroundings, and led Lin Hang to a clearing behind the small building.

Chi Liming waved his hand to place a layer of restriction, and then said with a smile, "Well, Lin Hang, no one can disturb us now. I don't know if you have anything to discuss with me alone?"

Lin Hang then said, "Clan Chief Chi, because the kid feels that this matter is of great importance, so don't be too public at the beginning. Before going out with Ling'er, I accidentally learned that the demon clan's companion The existence of "Demon Spirit" and what the kid wants to discuss with you is precisely related to this "Demon Spirit"."

"Oh?" Chi Liming raised his eyebrows and said in a deep voice, "Is it possible that you want our "Demon Spirit" cultivation method? But this "Demon Spirit" is our demon clan's innate possession, what you want We can't give you the method of cultivation!"

In Chi Liming's heart, he thought that Lin Hang had learned about the unique auxiliary functions of "Demon Spirit" from Ling'er, so he was itching for a while and wanted the method of "Demon Spirit" cultivation.

Lin Hang shook his head and said with a smile, "Should be reckless, before, Linger told me that the cultivation path of your monster race is closely related to your companion "Demon Spirit". "Demon Spirit" is integrated, so there will be no hope of success in the whole life, and the most critical integration process requires the help of an auxiliary Lingbao. I don’t know if the news that Linger told me is true. ?"

Chi Liming didn't expect that Linger would directly tell Lin Hang of such important news just for a trip. But he didn't have much worry in his heart. Ling'er was pure in her heart. Although she was pure, she had the most primitive judgment of good and evil. In other words, from Ling'er's heart, Lin Hang was not a bad person, so that's why I told Lin Hang everything.

Chi Liming knew that there was no way to hide it, and nodded and said, "Well, since you already know it, I won't hide it! Indeed, as Linger said, the importance of "Demon Spirit" to us in our current monster race, then It’s very big! Our daily cultivation and battles rely on "Demon Spirit". Of course, its most important function is to assist us in crossing the catastrophe! You are right, if we don’t merge before crossing the catastrophe. "Demon Spirit", then the chances of getting through the catastrophe will become very small. However, on the contrary, if we successfully integrate "Demon Spirit", then the difficulty of crossing the catastrophe will be greatly reduced! Perhaps it is because of This kind of effect is against the sky, for the sake of balance, the heavens will not let us merge "Demon Spirit" so easily!"

As he spoke, Chi Liming couldn't help sighing, "After our demons were transformed into Taoist bodies, because the connection with heaven and earth remained, our cultivation speed was faster than that of humans. But, still Before crossing the catastrophe period, it gave us a huge threshold. Although, after years of continuous efforts of our ancestors, we created a spiritual treasure that assists integration-"Spirit Orb", which can easily cross this threshold. But with a generation The generations are declining, and now I don’t even have the main materials. It’s really good luck!"

Lin Hang asked, "Patriarch Chi, there is one thing that I don’t understand. Since the main material for refining the "Spirit Orb" is not an infinite resource, then why in the ancient times, you monsters I have never worried about such a problem, and have not re-studied other roads? I believe that if I start to study at that time, I should be able to find another road too!"

Chi Liming explained, "Lin Hang, you don't understand. In the realm of our ancestors, creation of the void is a very common thing. The ancestors are naturally very confident. With their existence, how can the disciples of the younger generation lack the main talent? But they Unexpectedly, the sky and the earth are changing too fast, and many powerful ancestors have either fallen and died in battles with other forces. As a result, there is no enough material for refining spiritual treasures, and our current The demon clan forces did not produce such a great power again, and there was no way to continue to supply them to the clan, and it slowly developed into what it is now."

After listening to Chi Liming's explanation, Lin Hang probably understood the development of the matter. Lin Hang is not the only wise man in this world. With the birth of the "Spirit Orb" that assists in the integration of "Demon Spirit", the demon clan's many great abilities naturally surround it and make many preparations, including From raw materials to refining methods, it must be very comprehensive. It's just that they couldn't stop the changes in the world, and they couldn't think of it. There was a problem in their links. Just imagine, before things happened, who would have thought that the strongest part of them would be the one that went wrong? Therefore, up to now, this problem is still unresolved. Everyone in the Monster Race only hopes that there will be another great power in the family and change this situation. However, after the Yaozu lost the two emperors, they had become a mass of scattered sand, fighting each other with different goal concepts. Under such conditions, stable development is nothing but ideal after all.

Chi Liming sorted out his emotions, turned his head and said to Lin Hang, "By the way, Lin Hang, you just said to find me, it is related to the integration of "Demon Spirit" just mentioned, what do you want to say?"

Lin Hang breathed a sigh of relief and said word by word, "Patriarch Chi, I should be able to help a little bit about the scarcity of the main material of "Spirit Orb" you mentioned!"

As soon as Lin Hang's voice fell, Chi Liming's mind was spinning fast, staring at Lin Hang's eyes, and said, "Can you help? Could it be that the witches behind you have a group of "" Melting Orbs? Or do you have a batch of materials to refine them?"

No matter how knowledgeable Chi Liming is, he can only think of these two aspects. Lin Hang spoke quite conservatively, so that a witch in Chi Liming had this part of the resources for "Spirit Orb" in his hands. At this time, the two sides had already cooperated, so Lin Hang gave this batch of things to the monster in order to express his sincerity. , Come as a gift.

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