I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 189

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:22:20 AM

Chapter 189: Chamber

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Seeing Lin Hang's appearance, Xiao Ling'er introduced with a smile, "How about it, big brother, it's very shocking! This forest is where our Akabane clan has lived for generations. Because of our innate talent, it also aims to train our people. Innate ability, so our residence has always been set up in mid-air like this. Big brother, don't you know that Linger really suffered a lot in order to practice flying skills!"

Lin Hang nodded to express his understanding. When Lin Hang saw this house in the sky, he thought of the crooked and strange houses that he saw in The Back World. These houses were all made for the sake of the Wu Clan disciples of the Back World. To exercise one's control over the earth element, and to build a house alone since childhood is also to exercise the talents of the younger disciples from the bit of life. The space in "Emperor Realm" is also very solid. When using their own unique spatial abilities, the disciples of "Emperor Realm" also need to spend more energy. This is also a disguised exercise.

Lin Hang also thought of the human races who were in China before. Except for the few people who were inspired by many talents, more human races have lost their most fundamental things step by step, and they blindly carried out so-called scientific creations, but they did not know that they were lost. After the most precious treasure of the human body itself, years of development have been nothing but nothing.

Chi Liming smiled and said, "Let's go inside, this is just the periphery of our clan, the core of our Akabane clan, we still need to catch up with a long way!"

After Chi Liming said, he pointed a finger beside him, and saw a big red bird with a length of ten meters slowly emerging. Chi Liming stepped up first and said to Lin Hang, "Lin Hang, come up!"

Lin Hang and Xiao Ling'er stepped on the bird's back separately. After standing firmly, the big bird flapped its wings and slowly flew up, marching towards the depths of the forest.

Lin Hang looked at the firebird under his feet curiously. It was very strange from the senses, because although the big bird was very real, it still gave him a sense of illusion.

Lin Hang couldn't help but asked, "Senior Chi, this shouldn't be a real creature, right?"

Chi Liming was a little surprised and nodded and said, "I didn't expect Lin Hang, your spirit is so sharp! That's right, this is not a creature, it is my "Demon Spirit". It is also because my cultivation level is not enough, otherwise it will transform. Like a real firebird, there is no difference at all."

""Demon Spirit"? Didn't you say that "Demon Spirit" needs to be integrated with you before crossing the Tribulation? How could there be a demon spirit?" Lin Hang was very puzzled when he heard "Demon Spirit".

In Lin Hang's view, he could be the patriarch of the Chiyu clan steadily, and Chi Liming's cultivation base is not to mention the highest in the clan, it should be one of the best. No matter what, it should be far higher than the transition period, but the "Demon Spirit" in front of him confuses him.

Chi Liming explained with a smile, "Lin Hang, we do need to fuse our companion "Demon Spirit" before crossing the catastrophe, but I never said that after the integration, "Demon Spirit" will disappear! You can do this Understand, fusing "Demon Spirit" is equivalent to mastering a spell secret book thoroughly. In the end, even if this secret book is lost, can't you still use this spell? "Demon Spirit" is almost the same principle, we After the fusion of "Demon Spirit", it is equivalent to fusion with "Demon Spirit", and it can naturally reappear at any time. Moreover, "Demon Spirit" in this period will be stronger and help us even more."

Lin Hang nodded and understood the truth. At this time, the three had already arrived at their destination.

The place where the three of them is now is the center of the entire forest. They saw a big tree dozens of times thicker than the surrounding trees, standing on the ground. After reaching mid-air, there were dozens of branches. , There is a house on each branch. And the "Demon Spirit" at the feet of Commander Chi Liming slowly flew into the middle and the largest house.

After the three of them entered, Chi Liming put away "Demon Spirit", there were already many figures in the room, waiting here.

Chi Liming said, "Come on, Lin Hang, this is the core chamber of our Chiyu clan. Today, to welcome you, I asked Chi Ye to call all the core members of the clan. I'm also familiar with you."

Lin Hang agreed, and looked around, because it was the core group of the Akabane clan, so the number was not too large, only six.

Chi Liming pointed to the three people on his left and said, "You have seen Chi Ye. This is my eldest son Chi Hong. This is Chi Ye's eldest son and Ling'er's brother Chi Hua."

Following Chi Liming's introduction, Lin Hang looked at him one by one and found that Chi Hong was a middle-aged man with a firm face, six or seven points like Chi Ye, and nodded slightly to Lin Hang. Chi Hua looked about his age, but didn't smile at all. Instead, he was a little bit hostile to Lin Hang.

Lin Hang didn't know where he had offended Chi Hua, who had never met before, or where the hostility he felt came from.

Chi Liming obviously also noticed Chihua’s attitude, but did not directly reprimand him. He pointed to the three elderly people with closed eyes on the right hand side, and continued to introduce, “Lin Hang, the three here are the three ladies of our Chiyu clan. The elders, the three of them have lived for countless years. They can be called ancestor-level figures. They are the foundation of our "Akabane Realm"."

Lin Hang respectfully saluted the three old people. In his heart, like the three old people, silently guarding the existence of the clan is worthy of respect.

The three old men opened their eyes one after another when they received Chi Liming's secret transmission, looking at Lin Hang, and they all nodded lightly at Lin Hang. Obviously, the Lin Hang introduced by Chi Liming also attracted their attention.

Because Chi Liming didn’t say it explicitly, even Chi Ye didn’t understand the importance of Lin Hang, so that when he conveyed Chi Liming’s instructions, although Chi Liming’s usual majesty did not openly object to him, he discussed it in private. But it is indispensable. And Chi Ye's eldest son, Ling'er's brother Chi Hua, obviously did not understand Chi Liming's importance to Lin Hang. Listening to Chi Ye's brief introduction, Lin Hang met Chi Liming through Xiao Ling'er, and Lin Hang became a deceiving girl in his eyes. Now that Lin Hang's deity only had his cultivation base in the middle of the foundation construction period, Chihua was even more convinced that Lin Hang must have defrauded his grandfather's trust by some means. And he was about to expose Lin Hang's true face on the spot in front of everyone!

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