I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 190

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:22:19 AM

Chapter 190: Chihua's provocation

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After Chi Liming finished the introduction, Chi Hua directly said, "Patriarch, you specially asked the three elders to come here to meet Lin Hang of this human race? I know that we should treat foreign guests in a good way, but Don’t you think that some of this form is too grand? Not to mention the three elders, the instructions you just handed down are also a bit too exaggerated! I don’t know what Lin Hang is capable of, it’s worth it for you. Treat it, but here at Chihua, people who are kidnapped will never be allowed to appear!"

After all, Chihua turned his head and said to Lin Hang, "You don't need a few words to get my approval!"

Chi Liming sternly shouted at Chi Hua, "Chi Hua! Your kid is too naive! Is my judgment worse than you? And you, Chi Ye, how did you convey my instructions? How do you discipline your children? I said that Lin Hang is the most honored guest of our Akabane clan. He doesn’t know, don’t you understand what it means? How can you let Chihua come here? Not happy at all, can you bear our loss?"

Chi Ye hurriedly said, "Father, don't be angry for now! Hua'er is still young, and it is inevitable that some teenagers are impetuous. Lin Hang's age seems not very old, and his cultivation level is relatively low. Hua'er has this His thoughts are also normal. I hope you don’t care about him in general, and I will teach him well after I go back!"

Chi Ye turned his head and glared at Chi Hua. Although Chi Hua stopped talking, he still looked directly at Lin Hang, still very unconvinced.

Chi Liming turned around and smiled at Lin Hang, and said, "Lin Hang, Chi Hua is still young and not very sensible. You must not be familiar with him!"

Lin Hang shook his head and said, "Senior Chi, it's okay, I am not unhappy. But, I want to ask this brother Chihua, you said that you want your approval, not just a few words. Yes. Then tell me, how can I get your approval?"

Chihua snorted and said directly, "My opinion is very simple. I want me to recognize you, at least better than me, right? But seeing that you are only building the foundation of the mid-term cultivation base, I don't bother to do it with you. !"

Although Lin Hang usually has a good temper, he is not bullied, and he does not fight back. Lin Hang also said with a smile, "Although your cultivation base is temporarily higher than mine, in my opinion, if I and you are in the same state, you may not be able to make a round in my hands! So, it is not You disdain to do it with me, but I have no desire to do it with you at all, you are too weak!"

Lin Hang could see that the Chihua in front of him was a little smaller than him, but his cultivation had already reached the peak of the foundation building period. Only when the time was right, he could break through to the Golden Core period. However, Lin Hang still has immense confidence in himself. Even though the current clone is only the cultivation base in the middle of the foundation construction period, and his life spirit treasure "Dijiang Arrow" is not carried with him, he still believes that he really starts to do it. , Your own victory will be greater.

Chihua is obviously a person who exploded at one point. Hearing Lin Hang's counterattack, he instantly became calm, and said, "Okay, Lin Hang! Based on what you just said, I already want to fight you. ! However, I will not bully you in the realm. You are in the middle stage of foundation construction. I will use the strength of the middle stage of foundation construction to fight with you! I lose, kneel and confess to you, and if you lose, you must Acknowledge in front of everyone that you are a soft guy who can only say and can't do it! How about, do you dare or not?

Just as Lin Hang was about to speak, Chi Liming said to the side, "Naughty! Chihua, this is how I taught you how to treat guests? Just when guests come, you have to fight with others? Lin Hang, ignore him, I will wait I will clean him up!"

Lin Hang waved his hand and said, "Senior Chi, it's okay! I haven't done anything for a while. Since Brother Chihua has this interest, of course I have to accompany him. But, you just said that you want to make peace in the realm. I am equal, this is not necessary anymore! I, Lin Hang, never speak falsehoods, you are really not my enemy in the same realm. Therefore, it is good for you to keep your original strength. This will be more interesting for comparison."

When Lin Hang said this, even Chi Liming felt that Lin Hang was a little too arrogant. Chi Liming knew that Lin Hang had his own unique talent, but he might not be strong in battle. Besides, Chi Liming still knows Chihua quite well. Although he is not the disciple of their Chiyu clan's most outstanding genius, he is still quite good. In normal times, he has not experienced leapfrog challenges. At present, Chihua's cultivation base is still ahead of the current Lin Hang by a large margin, so in Chi Liming's heart, Lin Hang will not necessarily beat Chihua even if he is of the same level, let alone Lin Hang leapfrogging Chihua?

Chi Liming said, "Lin Hang, I don't want to hit your self-confidence, but Chihua is usually very impulsive and arrogant, but I still know his ability better. If you are in the same realm, I can let you try A moment, but you have to leapfrog to challenge Chihua, in my opinion, don't let it go!"

Chi Liming still wanted to take care of Lin Hang’s face. Although he wanted to see what Lin Hang’s real combat level was like, he didn’t want to hit Lin Hang’s self-confidence, so he was still persuading Lin Hang to give up. The idea of ​​competing with Chihua in full state.

Lin Hang said, "Senior Chi, since the two contestants are me and Chihua, the natural rules should be set by the two of us. Brother Chihua, you can suppress your cultivation to the middle of the foundation, but in the process of the contest. In the game, you can unravel the suppression of your own cultivation at any time, and the content of the test is just like what you just said, how?"

Chihua naturally didn't have any opinion, and said with a smile, "If you can say this, it seems that you are not a person who only talks! Don't worry, you are the distinguished guest appointed by my grandfather, and I will show mercy to you later. of!"

And the matter had reached this point, Chi Liming knew that there was no way to stop it, so he could only calculate silently in his heart, and if Lin Hang couldn't support it later, he would terminate the competition ahead of time and save Lin Hang some face.

Chihua first walked out of the chamber, leaped forward, and came to a branch on the right of the chamber. At the end of this branch, there was a huge circular wooden disc with a diameter of fifty meters. Lin Hang followed Chihua to the wooden plate, secretly exerting force under his feet, and found that the wooden plate was very hard. According to his current strength, a full blow could not cause any damage to the wooden plate.

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