I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 192

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:22:18 AM

Chapter 192: Shock

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Chihua immediately said, "Lin Hang, you won! I don't know Taishan, and I am inferior to you when I lose to you. I will blame myself! Rest assured, Chihua will do what I say and will not give us The Akabane clan is ashamed!"

After that, Chi Hua wanted to kneel down and admit his mistake, Lin Hang hurriedly stepped forward and held Chi Hua with both hands, not allowing him to kneel down. Just as the two were in a stalemate, Chi Ye came to Chi Hua and scolded Chi Hua, "You kid, don't you think you are not as embarrassing enough? Since Lin Hang doesn't care about you, don't do it." With this posture, don’t go back to your room and reflect!"

After listening to Chi Hua, without saying a word, he bowed his hand to Lin Hang and flew into the distance.

However, Lin Hang returned to the chamber at Chi Liming's invitation, but Chi Ye Chi Hong and Xiao Ling'er did not come. Only Lin Hang, Chi Liming and the three Chiyu elders were left in the chamber.

Chi Liming sat on the main seat and said with a smile, "Unexpectedly, the old man is clumsy. Lin Hang, you not only have a special talent, but you are also such a genius in cultivation! It really opened the eyes of the old man! Chihua, you don’t have to mind too much. Although this child has a good talent, he has always been very impetuous. We have always had nothing to do with him. Today, you can teach him this lesson. I believe he can also restrain himself. The cognition can also be more clear. In this way, he should thank you!"

Lin Hang hurriedly said, "Where and where, Senior Chi, you have been rewarded! The kid's understanding of you is much higher than your understanding of me. My abilities are quite changeable, so in such an unfamiliar battle, I will naturally occupy A great advantage. I believe that if Brother Chihua knows a little about me, I want to defeat him, it will not be so easy."

What Lin Hang said was not all humble. The reason why he was able to defeat Chihua so easily was not because of the crushing of combat experience, but because of the imbalance of information. In the eyes of the Chiyu clan, including Chi Liming, Lin Hang was a Human Clan's mid-foundation cultivator. Although he had powerful special abilities, no one looked forward to him in combat. Although Chihua will not be contemptuous of Lin Hang, he will not do much research on Lin Hang. But Lin Hang's understanding of Chihua is different. As the descendants of the Golden Crow, the Chiyu clan will naturally inherit the abilities that belong to the Golden Crow-Haste and Flame. Regarding this, Lin Hang had been prepared long ago. Chi Hua of the same realm did not mention it. Just a moment of standing still was enough to defeat him. When Chihua's realm was ahead of Lin Hang, the stillness of time and space had no effect on Chihua. Faced with Chihua’s rapidity, Lin Hang responded with space teleportation, teleporting to overcome the rapidity. Although the fire system ability of the Akabane clan is strong, it is definitely not special to Lin Hang, who has the ability of the fire system. Existence difficult to deal with. Lin Hang used himself as a bait to attract Chihua to approach him, and supplemented with "Airspeed Arrow" to complete the kill. If you don't know Lin Hang in this series of tricks, let alone predict it in advance, you can't avoid it even when you get to the scene.

Chi Liming originally looked at Lin Hang differently, only because Lin Hang could provide them with the materials to refine the "Spirit Orb", but today after Lin Hang leapfrogged Chihua easily and defeated Chihua, Lin Hang's weight in Chi Liming's eyes changed again. It's heavier. Even the three elders who didn't say a word gave Lin Hang one more look.

Chi Liming started talking about business at this time, "Lin Hang, at that time, you told me that as long as you have spiritual support, you can continuously make materials for us. But I want to come now, what you said is very problematic. , Don’t you need to rest or practice? Although we are very eager to have more materials, we can’t let you keep doing this, repeating such actions and delaying your practice. So, let’s discuss one. Fan, reconsider the next arrangement!"

At that time, when Lin Hanggang and Chi Liming explained the situation, Chi Liming was too excited to pay attention to these details. But after coming back, I thought about it again. Lin Hang's plan was to dedicate himself to their Akabane clan, and he hadn't considered himself at all. Although they didn't know why Lin Hang did this, they couldn't accept such a thing in their hearts.

Lin Hang was stunned for a moment, and found that he had never explained his situation to them. He was just a clone now. Although it was a clone made with all his strength, it retained all the abilities of the deity, but it was weakened. Therefore, Lin Hang explained that as long as there is an uninterrupted supply of spiritual power, his clone can still last for a relatively long time, and does not need rest, does not need to practice, and can be copied without sleep. .

Lin Hang thought for a while and said, "Senior Chi, there is actually one thing I haven't told you. Although there is nothing false about what I said to you, but what you see now is not mine. Deity, my deity is now waiting at the entrance of "Akabane Realm" outside the world. Because of caution, to explore this strange cave, I let the clone enter. And this clone of mine is composed of spiritual power and Part of my mental power is composed of, that is to say, without consuming mental power, I can continue to make materials by providing me with enough spiritual support."

"What?" Chi Liming couldn't help standing up, surprised by words, and said, "Lin Hang, you mean, this body is just a clone of your deity? Then you just rely on the clone , Defeated Chihua even higher?"

Chi Liming was shocked in his heart. Originally, Lin Hang had leapfrogged Chihua to defeat Chihua, and he was just a genius, but when he heard the news, Chi Liming felt a little unreal.

Lin Hang smiled and said, "Senior Chi, it cannot be said that it is just a clone. Although it is a clone, my deity's strength in the middle stage of foundation construction is not much different from my current clone. And mine There is another advantage of the clone. As long as my clone is not crushed, even if half of my body is retained and the brain is not damaged, I can basically recover completely. Therefore, the facts are not as exaggerated as you think, nor do I. So perverted!"

Chi Liming said, "Lin Hang, you have brought me too many surprises, and you seem to be different from ordinary human races. Your abilities are very changeable, and they all seem to be your own abilities, not acquired spells. I only now truly feel that if our Akabane clan can have friends like you, it is definitely not limited to the income of "Spirit Orb", you are the greatest value!"

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