I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 194

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:22:16 AM

Chapter 194: The troubles of the Bai clan

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Chi Liming waved his hand and said, "I won't go in for a cup of tea this time! Bringing Lin Hang over, I have to meet in the clan and deal with affairs! So, I will stay next time! Lin Hang, After you are over here, go directly to the clan land of our Akabane clan. With this token, our clan members will not hinder you."

After that, Chi Liming handed Lin Hang a small fiery red token, greeted Bai Yu again, and left alone.

Lin Hang followed Bai Yu into the hall behind him, Bai Yu said, "Lin Hang, you can come to us, it really makes me feel brilliant! Come on, sit down and sit down!"

After Lin Hang sat down, he said, "Patriarch Bai Yu, you don't have to be so polite! The kid just came here and there is something puzzled, I hope you can help me out. Is your Bai clan's clan land on this plain? I took a cursory look and found that this plain is not too big, and naturally there are not too many people living on it. Our human race has always been known for its strong reproductive ability, and the Bai clan is here. "Akabane Realm" has lived for so long, why is there still only such a small population? Or is this just one of the residences, and the Bai clan and other branch villages are located in other places?"

Bai Yu explained with a smile, "Lin Hang, you don't know anything! Our Bai clan are all on this plain, and indeed, as you can see, the total population of our Bai clan is only about 30,000. Of course, we have not lost our strong ability to reproduce, but because of the constraints of our ancestors, we will not easily give birth to offspring. Only to ensure the reproduction of the ethnic group, we will choose to give birth to new offspring and cultivate the next generation of candidates. It is also carefully selected by us. The purpose of this is to ensure the cohesion of our ethnic group. After all, if there are too many people, there will inevitably be a lot of contradictions. The second is to maintain the good blood of our descendants. If we choose to give birth to children, the conditions of the offspring will be stronger than that of one generation. Don't think we have a population of only 30,000, but we are all true elites, regardless of whether we are men, women or children!"

After listening to Bai Yu's words, Lin Hang's heart already understood. Because the Bai clan escaped from the world in "Akabane Realm", there is no pressure to live. Their ancestors knew that if they were not restrained, according to the human race's ability to multiply, it would not take long for the entire group to spread over "Akabane World" , And there will be a big difference in the quality of the people. So their ancestors laid down the rules. In summary, it is one sentence: fewer births and better births. This is not only easy to manage, but also to control the conditions of the next generation from a general direction.

Lin Hang smiled and said, "The ancestors of the Bai clan are really far-sighted! When I heard this method, I also wanted to try this method on the earth star outside, but it is a pity that it is the whole earth star. Human beings, even China, because of the intricacies of the major forces, is completely unable to achieve the same up and down, which is really a pity!"

Bai Yu shook his head and said, "Although our ancestors' method has merits, it is definitely not applicable to all human races. We are restricting ourselves because it is inconvenient to multiply by borrowing the space of "Akabane Realm". , And our Bai clan is a unified ethnic group, it would be much easier to implement such a plan. Not to mention that now, in ancient times, there were a lot of people from all the human races, how many years did there be a few emperors? Ability, who can convince the major ethnic groups? So, this is what we have to do. The free reproduction of the outside world will also bring out talented people. Everyone has its own advantages and disadvantages!"

Lin Hang nodded, thinking that Chi Liming had been allowing himself to visit the Bai clan, and asked, "By the way, Patriarch Bai Yu, Senior Chi said to you that I might be able to help you solve the problem of the Bai clan, and He is even bringing me here personally. I want to ask, what is the problem that has troubled the Bai clan for so many years?"

In fact, Chi Liming said that Lin Hang could help. He still had some guesses in his own heart. Since Chi Liming said so, it was naturally related to his copying ability, but Lin Hang didn't know his own copying ability. What can Bai Yu help?

Bai Yu was also very puzzled. He still didn't know Lin Hang's ability and replied, "I don't know what Brother Chi means. Why do you say that you can solve our Bai clan's troubles. That's it, we Bai After the clan entered the "Red Feather Realm", the ancestors built an inheritance hall for us, and then left. In this inheritance hall, we recorded various inheritance techniques of the Bai clan over the years, but the ancestors entered This hall has created a pass token. Only disciples who hold the pass token can enter this hall. There is only one token, so only one person can enter at a time. Originally, there was nothing but to enter. It’s mandatory for one hundred years! In other words, every disciple who enters needs to stay in it for one hundred years before he can get the next disciple. This has resulted in the current status of our Bai clan The status quo, for this temple of the inheritance of various spells, each of our Bai clan members naturally needs to learn, but this mechanism has blocked a large group of people. So until now, we The disciples of the Bai clan are generally weak in their spells, all because of the restrictions on entering the hall. This is the trouble that our Bai clan faces."

After Lin Hang listened carefully and understood Chi Liming's general plan, Chi Liming saw that Lin Hang had made an identical stone based on the materials he provided, and he thought of this pass token of the Bai clan. If Lin Hang can copy multiple tokens, then the problem that has plagued the Bai family for many years will naturally be solved.

Lin Hang said, "Patriarch Bai Yu, I think I have understood the meaning of Senior Chi. I don't know if your temple of inheritance is currently open?"

Bai Yu shook his head and said, "Since discovering this limitation, we have become more and more cautious about the selection of personnel who enter the Palace of Inheritance each time. Every time the personnel enters, they must be the most talented and the best in comprehension. Disciple of. And this time the selection is still going on, and the final candidate has not yet been selected, so our temple of inheritance has not yet opened."

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