I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 196

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:22:13 AM

Chapter 196: Lin Hang's plan

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The tokens in Bai Yu's hand almost fell to the ground, and said, " much? You mean three thousand tokens can be made in one day, not a month? You don't need any other material support, and you don't need it. Rest?"

Lin Hang smiled and said, "The kid is special, he only needs the uninterrupted support of spiritual power to make it uninterrupted. Moreover, I don't need to rest, if I can, we will start right away! The kid also promised Senior Chi , To help them. But, the temple of inheritance in front of you can accommodate 6,000 people at the same time for inheritance?"

Bai Yu explained, "Although this hall looks very huge from the outside, it has a larger space inside. I have also entered this heritage hall through selection. The whole hall is very empty. It is very vast. In my opinion, let alone 6,000 people, even 60,000 people are enough to accommodate. The core of the Palace of Inheritance is the pillars of light in the center. These light pillars carry the inheritance of our Bai family for many years. Various secret techniques. In fact, it takes a hundred years. It is because of the number and complexity of the inheritance. It takes so much time to understand and accept. No matter how outstanding talents, it will take decades. , Can complete the preliminary mastery of these techniques. But now there are potential personnel in the clan, that is, about 6,000 people, you can make 6,000 tokens for us, it is enough!"

Lin Hang nodded and said, "Okay, Patriarch Bai Yu, then we should not be too late, let's start now! It only takes two days, so how about you provide me with spiritual support? I don't want to be too public. , It’s good for you to know this alone."

Bai Yu thought for a while, nodded and said, "Okay, let me assist you in completing this work!"

After that, Bai Yu beckoned, and a figure suddenly appeared beside Bai Yu, Bai Yu gave him a few words, and the person nodded and disappeared.

Bai Yu explained, "No one will usually come here near this temple of heritage. I just ordered it. In the next time, no one will disturb us. What do you need to do?"

Lin Hang sat down and said, "You only need to provide me with spiritual support. I believe that with your strength, two days are more than enough. You don't have to worry about other things. Me!"

Bai Yu nodded, sat behind Lin Hang, put his right hand on Lin Hang's back, and said in a deep voice, "Lin Hang, you don't have to worry about spiritual power supply. The earth provides you with spiritual power!"

Lin Hang responded and began the process of copying and realizing.

Two days passed quickly. When Lin Hang opened his eyes and stood up, he and Bai Yu were piled up with tokens. Bai Yu looked at the mountain of tokens and was also sighed and thought. How respectful and cautious they treated this token before, but now it looks like a pile of goods, which is really amazing!

Lin Hang smiled and said, "Patriarch Bai Yu, two days have passed, and I haven't counted them. The number of these tokens should be more than 6,000, and I have fulfilled my promise to you."

Bai Yu solemnly said to Lin Hang, "Lin Hang, although you said that this matter is a trivial matter to you, it is impossible for us to treat it simply by the Bai clan. Let’s be the hall of inheritance for our Bai clan. Always open to you, as long as you want, you can go in and accept the inheritance of our Bai family at any time. Moreover, you will always be a friend of our Bai family. Your business is our Bai family's business! In the future, no matter what you encounter Whatever difficulties, our Bai clan will stand firmly behind you and support you!"

Lin Hang said with a smile, "Since Senior White is so sincere, the kid doesn't say much. In fact, if it is not time to catch up, the kid really wants to see the inheritance of the nobles. Unfortunately, a hundred years is too long, kid Can't wait that long. Then since the matter has been completed, the boy and Senior Chi have an appointment, so they won't stay here much!"

Bai Yu nodded and said, "Well, it doesn't matter, I said, you can come to our Bai clan as a guest at any time. I believe Brother Chi and the others are a little anxious, so go ahead!"

Lin Hang discerned the direction and disappeared in front of Bai Yu.

Back in the original valley, Lin Hang saw someone waiting at the entrance of the valley. Lin Hang took out the token that Chi Liming had handed him, and was directly led to the conference hall of the Akabane clan.

In the chamber, the three elders of the Akabane clan have been waiting here, and when they saw Lin Hang's return, they all opened their eyes.

The great elder of the Akabane clan said, "Lin Hang, you can count as coming back! Seeing that you have been with the Bai clan for more than two days, do you want to help them solve their problems?"

Lin Hang arched his hands at the three elders and replied with a smile, "Let the three elders wait a long time! As you might expect, the kid just helped the Bai clan and solved the troubles that bothered them. After it was over, he immediately I have rushed back, and please don't be offended by the three elders!"

The elder waved his sleeves and said, "It's okay! It's okay to see the Bai clan solve the trouble, and the three of us are very happy! It's just that you are running back and forth, don't you need to take a break?"

Lin Hang shook his head and said, "It's okay! Three elders, let's start now!"

After all, Lin Hang sat down and the Great Elder stepped off first to provide Lin Hang with spiritual support. Lin Hang also began to replicate and manifest with this abundant supply of spiritual power.

In fact, Lin Hang’s mental use is excessive, and he needs rest. The reason why he doesn’t take a break at this time, but continues to devote himself to the copying work, is because he will focus his attention from this "Akabane World" in the next time. Pulled out of the clone in. Because it only needs to repeat the realization process mechanically, Lin Hang only needs to keep a little attention here. Even under the inertial drive, Lin Hang will not pay attention to it at all. The goal of coming to "Akabane Realm" this time has been perfectly achieved. Lin Hang's deity has decided to leave Ningcheng to do something more important.

In the forest outside "Red Feather Realm" on the outskirts of Ningcheng, the deity who had been sitting on the plate for a long time opened his eyes closed. Lin Hang has been guarding here for the past few days. He has not left before. Lin Hang stands up and moves. After some hands and feet, he went straight to the direction of Ningcheng Xu's family.

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