I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 197

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:22:11 AM

Chapter 197: Longlost breakthrough

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Originally, according to Lin Hang's plan, another Yaozu Dongtian located in the west of Ningcheng was also within his scope of investigation. But in "Akabane Realm", after learning in detail, Lin Hang also has a lot of understanding of the power of the monster race on the earth and stars. According to Chi Liming, before the advent of this catastrophe, the nine great caves of the demon race should have no way to communicate with the outside world. Even if Lin Hang has entered the "Red Feather Realm" now, the people in the Red Feather Realm still have no way. Come to the outside world. In other words, half of Lin Hang's initial guess about entering "Akabane Realm" was wrong. "Red Feather Realm" is indeed a cave sky belonging to the demon clan, but it has no contact with the outside world. Lin Hang thought that when he came here, he could get some news from his father Lin Jingtian, but in the end he still guessed wrong. Since you can't get the news you want from the cave of the monster race, you don't need to enter the cave of the monster race so eagerly.

After Lin Hang bid farewell to Xu Xianhai, the head of the Xu family, he returned to his master Wang Lao.

"You mean, the Yaozu doesn't know the outside world at all, and after you go in, they can't get out for the time being?" Wang Lao put down the teacup and asked.

"Well, the disciples have completed their cooperation with "Akabane Realm" this time. I believe they have no need to lie to me. Moreover, the demons inherited from the nine great caves of the demons are all pacifists who admire peace and stability. .If my father really had contact with them, there would be no need to leave us all the time. Therefore, the disciple will return directly after finishing the affairs in "Akabane Realm". I need to think about it, Take the actions and arrangements inside." Lin Hang said.

Old Wang thought for a while and said, "I have scanned the entire terrain more than once, and all the abnormal locations in space, except for the 21 caves of the Wu Clan and Monster Clan, the rest are just some leftover relics. Then. Your father, what exactly did he come into contact with?"

Lin Hang also felt a bit of head pain. Every time he explored, he was trying to find clues to his father. But now that he has personally contacted the ancient witches and monsters, he has no news of his father. His own strength has far surpassed the highest standard of the previous Earth Star, but in the face of such a situation, he still appears extremely weak.

Lin Hang said, "Teacher, during this trip to "Akabane Realm", I have also seen many different cultivation methods and landscapes, and have a lot of insights in my heart. I have vaguely sensed the next road. I feel that the day to break through the Golden Core Period is not far away."

Old Wang was surprised, "Oh? It seems that such an experience is of great benefit to you! Then in the next time, don't think too much about it, and prepare for your breakthrough first. You know, Sharpen your knife and chop wood by mistake! If you find out about your father in the next time, but your cultivation base can't participate, that's not what you want to see, right? So, raise your cultivation base Going up is the top priority at this stage. Where are you going to break through?"

Lin Hang thought for a while and said, "I feel that this breakthrough should be a matter of course without too many twists and turns. Therefore, the disciples will not disturb the high priests. The disciples will stay by your side and break through with peace of mind. Right!"

Wang Lao thought for a while and felt that what Lin Hang said was very reasonable. The cultivation in the later period of foundation construction is not the accumulation of time, but can make rapid progress. Accumulation and understanding are indispensable. Lin Hang said that he now has a feeling, so it doesn’t make much sense to go to "Candle World" to reduce time. Instead, he stays quietly beside Mr. Wang. Mr. Wang can give Lin Hang a little care in his spare time. .

In Lin Hang's mind, it was almost the same idea. Before he left "Candle World", he had prepared himself for one year. Now running back to "Candle World" to continue practicing, of course, there is no problem, but it is better to stay with my master to help Wang Lao share some pressure. Moreover, according to Wang Lao, although he has demonstrated his strength around the world, he still has many forces in the dark, threatening the safety of China. Although Lao Wang is a strong person with time and space abilities, after all, he lacks the skills to take care of multiple areas at the same time. Although these hours seem to be leisurely, when you are busy, you can't stop for a moment.

Old Wang smiled and said, "Okay! If you stay with me, my pressure will be relieved a lot! You first prepare to break through with peace of mind. In your spare time, I will prepare some affairs for you, and it is right to be outside of cultivation. Experienced!"

For the next two months, Lin Hang practiced with peace of mind under the care of Mr. Wang. Until one day, when Lin Hang felt the opportunity for a breakthrough, Mr. Wang immediately put down the space-time barrier and said, "Hang'er, you calm down, then Start breaking through! Don't worry about things outside, you will be a teacher, and you won't let other chores interfere with you!"

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Lin Hang nodded and started a breakthrough. Lin Hang's own spiritual power has been completely flooded in his own dantian in these two months, which means that Lin Hang has reached the peak of the foundation construction period in terms of cultivation base. Lin Hang began to recall his own practice "Spiritual Power" about breaking through to the golden alchemy period, as well as the precautions taught by Wang Lao himself, and began to compress the spiritual energy in the dantian. With Lin Hang's continuous efforts, After half an hour, the spiritual power in Lin Hang's dantian had been compressed into a solid the size of a rice grain. Seeing the appearance of this ‘grain of rice’, Lin Hang knew that the breakthrough had been completed for the most part, and he immediately hit the spirit even more, and the next process would be even more difficult. If it is not handled carefully, it is likely that this breakthrough will fail.

Lin Hang's practice is different from the "Human Huangjue" practiced by Wang Lao and others. It is a superb practice created by the ancestors of the two tribes of man and witch, specially prepared for half man and half witch. Before the Golden Core Stage, there was not much difference. It was just that Lin Hang needed to integrate three aspects of himself: spiritual power, spirit, and physical body. After entering the Golden Pill Stage, this exercise is truly different. The concept at the beginning of this exercise is fusion. When Lin Hang is in the Golden Pill Stage, he must practice these three aspects to complete the most Initial integration. This led to Lin Hang’s breakthroughs in various realms in the Golden Core Period. It is much more difficult than others. If one is not careful, he will fail. After all, Lin Hang is walking a path that no one has ever walked. .

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