I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 198

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:22:10 AM

Chapter 198: accident

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Ordinary cultivators, at the moment of breaking through to the Golden Core Stage, after the spiritual power in the dantian is transformed into a solid the size of a rice grain, it is considered to have completed a breakthrough. But for Lin Hang, it was just the first step. Next, Lin Hang still needs to make this solid called "Golden Pill" reach a preliminary unity with his body and spirit.

Lin Hang calmed down and slowly pushed the "Golden Pill" out of his dantian, traversing it all through his limbs and a hundred veins, and then returned to Lin Hang's dantian. After completing this process, Lin Hang took a long sigh. He could feel his own "Golden Pill" and his physical body have some feelings like nothing after the action just now. This kind of reaction also It shows that the initial integration with the flesh is complete. After completing the fusion with the physical body, Lin Hang separated a part of his mental power and slowly integrated it into "Golden Pill". Lin Hang’s mental talent has always been very strong, and he usually pays great attention to the exercise of mental power, so this process is simpler for him than the physical movement just now. It didn’t take long for Lin Hang to separate part of the spirit. Libian and "Golden Pill" completed the fusion. With the completion of the fusion, Lin Hang knew that his breakthrough had been successful.

Lao Wang has been watching Lin Hang, watching Lin Hang's breakthrough process. As Lin Hang's spiritual power dissipated, and with Lin Hang's calm expression, Wang Lao understood that Lin Hang had made a breakthrough.

Lao Wang immediately dissipated from the time-space barrier, came to Lin Hang, and said, "Hang'er, congratulations! You have a full budget, and your cultivation time has not exceeded fifteen years, but now you are a monk in the Golden Core stage. According to me. I know that even in the ancient times when cultivation was prosperous, it was possible to have a cultivation speed like yours, and you could be called a genius, yes, really good! How is it, I just broke through now, how does it feel?"

Lin Hang has stood up, heard Wang Lao’s concerns, and said with a smile, “Teacher, although practicing this special technique has made my road to breakthrough a little more difficult, but now after the breakthrough, I am also A lot of benefits have been gained."

Lao Wang also knew about Lin Hang's exercises, and the specific situation was not very clear. Hearing Lin Hang's words, Wang Lao said curiously, "Hang'er, practice your exercises and our "Human Huangjue" Is there any difference?"

Lin Hang smiled and said, "My practice is specially prepared for half-human and half-witch. The ancestors of the two races of human and witch are looking forward to a new race that can perfectly inherit the advantages of the human race and the witch race. So. In this exercise, omnipotence is very emphasized, that is to say, in addition to the necessary spiritual power training, the daily practice of the disciples also needs to cultivate the physical and mental power at the same time. After the golden core period, I need to combine these three different The cultivation is integrated. Although the "fusion chapter" of the exercises has detailed cultivation methods, because I am the first person to try, it is still not so smooth after the first practice. But now the disciples have successfully broken through to the golden core stage , And completed the first integration of spiritual power, physical body, and spirit. After so much effort, there will naturally be some rewards."

Lin Hang stretched out his right hand, and a rice-sized "Golden Pill" slowly appeared in the palm of his hand. Lin Hang said, "Teacher, as far as I know, generally speaking, the monks of the Golden Pill period, their "Golden Pill" Dan is not allowed to leave the Dantian, unless it is a last resort, the "Golden Dan" in the Dantian is sacrificed to die with the enemy, but this is a compelling method. Unlike me, because of the fusion of the spiritual power in the early stage, I treat myself to The manipulation of "Dan" seems to be more handy. I can attack "Golden Core" out of the body, and the power is not small, but it will consume more spiritual power. And because of the initial integration with the physical body, my "Golden Core" "The endurance capability has been greatly enhanced, that is to say, my protracted combat capability has also risen to a higher level. I believe that if this development continues, my disciple's individual combat capability will become stronger and stronger."

Lao Wang nodded and said, "Well, it is indeed a very good ability." After speaking with some emotion, "Hang'er, watching you improve your strength this day, I am very pleased as a teacher! I believe you will slowly Follow in my footsteps and truly become a powerful person!"

Lin Hang said embarrassedly, "Teacher, please don't say that! Teacher, you are talented, and now you have the right path of cultivation, I believe your path of cultivation will always be smooth sailing! So, if you can, disciple Naturally, I hope that I can always be with you on the road in the future. If this is the case, the disciples can also walk more at ease!"

Mr. Wang shook his head and said with a smile, "You kid! You know how to make me happy by saying nice things! You can quickly consolidate your cultivation these days. Just after breaking through the golden core, "Golden core" is only the size of a grain of rice. Because the spiritual energy has not been absorbed yet, when you absorb it well, "Golden Pill" should grow to the size of a soybean. At that time, you will be regarded as the real Golden Pill in the early stage!"

In the next two months, Lin Hang has been absorbing spiritual power and consolidating the cultivation base he just broke through. Moreover, with Lin Hang’s breakthrough, Lin Hang’s life spirit treasure-"Emperor Jiang Arrow", also Ushered in the process of transformation. "Emperor Arrow", as a spiritual treasure cultivated and bred by Lin Hang himself, has the characteristics of continuous evolution. This time, Lin Hang successfully broke through to the Golden Elixir period, and "Emperor Arrow" is also about to undergo transformation and become the Golden Elixir. Lingbao.

On this day, Lin Hang had just completed his daily practice, and he received a voice from Wang Lao.

Lin Hang came to Wang Lao's side and asked suspiciously, "Teacher, you are looking for me in a hurry, has something serious happened?"

Lin Hang had just finished his training, Wang Lao summoned him, obviously Wang was waiting for Lin Hang to complete his training. Explaining that something must have happened, Wang Lao was anxious to call Lin Hang.

Mr. Wang nodded and said, "I just received the news that a huge murder occurred near the Huaxia Tibetan City. There were thousands of victims! I need to travel to the United States now, so there is no way. In the past, the investigation can only be handed over to you. The murders of this talent must have been done by the superpowers, but I don’t know what their purpose is to provoke our China. Now the top international forces, I have fought Hello, they should not dare to do this. Only desperadoes who can have the courage to do this!"

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