I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 199

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:22:10 AM

Chapter 199: Help the Dark King

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"Desperado?" When Lin Hang heard the news, his heart was also angry. Because Tibetan City is located in the western part of China, with a large area and sparsely populated area, the Chinese military's control of the vicinity of Tibetan city has always seemed weak. So in the previous days, some foreign forces would choose here for penetration breakthroughs. However, the murder of thousands of people has never happened in these years. Today, if there are forces who dare to commit such a big case in China, the anger in Lin Hang's heart has been ignited.

Lin Hang stood up and said angrily, "Teacher, no matter what force it is this time, dare to act so unscrupulously in our Huaxia. As a member of Huaxia, it is naturally my responsibility! Don't worry, I will definitely let you do evil. People have suffered thousands of times!"

Old Wang said, "Hang'er, don't worry, let your teacher know how you feel now. But before going to Tibetan city, I need you to know a few things. Although this murder case, we can't determine the specific forces. But our military already has a suspicious target."

Lin Hang also calmed down a bit at this time, and asked in a deep voice, "Which force does the military suspect?"

Wang Lao said, "It is the second largest killer organization in the world-"Black Nest"! The reason why we suspect them is because the "Black Nest" organization has been with us for a long time. They have done many cases against Huaxia, and they have done many cases in our territory. We have also carried out many cleanup operations against them, but the strongholds they organized are all outside Huaxia, and because of their leader's special ability— — "Black Nest", every time a killer who is caught by mistake will be directly pulled back to their headquarters, no matter whether it is alive or dead! So we have not tracked their tracks all the time, this time a big case involving a thousand people , Without the cover of "Black Nest", it would be difficult to escape my perception. Hang'er, I tell you this, I hope you can remain vigilant, although you have broken through to the Golden Elixir stage, but you are not invincible Existence, especially before the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth, where the earth and stars are loose, no one knows whether there are forces we don’t know about. What I am most worried about is that behind "Black Nest", there is the support of mysterious strange forces. If that’s the case, this case is their signal to us that they will never get along with our Chinese race! Therefore, when you go out on this mission, Hang'er, the first thing you need to do is to guarantee yourself Safety, you know?"

Lin Hang had also come into contact with this assassin organization called "Black Nest". Lin Hang, who had just started practicing, was attacked by a stranger. It was only after Liu Ruyan's analysis that Lin Hang learned about this organization for the first time. Later, in the outskirts of the capital, Lin Hang and Tian Dayong also encountered the ambush of the "Black Nest" killer. If the dark king did not appear in time, it would be a direct evil.

Lin Hang nodded and said, "Okay, it's not the first time I have come into contact with this "Black Nest". I thought that they would not provoke me anymore, so I won't trouble them for the time being. I didn't expect that they would dare to treat us Huaxia. Go! It’s just that, I’ve always heard that "Black Nest" is the second largest killer organization in the world, so what kind of power is ranked first?"

Mr. Wang said, "The number one killer organization is called "Dark World", and the leader of the organization is called the "Dark King", but their organization and behavior are more mysterious than "Black Nest". And they only take on the tasks they want to take, never caring about the amount of bounty, and they never shot us Huaxia. It is for this reason that our Huaxia has always maintained a laissez-faire state of the organization of "Dark World" , This is why they can develop so well!"

"'Dark King'?" Lin Hang exclaimed, "Does this'Dark King' have a real name?"

Old Wang laughed and said, "Lin Hang, you don't have to be so surprised. The leader of "Dark World", the Dark King, is the Zhao Kangping you know! It's just that Zhao Kangping disappeared with your father many years ago. , Incognito, and only reappeared some time ago, which has caused the "Black Nest" that he has been under him to become more and more unscrupulous. However, in terms of understanding of "Black Nest", no one can compare Go to Zhao Kangping. If you can get in touch with him, he should be able to give you many useful suggestions."

Lin Hang nodded. In fact, in his heart now, not only the news of "Black Nest", he still has many accumulated questions, and he wants to ask Zhao Kangping.

After confessing everything to Lin Hang, Wang Lao left Huaxia directly and went to work in the United States.

Lin Hang sat quietly for a while, healed his thoughts, took out his mobile phone, and dialed Zhao Kangping's number.

After waiting for the ringing for a long time, the opposite party finally got through.

"Is it Xiaohang? Call me right now, have you encountered something recently?" Zhao Kangping's hearty laughter came from the other end of the phone.

Lin Hang didn't laugh with Zhao Kangping, and said directly, "Uncle Zhao, is it convenient for you now? I want to see you."

After waiting for a while, Zhao Kangping replied, "Okay, I'm free now, do I need me to pick you up?"

Lin Hang said, "No need, Uncle Zhao, you give me an address and I will come to you right away!"

Zhao Kangping responded, hung up the phone, and sent Lin Hang an address. After searching, Lin Hang determined the location and found that it was near the Asian city in China. After Lin Hang determined the space, he sent it directly Arrived near the location given by Zhao Kangping.

After landing, Lin Hang looked around and found that it was an unmanned seashore. After a little sense, he noticed the fluctuation of spiritual power in a small wooden house not far from the seashore.

Before arriving at the wooden house, Lin Hang saw Zhao Kangping quietly fishing with a fishing rod.

After sensing Lin Hang's approach, Zhao Kangping didn't look back, still maintaining a fishing posture, and said, "Xiao Hang is here! You are looking for me in such a hurry, what happened?"

In fact, in Zhao Kangping's mind, there is already speculation about Lin Hang's purpose in coming to him. As the leader of "Dark World", of course, he has already received news of the tragedy that just happened in the Huaxia Tibetan City. Zhao Kangping decided to see Lin Hang because he wanted to help Lin Hang answer some doubts.

Lin Hang said, "Uncle Zhao, I did encounter something. Not long ago, a very large murder occurred in our Tibetan city in China, with thousands of victims. The military asked me to take charge of this. Things, I want to ask you something."

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