I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 2

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:29:25 AM

Chapter 2: Initial exploration of abilities

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It is now 10:30 in the morning, and Lin Hang is ready to cook yesterday's Kangshuaifu instant noodles. When I picked up the instant noodles, the familiar feeling reappeared, but it was not the same as it was just now. At that time, he involuntarily copied Liu Ruyan's ability, and now Lin Hang can control whether he copies.

"This is much better, otherwise it will be too troublesome to control." Lin Hang muttered in his heart.

Yesterday, because of his embarrassment, Lin Hang just bought a pack of noodles. He held the instant noodles, closed his eyes, and concentrated.


This time, Lin Hang clearly felt that the progress bar in his mind reached 100% in an instant. He tried to touch the progress bar with his own consciousness. A magical thing happened. I saw that Lin Hang’s hands grew slowly from scratch. A pack of instant noodles from Kang Shuaifu appeared slowly!

"Oli here!" Lin Hang yelled excitedly. He experimented with eggs and sausages again. After copying the sausages, Lin Hang felt a little heavy in his mind. He knew that he had just awakened now and had just recovered from his injury. Using abilities is a bit overloaded.

Lin Hang paused his copy and boiled the noodles, "A double serving is fragrant!"

After several trials, Lin Hang had a preliminary understanding of his abilities. First of all, the copying ability requires contact with the target, which will enter the space of the mind like a scan, and the scan will consume the energy of the brain. Then it needs to consume its own energy to realize the goal. The scanning process and the realization speed are different, depending on the specific situation of the target.

"I don't know when you can use Liu Ruyan's ability." Lin Hang thought. He also knew that he had just awakened his abilities. Although he scanned Liu Ruyan's abilities into his mind, he definitely didn't have the ability to use it.

Because of the exploration and use of abilities, now that small space in Lin Hang's mind has been filled with many miscellaneous things, and his mind feels heavy. Lin Hang tried to delete the progress bar of the egg, and the progress bar of the egg slowly disappeared. Lin Hang breathed a sigh of relief immediately. He emptied the space immediately, leaving only the progress bar of Liu Ruyan's ability.

After finishing cleaning the house, Lin Hang gave the landlord Tie Ge 1,800 yuan and took the key to go out.

Lin Hang took a taxi to Huicheng Old Street. This street is regarded as the tourist center of Huicheng. It was a bustling commercial area hundreds of years ago. The main street in the middle runs for three to four kilometers, and there are many sub-streets on both sides like centipedes. Each side street has its own characteristics, including a street for snacks, a street for antiques, etc., and a street for modern western food.

Lin Hang got out of the car and went straight to the Antique Street, leaving the driver alone looking at the 15 steel bars left by Lin Yi. He did not expect that there would be people going out with cash or steel bars this year. The strangest thing is that every All of them are from 2018. "What a strange person." The driver murmured, reversing and leaving.

Anyone who knows about antiques knows that nine out of ten items are fake, and one is half-true. Lin Hang also thought that he was different from others and could discover things that others could not. But in the end, he paid tuition several times. Think about it, too. If you can make a fortune in this industry, where are there so many fakes? How many people play this game and sink their lives.

But now it's different. Lin Hang has awakened the power and can distinguish between true and false by virtue of the power. As soon as Lin Hang arrived at Antique Street, he saw a lot of people gathered in front of a stall. He leaned forward and saw that the owner of the stall was a short and capable man who was shouting: "Heirloom has taken pains, let’s go. Don't miss it if you pass by!".

Lin Hang took a look at the stall. A long cloth was spread on a slender wooden table. There were more than a dozen items on it: small bowls, cups, jars and other household items, and a jade Buddha. He looks like Maitreya with a big belly. The most eye-catching small dagger in the middle of the booth is about 7 or 8 cm in size, but the strange thing is that the handle of the dagger is very short, only one-tenth of the whole in proportion, not like a dagger. Instead, it looks like a shrunken sword.

Now the group of people around the booth are basically directed at this dagger, because the shape of the dagger is very eye-catching, much like the wisdom of ancient craftsmen. At this time, the person in front of the stall was speaking to the stall owner, "Old Hei, we are so familiar with each other, are you a liar? So many heirlooms?". Lin Hang followed the sound and found that the man who was speaking was a man wearing a Tang suit. He was about 40 years old in appearance and about 1.8 meters tall. He had an aura of anger.

"Which baby did Master Ye fancy?" The stall owner, known as Lao Hei, was not at all annoyed when he was exposed, and still asked with a smile.

"You don't have any good stuff here, but this "Sword" I still don't see any fame. You are also good fortune outside these days." Master Ye played with two walnuts and said with a smile.

"Master Ye was joking. This dagger is not a small one. It's a long time ago. I promise it must be before Dashang. You think, it's been such a long time. No trace can be seen. I don't know the craftsman at that time. How is it built."

When the crowd in front of the booth heard what Old Hei said, they suddenly became a little interested. Lin Hang in the corner also looked at the dagger carefully. Suddenly, the dagger glowed dazzlingly in his eyes. He unconsciously squinted his eyes and looked left and right, only to find that everyone around him did not respond. I just remembered Liu Ruyan's words. The world of ordinary people is not the same as the world of the ability person. It must be that this dagger has something to do with the ability person, and only then can he discover the anomaly.

Just as Lin Hang was still thinking about how to get this dagger, a man suddenly rushed over from a distance. He grabbed Lao Hei’s neckline without saying a word, gritted his teeth and said, "Well, you old Hei, just from Copper City. You scammed it and started a business in Huicheng again? Give me back Lao Tzu's money!"

Everyone probably understood what was going on. This person must have bought fakes from Lao Hei, and was furious and chased all the way from Copper City to Hui City. But in general, this industry is just one willing to fight and one willing to suffer. Punching often happens. Generally, there will be no afterthoughts. This time I did encounter "honest people".

"This brother, since you have already bought something here in Lao Hei, it means that you are sure of the value of the thing in your heart, and then you will buy it. It is a bit inappropriate to find someone later?" But it was in the crowd. Master Ye spoke up.

"What do you know, this black-hearted old black, a dagger made in batches with the current craftsmanship, was blown away by him as a boutique heritage of our China thousands of years ago. I was also blinded. I believed him and thought 1 million I picked up a huge bargain. I didn't expect to go home. My friends had one hand, exactly the same!" After that, the man took a dagger from his pocket and threw it on the table.

I saw that this dagger was placed together with the original dagger on the booth, and it was really exactly the same. Everyone present secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, this person appeared in time, so I didn’t make a move. Otherwise, according to today’s formation, so Many people spend more money than men’s 1 million.

Soon, the surrounding people dispersed one by one, and only Master Ye, the man from Tongcheng and Lin Hang were left in front of the stall.

"Boss, can I take a look at this dagger?" Lin Hang asked.

"Oh? The little brother is still interested?" Lao Hei asked with a smile without being affected by the man.

Lin Hang stepped forward and held the two dagger capitals in his hands. There was no difference in weight, and there was no difference in style and workmanship. But in Lin Hang's eyes, the dagger on the stall was originally shining, but the one brought by the man behind it looked ordinary.

"Copy!" Lin Hang concentrated.

Copying "Flying Sword" 1%..38%..63%..89%..100% successfully copied!

After about 10 seconds, Lin Hang felt that his energy was emptied for most, and his mind was a little up, before finally copying was completed. This was even more difficult than copying Liu Ruyan’s abilities at the time, Lin Hang knew that he was I found the treasure.

"Boss, the kid can't see anything, just a little curious." Lin Hang put the dagger back to its original position, smiled embarrassedly at Lao Hei, and walked back to its original position. He was ready to take another look. There is no plan to go.

"What can you see? These things are all mass-produced." The man in Copper City said grimly.

At this moment, Master Ye, who looked directly at him, said, "Old Hei, what price do you offer?"

A gleam of light flashed in Old Hei's eyes, and he smiled and said, "If Master Ye is so sincere, thirty million."

"Okay!" He picked up the dagger and put it away, "It will be in your account within ten minutes." Then Master Ye turned around and left. After two steps, he turned his head and looked at Lin Hang meaningfully. At a glance, then disappeared at the fork in the road.

After Master Ye left, Old Hei took out his mobile phone and took a look, but the thirty million had already arrived. He put away the stall and said to the copper city man, "Xu Gang, do you want this dagger any more? If you don't want me, just take it."

The man called Xu Gang obviously hadn't recovered from the turning point just now. Hearing what Old Hei said, he quickly replied. "If you want, hey, brother Hei, what is the mystery of this dagger?" After he took the dagger, he carefully stuffed it into his arms.

"Little brother, you are very good!" Old Hei ignored Xu Gang, and when he turned to leave, he said something inexplicable to Lin Hang.

Lin Hang probably had guessed in his heart, even if this old black and master Ye are not supernatural beings, most of them often deal with supernatural beings, and they will behave differently from ordinary people. My reaction just now, although what I did was still concealed, but my interest in that dagger was not covered up. Most of these two old rivers and lakes saw something.

Lin Hang also wants to go home now, so that he can study what is different about this dagger. He didn't notice that in the distance, he had been watching him.

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