I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 200

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:22:09 AM

Chapter 200: Warning from the Dark King

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Zhao Kangping put away the fishing rod and turned back to Lin Hang and said, "Xiao Hang, I have also heard about Uncle Zhao. Don't be too sad. What do you want to ask, Uncle Zhao will tell you."

Lin Hang said in a low voice, "Uncle Zhao, after the preliminary analysis of the Chinese military, the murder in the Tibetan city this time is likely to be the work of "Black Nest"! I know, you are very positive about "Black Nest". This organization knows very well, so before going to the Tibetan city, I want to ask you some secrets about "Black Nest"."

Lin Hang remembered that he was in the outskirts of the capital, facing a killer who wanted to return to "Black Nest", Zhao Kangping directly used means to keep him. Therefore, Lin Hang feels that Zhao Kangping may know more about "Black Nest" than the outside world.

Zhao Kangping said, "Xiaohang, "Black Nest" is notorious in the world, but it has survived to this day, and it can even attack a behemoth like China. The existence behind it is more terrifying than you think! At the beginning of "Black Nest", it was indeed a killer organization created by their leader, the Black King. The original intention of this organization was also very simple, to be able to obtain resources for improvement. As the leader of "Dark World", naturally It has a lot of intersection with the Black King, and I understand his abilities better. This is what you can see, the reason I was able to interrupt the display of his powers. However, in the later time, the Black King did not know that he had encountered What kind of opportunity changed the way of organization and started to launch various attacks on various countries in the world. Such behavior has also caused retaliation from many countries, such as the United States and China, etc., have carried out "Black Nest" Encirclement and suppression, but the final result was only the killing of some peripheral members, not even a stronghold was found. I later vaguely fought the Black King, and he gave me a very strange feeling, like a brainless lunatic ! But this lunatic is very powerful. At that time, I was already the cultivation base of Innate Peak, but facing his attack, I seemed to be unable to do anything. He had no reason, no pain, and only knew killing. This kind of existence was very dangerous, because he For the whole world, it is considered a threat."

Lin Hang noticed Zhao Kangping’s congenital peak cultivation base, and asked, "Uncle Zhao, in fact, I have always been very curious, what is your true cultivation base? I am now much higher than once regarded as the top. In front of you, I still cannot see through your cultivation level. What adventure do you have? What does this have to do with my parents?"

In fact, Lin Hang also wanted to ask this question before, because whether it was the news of his parents or the existence of the Witch Clan, Zhao Kangping seemed to know something. And now that Zhao Kangping, as someone who has been in contact with Lin Hang's parents recently, Lin Hang can't wait to know what is going on with his parents.

Zhao Kangping took a deep look at Lin Hang and said, "Xiao Hang, don't you say that I haven't paid attention yet. I didn't expect how long it has been since I have seen you. You are already the Jin Dan stage repairer? It seems, You still got a lot of benefits from the Witch Clan! As for me, I can only tell you that I have no malice against you. Regarding the news of your parents, I have not deceived you. If you want If you understand the truth of the matter, there is only one way from now on, and that is to continue to cultivate hard! Although your current cultivation level is already an unattainable existence for the lagging cultivation world of Earth and Star, but in reality In front of the world, you still seem too weak! To get in touch with the news of your parents' level, you have to be stronger, so don't ask me now, and I won't tell you!"

Zhao Kangping put his hands on Lin Hang's shoulders, and said, "You should think about "Black Nest" now! "Black Nest" itself is not a big deal. With your current cultivation base, you can easily control it. The key to annihilation lies in the black king behind it. And due to some agreements, I can’t help you directly. Everything depends on you!” After that, Zhao Kangping moved "Black Nest" to the Black King and down to it. The structure of the entire organization was given to Lin Hang in detail.

Zhao Kangping still had some words hidden in his heart, and he didn't say it. Although the Black King is powerful, it is not difficult to win with Lin Hang's current strength and clever arrangement because of his lack of reason. It was precisely because there was not much danger to Lin Hang that Zhao Kangping agreed to let Lin Hang go, otherwise Zhao Kangping would definitely stop it.

Lin Hang knows that if you ask again, you will get no results, and he has already obtained important information about "Black Nest". Regarding his parents, he should wait until he is strong in the future before considering it.

Lin Hang looked at Zhao Kangping in front of him and said with a smile, "Uncle Zhao, don't worry about me too much! Since entering the practice world, I am no longer the ignorant boy I used to be, although I still have I am very depressed without the news of my parents. But I have not lost the courage and faith to move on. I believe that one day I will find my parents! Thank you very much for telling me so much today, I don’t know. What are you and my parents behind, but I will definitely grow up to help you share the burden!"

Zhao Kangping looked at Lin Hang with satisfaction. He could feel that Lin Hang’s words just now came from the heart. This shows that Lin Hang’s heart is the same as what he said. He has clear goals and can’t fight. Broken will. These two qualities are indispensable on one's path to becoming a strong one.

Zhao Kangping smiled and said, "Okay! Xiaohang, Uncle Zhao believes you, you can definitely achieve your goal! Now this so-called black king, let him become a sharpening stone on your path to the strong! "

Zhao Kangping asked Lin Hang a few more words, and said to Lin Hang, "Xiao Hang, today is the last time we talked. You will not contact me for a long time. But now you have A group of mentors and helpful friends who treat you sincerely believe that with their help and encouragement, you will never lose your goal of moving forward."

Lin Hang didn't have where Zhao Kangping was going this time. He knew that if he could tell himself, Zhao Kangping would not hide it at all. It would be good for him if he didn't tell him now.

Lin Hang laughed and said, "Uncle Zhao, you can go with confidence! I will take care of myself. Maybe I will be able to catch up with you by relying on my own efforts in the future!"

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