I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 201

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:21:53 AM

Chapter 201: Kobanmura

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Zhao Kangping laughed and said, "Okay! Xiaohang, ambitious! I am waiting for this day, and I believe this day will not be too far away!"

After all, Zhao Kangping disappeared in front of Lin Hang, leaving no trace.

After Lin Hang sorted out his mood, he got up and left, and went directly to a mansion in Tibetan city.

This mansion is an office of the military in Tibet. Mr. Wang asked Lin Hang to come here first to find out about the specific situation and latest developments of the murder case with local military personnel.

When Lin Hang just walked in, a middle-aged man in military uniform greeted him, and after a military salute to Lin Hang, he said, "Mr. Lin Hang, right? In Xia Guyang, we have already received instructions. , Waiting for you for a long time, come in with me!"

Lin Hang nodded and followed Gu Yang into a hall. Lin Hang did not say greetings with Gu Yang, and asked directly, "Brother Gu, I want to know all the news about this murder, including the location and The general group of people killed, I hope you can tell me all of them, the more detailed the better!"

Gu Yang originally wanted Lin Hang to rest for a while before reporting. Seeing Lin Hang's firm eyes, he immediately straightened up and said, "This murder happened in a remote village in a small town in Tibet. All the villagers were killed except for the people who went out! In order not to cause a national shock, we temporarily concealed the case from the outside, and only waited for the investigation to be clear before giving justice to the murdered people! We do not know what methods the perpetrators used The village is still under lockdown. The research team of the Chinese military is working hard, but the research process is very slow due to reasons that have never been contacted. Although I don’t want to admit that if we rely solely on our strength, it may cost It takes a long time to make some progress, or even no progress at all! So Comrade Lin Hang, the military headquarters sent you to take charge of this matter, it means you must have a way to find the murderer, I Gu Yang represents the entire Tibetan city, please!"

Lin Hang hurriedly said, "Brother Gu, you are serious! Although Lin Hang is not affiliated with the military, I am also a member of China. This time someone dared to commit such a big case in China. I won't spare them! But now I haven't seen the specific situation, so I can't say anything. Let's go to the village where the accident happened and find any clues!"

Gu Yang nodded and said nothing. He took out a map of the Tibetan city, pointed to a red dot on the map and said, "Lin Hang, look at this, the marked area is the place where this case happened— Xiaofan Village, this village has always been ordinary and plain. The whole village does not say that it is rich and expensive, and life is basically worry-free. But now it is suddenly hit by such destruction, and I don’t know those who have escaped this disaster. The people of Xiaofan Village, can they pass this test in their hearts."

Lin Hang knew the direction, and said to Gu Yang, "Brother Gu, grab my shoulder."

Hearing this, Gu Yang gently put his hand on Lin Hang's shoulder, and Lin Hang initiated the spatial teleportation and went directly to the outside of Xiaofan Village that Gu Yang said.

Gu Yang, who had just landed, stepped forward to communicate with the personnel guarding here, while Lin Hang stood in place and looked at Xiaofan Village in front of him.

Lin Hang took a cursory glance. The whole village is not big. The only feeling is that it seems to be independent on the grassland without neighboring villages and towns around. Now the entire periphery of the village has been blocked by the military, leaving only the passage to be guarded. Many researchers are coming in and out of the passageway, constantly taking out objects from the village to study.

At this time, Gu Yang returned to Lin Hang and said, "Lin Hang, I have finished hello. Now we can go in."

Lin Hang nodded, followed Gu Yang through the passage and slowly walked into the village.

Gu Yang, who led the way in front, walked and introduced, “Lin Hang, this Xiaofan village is not all dominated by houses. The distance between each family is still not very close. There is an empty land in the middle. The villagers We will also use them to grow some things. There are about 400 households in the entire village, covering an area of ​​more than 150,000 square meters, but it is such a large area, overnight, all of them are dead. The bodies of all the victims, we They have been checked one by one, there is no external trauma, and the internal anatomy is in progress, and the results will soon be available."

Lin Hang listened carefully to Gu Yang's introduction, secretly alert. Being able to cover such a large area overnight and quietly take the lives of thousands of people, no wonder the military personnel have been helpless and the research process can't go on at all. Such incidents were not accessible to ordinary supernaturalists at all, but judging from the surreptitious extent of this case, the murderer didn't want to confront China head-on, so Lin Hang still had some bottom in his heart.

Before long, the two of them walked to the center of Xiaofan Village. Just as Gu Yang in front was about to speak, Lin Hang suddenly raised his hand to stop Gu Yang. Lin Hang said, "Brother Gu, I feel a kind of gray here. The feeling of defeat and death, I need to investigate carefully to be able to determine the source of this feeling."

Gu Yang also knew the seriousness of the matter and said, "Okay, Lin Hang, don't hesitate to do it, I am watching here!"

Lin Hang nodded, concentrated, and fully activated the "Eagle Eye" ability. With sufficient spiritual power in his eyes, Lin Hang's vision suddenly became completely different from usual.

After Lin Hang opened "Eagle Eye", the entire Xiaofan village immediately changed its appearance. The original normal ground and houses were now full of black smoke, and the smoke was like black transparent tentacles, constantly rolling and twitching . In Lin Hang's perception, the vitality of the entire land also constantly passed on these black tentacles. After enlarging the perception, Lin Hang discovered that the researchers in Xiaofan Village at this time were also unknowingly extracting vitality by these black tentacles. Because the extraction range was not large, everyone did not notice.

Lin Hang asked Gu Yang, "Brother Gu, it has been three days since the accident happened here, right? Are there some people who have entered this Xiaofan village with symptoms of weakness?"

Gu Yang was a little surprised, and nodded in response, "How did you know Lin Hang? Indeed, the first batch of soldiers who arrived here and blocked the scene had similar symptoms. The whole person was malaise and lacked energy. Later Some researchers also reacted differently."

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