I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 202

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:21:51 AM

Chapter 202: Black tentacles

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Gu Yang thought for a while and continued, "We suspected that something like this happened in the village here, but no matter how we checked, we couldn't find the reason, so we didn't go further. Lin Hang How did you discover this? And, do you have any solution? Now the first batch of soldiers, some of them are getting weaker and weaker. If you have a way, please help them!"

Lin Hang's expression became serious, and he said in a deep voice, "Brother Gu, in my opinion, you are no longer able to intervene in this case! Therefore, I ask you all to leave Xiaofan Village and wait for me. Instructions! As for those people who have had adverse reactions you mentioned, I can help them get back to normal first."

"Retreat all?" Gu Yang was very surprised and replied, "Lin Hang, you let us all retreat. Could it be that you are going to solve it by yourself? Are you worried about our safety? No, our soldiers from China I would rather die than take a step back! Besides, leaving you here alone, we can't be at ease!"

Lin Hang waved his hand and replied, "Brother Gu! It's not the time to say this. Of course I can understand your feelings, but you can't touch it at all in the current situation! Now the hidden problems in Xiaofan Village have not yet erupted. , Once it breaks out, even I will feel very troublesome! Therefore, it is safer for me to be in charge of this place by myself when you leave now!"

Lin Hang took out the six-pointed star pendant that Wang Lao gave him, and said, "Brother Gu, do you still know this pendant? Now I'm going to give this order: All people except me, leave Xiaofan Village for fifty miles. Outside, no approach!"

The six-pointed star pendant that Lin Hang took out was given to Lin Hang during Wang Lao's previous mission. The main purpose was to maintain the stability of the space around Lin Hang and facilitate him to activate space abilities. But then Lin Hang learned that this six-pointed star pendant is also a symbol of Wang Lao’s status. Holding this pendant has supreme authority in the entire Chinese military. Like the instructions just mentioned by Lin Hang, it is really considered It's very simple.

Gu Yang saw this pendant, and after listening to Lin Hang's words, he knew that it was no use to say anything now, so he nodded and said, "Well, since Lin Hang, you are the old school Wang who came to solve the problem, then I will spare no effort to believe And support you! I will go out to convey the news now, and you come with me too!"

Lin Hang nodded, and then returned to the outskirts of the village with Gu Yang. Gu Yang worked very neatly. After a while, all the people present were gathered by Gu Yang.

Lin Hang took a step forward and said, "Everyone, it was a bit sudden to have everyone evacuated from Xiaofan Village today. However, I can only say that this is the best decision right now! I am Wang’s disciple, Lin Hang, I hope everyone Believe me, you can solve the current problem, find the murderer, and return justice to everyone in Xiaofan Village!"

Lin Hang stretched out his hands and slowly wrapped his spiritual power around the dozens of researchers and soldiers in front of him. With the activation of Lin Hang's interpersonal power, all personnel were moved to a clearing fifty miles away by Lin Hang.

After Lin Hang completed this action, he said to Gu Yang beside him, "Brother Gu, all the people who have entered this Xiaofan Village before, I need you to gather them together, and I will bring them here as well. treatment."

After Gu Yang was sent back to the Tibetan city by Lin Hang, it took less than half an hour to gather all the personnel together. Lin Hang once again launched the space teleportation and arranged all the personnel who had entered Xiaofan village to that empty space. On the ground.

After the personnel arrived, Lin Hang once again activated the "Eagle Eye" ability. This time, in his eyes, everyone in the field had more or less, larger or smaller black tentacles. Lin Hang knew that this was the root cause of their weakness. Lin Hang squeezed a spell with his hands together, and his spiritual power turned into hundreds of invisible flames, one by one, he found very colorful tentacles one by one. As soon as this invisible flame touched the black tentacles, it immediately burned with the black tentacles as fuel. With the continuous injection of Lin Hang's spiritual power, after about a quarter of an hour, the black tentacles on everyone Have been burnt clean. All the people present felt a moment of relaxation, and it seemed that a big rock was suddenly moved away, very comfortable.

After finishing the work, Lin Hang was also a little spiritually weak. He sighed for a long time and said, "Well, everyone, the hidden dangers and troubles brought by you entering Xiaofan Village, I have just helped you clear them all. In the future, as long as you no longer approach Xiaofan Village and cultivate for a period of time, you can fully recover!"

Everyone clasped their fists to express their gratitude to Lin Hang. When Lin Hang issued instructions to everyone to evacuate from Xiaofan Village, some people chose to agree because of Wang Lao’s majesty. The old disciple still didn't believe it. After all, Lin Hang was too young and had no prestige and achievements in the military. It is normal to not be trusted. But now, not long after Lin Hang came, he solved the problem that they had no clue for so many days, and his personal abilities were undoubtedly demonstrated. Everyone changed their attitudes and listened to Lin Hang's arrangements with peace of mind, believing that Lin Hang can definitely solve the problem in Xiaofan Village.

But at this time, Lin Hang's heart was not as relaxed as everyone thought. Since he vaguely guessed the problem of Xiaofan Village in his heart, Lin Hang felt a little tricky. When he really cleaned up those black tentacles, Lin Hang knew that his guess had been confirmed. At this time, Lin Hang became completely nervous. He knew that if he didn't handle it well, he might have endless troubles. China will also be restless.

Lin Hang moved all the personnel to the treatment point in Tibetan City. After saying a few more words, he winked at Gu Yang. Gu Yang understood, and followed Lin Hang to the hall where he had met before.

Lin Hang said, "Brother Gu, there is one more thing to trouble you. Please arrange for military personnel to set up guard posts within a fifty-mile radius of Xiaofan Village. You must be optimistic about all the people entering Xiaofan Village. Passage, be sure not to let other personnel enter the range of fifty miles. Next, I estimate that it will take some time before Xiaofan Village can be completely restored to normal, so I will trouble you during this time!"

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