I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 203

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:21:49 AM

Chapter 203: "Necromancer"

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Gu Yang said sternly, "Lin Hang, you are too polite to say that! Don't say that you have old Wang's tokens. Based on your performance just now, I will do everything you arrange! Just one thing! I don’t know if I should ask about it. I don’t think your expression was lighter. Is this incident in Xiaofan Village a bit beyond your expectations? Is it really serious?"

Lin Hang thought for a while and said, "Brother Gu, I already have some eyebrows in my mind about this incident. I still need to go to Xiaofan Village to find out the specific solution. What I can tell you is that although the matter this time is very difficult, as long as we handle it properly, it will not cause much impact. And Brother Gu, you promise me that you will not tell me before I have notified. This news from others, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble."

Gu Yang nodded and said, "My old Gu has been a soldier for so many years, and I still know the basic military rules! It's just that you, Lin Hang, go in and investigate by yourself. You must pay attention to your own safety!"

Lin Hang smiled and nodded, and said, "Brother Gu, don't worry! In this way, you will arrange the blockade I just mentioned. I will do something first. Remember, except for the guards at the post, the others No one is allowed to enter the fifty-mile range!"

After repeated instructions, Lin Hang walked away from the Tibetan city and came to the outskirts of Huicheng where the Ye family was located. The reason why Lin Hang was able to eliminate the black tentacles was because he had read classics about such black tentacles in "Candle World". Knowing the way to restrain them, this successfully helped the soldiers eliminate the danger. But he still knows too little about the black tentacles, so he was planning to find out about the elders of the Witch Clan. After some thinking, "Candle World" temporarily ignored entry, and Lin Hang chose the more familiar elder.

Lin Hang entered the "Emperor Realm" in a familiar way, and through the teleportation array, he reached the elder hall where the elder was.

Great Elder Zhou Shu sensed the arrival of Lin Hang from a distance, and directly sent someone to bring Lin Hang to the elder's palace.

Zhou Shu looked at the dusty Lin Hang and said with a smile, "Lin Hang, you look a little anxious! Is it because of what happened to me in such anxiousness?"

Lin Hang bowed to Zhou Shu, nodded and said, "Elder, the kid is indeed in trouble this time. I'm afraid I can't handle it well, so I want you to give me some suggestions."

Zhou Shu said strangely, "Lin Hang, didn't you have completed the cooperation with the Yaozu a few months ago? What problem are you encountering again?"

Lin Hang said, "Great Elder, you don’t know that the cooperating boy of the Yaozu has been completed, and I have been back for several months. It’s just that a few days ago, in a place in China, there happened I was responsible for dealing with a major case involving a thousand people. After I went to the scene and checked it, I found that it was not that simple, so I came to consult with you."

Zhou Shu was also a little surprised, and said, "Thousands of people's cases, under your current environmental conditions, are indeed a very rare thing. What have you discovered will give you your current strength. Don't think it's easy to deal with?"

Lin Hang said, "I discovered that this talent seems to have something to do with "Necromancer"!"

""Necromancer"?" Zhou Shu was no longer calm, and asked, "Are you really sure it is "Necromancer"? Did you read it wrong?"

Lin Hang nodded and said solemnly, "Great Elder, I didn't know it, but after entering the depths of the incident, the whole village gave me a feeling of defeat and death, and I had already guessed in my heart. Until I used some special methods and saw the black tentacles permeating the whole village, I used the method recorded in the classics to eliminate some of the tentacles. At this point, I finally determined that this case, indeed It is inseparable from the legendary "Necromancer"!"

Zhou Shu nodded and said, "According to your description, it is indeed "Necromancer". However, since you can eliminate some of the black tentacles, the level of this "Necromancer" will not be too high. Can be controlled. You quickly close the area, and then slowly kill the influence of this "Necromancer"!"

Lin Hang replied, "Well, I have already arranged it in general. Fortunately, the place where the thing happened is very large and sparsely populated, so it hasn't affected more people for the time being. It's just that I want to know, what exactly is this "Dead" What is it? In the classics of "Candle World", I only saw its properties and simple ways to deal with it, but I don’t know much about its origin and way of existence. Elder, you have lived for so long, you should Know more!"

Zhou Shu slowly said, "Lin Hang, although I have lived so long, I have never been in contact with this "Dead", but in the legend left by my ancestors, I have heard of the existence of this "Dead". Legend. , At the beginning of the founding of the Primordial Continent, the world was still in chaos. Many innate gods were all born under such an environment, and these innately-born existences were the first batch of "Life" in our Primal Continent. Yes, Including the Asuras created by our witches, humans, monsters, and even the ancestors of the Styx River, in the final analysis, all belong to the category of "Life". Although we have many differences, we have one thing to figure out. That is to have life. This is why we are called "Life". Of course, as opposed to "Life", there is also the existence of "Dead". In the beginning, the congenital "Life" and "Death" "Spirits" lived together on the prehistoric continent, but later, the way of existence of "Dead" greatly affected the promotion and survival of "Life", which also led to the battle between "Life" and "Dead". The battle took place much earlier than the original Dragon and Phoenix Tribulation, and after this battle, the dominance of "Life" in the Primordial Continent was determined. In the future, no matter how the major races fight, the major position of all races is It is to resist "Necro" together. "Necro" is just like their name, there is no way to completely eliminate it, and there is no way to seal it, so it will come back every few years. At this time, all races will unite and deal with it together. "Necro". Because they know that if "Necro" is not suppressed, the entire world will be corrupted by "Necro", and there will be no room for "Life" to develop."

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