I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 205

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:21:32 AM

Chapter 205: "Necromancer" is here

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Lin Hang took a step back and activated the clone ability. In an instant, four Lin Hangs appeared in front of Lin Hang. Under Lin Hang's command, the four Lin Hangs went to the four directions where "Dead Spirit" was located. After the clone standing was completed, an invisible flame ignited on everyone's body, and at the same time a mysterious spell was cast. As the spell progressed, the spiritual power between the four began to flow miraculously, and soon A circle of spiritual power was formed, wrapping the "Necromancer" in the center.

While Lin Hang’s deity was on a roof in the distance, watching the scene in front of him in an orderly manner, Lin Hang’s four avatars are now displaying a formation called-"Four Square Sealing Formation". In the collection of "Candle World", it can be regarded as a good formation. The reason why this formation can be called good is that its power is determined by the strength of the caster. That is to say, in the later stage, four powerful abilities can play this formation together, and they can play out. The power of is also very terrifying. The most important power of this formation is the seal, and it is accompanied by the ability to constantly wear down the seal.

In Lin Hang's consideration, he planned to use this "Quadruple Sealing Array" to seal "Necromancer" so that there would be no subsequent threats. Then, whether it is the idea to deal with "Necromancer" or to investigate the characters behind it, it will become much easier. Of course, as I said before, a major feature of "Necro" is that it will not be permanently sealed. This is because they will continue to corrode the formation that seals them, no matter how strong and strong the seal is, under their continuous erosion, there will eventually be a day of rupture. But at this time, Lin Hang just wanted to seal the "Necromancer" for a period of time. During this period of time, Lin Hang could continue to reinforce the seal. In this case, as long as the energy of the "Necromancer" remained unchanged, it would always be charged. Do not break the seal.

At this time, the formation of the four clones of Lin Hang in the field is nearing the end, and it is about to be completed. Lin Hang's deity saw this, slowly condensing a group of aquamarine light in his hand, gently throwing it away. At the center of the four-person formation, which is directly above the location of "Necromancer". With the landing of this green light group, Lin Hang could clearly feel the tremors on the ground, and the "Necromancer" underneath responded!

Seeing that his strategy worked, Lin Hang was a little excited. The green light cluster he just threw was a light cluster formed by a large number of wood elements, and the whole light cluster was filled with wood energy. Since learning about the characteristics of "Necromancer", Lin Hang has been thinking about how to deal with it. Whether it is the "Square Seal Array" used by the four avatars or this wood element energy ball, he has come up with ideas to deal with. "Necromancer" will instinctively want to swallow things with vitality. Although Xiaobancun’s "Necromancer" is very strange. It stays in place, as if being manipulated, but it is regarded as "Necromancer". The instinct will not be lost. Lin Hang first arranges the "Quadruple Sealing Array" around it, and then uses the wood element light group full of vitality as bait to attract the "Dead" out. In this way, the "Dead" is a ring, even if there are people. The manipulation could not escape his own spiritual drive, and fell into the trap set by Lin Hang.

Lin Hang stared closely at the wood element energy cluster in the center of "Seal of the Four Sides" off the court, and only waited for the "Necromancer" underground to appear, and immediately collected the seal. In Lin Hang’s perception, the underground "Necromancer" was slowly rising, not fast, and occasionally fell down a little distance. Lin Hang guessed that this was the spirituality and spirit of "Necromancer" itself. The manipulator behind him pulled. The scene in front of us clearly shows that "Necromancer" itself is more spiritual, and "Necromancer" is still slowly approaching the ground in such a pull.

Seeing that "The Necromancer" was about to break through the ground and entered the scope of the "Square Seal Array", the situation in the field suddenly changed. A **** hand suddenly stretched out from the ground and grabbed the struggling "Necromancer". Going underground again. Lin Hang's attention has been watching this side, where will the big hand's abacus start, directly command the four avatars, forcibly launch the long-prepared "Sifang Sealing Formation", a square spiritual power cover, directly facing Big hands, including "Necromancer", overwhelmed the past. Lin Hang's idea is very simple, doesn't this big hand want to take away "Necromancer"? Lin Hang would directly seal it together with "Necromancer", allowing him to make a thousand changes, Lin Hang directly and unreasonably sealed them all.

These four avatars of Lin Hang are all the cultivation bases of the pinnacle of foundation building. Together, and with advance preparation, the "Four Square Sealing Array" used by them can temporarily seal the existence of the Golden Core Period. Judging from the fact that this big hand appeared and prepared to escape, it should not be Lin Hang's opponent under the head-on conflict, and only then wanted to retreat with the "Necromancer", so in this case, the current "Sifang Seal Array" is enough Leave them all.

With the continuous urging of the deity of Lin Hang and the four avatars, the "Sifang Sealing Array" turned into a white cover, trapping the big hand and "Necromancer" tightly in it, and then Lin Hang shouted, "Condensation!" ’, the white cover slowly became smaller, until it became the size of the palm of your hand, then it stopped changing and floated in the air.

Seeing such a change, Lin Hang sighed for a long sigh, and the white cover turned into the size of a palm, indicating that the "Sifang Seal Array" was a success. Lin Hang waved and put away the four avatars, and once again carefully sensed the entire Xiaofan Village, and found that the palpitating feeling of frustration and death had disappeared with the departure of "Necromancer". After the "Necromancer", which was the chief culprit of Xiaofan Village’s defeat, was taken away by Lin Hang, the many black tentacles in the entire village were equivalent to Rootless Ping. Even if Lin Hang did not clean it up, it would slow down over time. It disappears slowly. But Lin Hang is still going to spend some time dealing with the many black tentacles in Xiaofan Village. Otherwise, after he leaves here and the outside sentry is also removed, it is inevitable that someone will accidentally break in. If the black tentacles are contaminated, it is also a troublesome thing. So Lin Hang simply decided to clean up the matter from beginning to end before leaving the Tibetan city.

Faced with such a wide range of villages, Lin Hang's strength alone is also difficult to cover, so Lin Hang decided to use the human sea tactic. After taking out a pill to restore spiritual power and adjusting his state to the peak, Lin Hang began his own plan. He was going to create more clones and then eliminate these black tentacles from the entire village at the same time.

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