I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 208

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:21:29 AM

Chapter 208: "Spirit Expansion Tracking Array"

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In Lin Hang's mind, he already had a certain goal for the person who practiced "Spiritual Skill", and that was the leader of "Black Nest", the "Black King". From the mouth of the Dark King Zhao Kangping, it can be known that the ‘Black King’ was originally just the leader of a killer organization. Although he was also a powerful superpower, he is still very ordinary now. But later Zhao Kangping met the "Black King", his performance became very strange, full of crazily killing desire, no longer possessing reason, this kind of performance coincided with the "Spiritual Skill" mentioned by the elder. Lin Hang guessed that it should be the'Black King' as the leader of the killer organization. By chance, he obtained the practice method of "Spiritual Skill", which happened to have the convenience of organization. The early practice did not attract attention, but now, There is more and more demand for the spiritual power of outside monks, and this order the "Black Nest" organization to continue to attack major countries, there is no rule to follow, everything is the demand of the leader'Black King'.

The fact is also true. Although the'Black King' is sometimes crazy, but there are also times when he is sober, the small attack in the early stage can no longer meet his needs, so he can only make changes. As for the attack on Xiaofan Village, it was an experiment by them. On the one hand, it was because of the increasing demand, and on the other hand, they wanted to test China's reaction. According to the original analysis of the'Black King', his cultivation base has reached the Golden Core Stage after frantically killing, absorbing and plundering, far exceeding the previous peak cultivation base of the innate, and logically speaking, it should be invincible to the entire planet. of. However, to be on the safe side, he chose temptation, and the facts proved that the process of temptation is very necessary. China’s strength is not as simple as it seems on the surface. Not only did it see through the methods of "Necromancer", it was even left black Big hands, there are problems. If you are not careful, it is very likely that even the body will suffer at the same time.

But the'Black King' didn't know the relationship between Lin Hang and Zhao Kangping. Originally, in his thoughts, even if Hua Xia thought of him based on the previous attack experience of "Black Nest", but because of his lack of understanding of them, follow-up If they can't make big threats, they still have a lot of initiative. However, the news that Zhao Kangping revealed to Lin Hang caused Lin Hang to directly target the "Black King". The current "Black King" is still secretly rejoicing that he is cautious, but does not know that the crisis has come quietly. By his side.

After listening to Lin Hang's words, the elder said with a smile, "If this person who practices "Spiritual Art" is about the same as me, or a little worse than me, I might not be able to track him. But his The cultivation base is still too low, and it seems very immature to condense and use spiritual power, and because of this, I can easily distinguish the origin of this **** hand. According to the breath of this **** hand, it is OK Trace it to where its deity is."

The great elder stretched out his hand and pointed at the "Sifang Sealing Formation" in front of him, and a trace of black aura was hooked out. The great elder used spiritual power to wrap the aura, forming a diamond-shaped crystal with a black line inside. line.

The great elder said, "I sealed a trace of the **** hand in this crystal body. According to this guide, I can track and find the location of the operator. If I can leave the "Emperor Realm", the entire earth and stars will be Can’t escape my induction, but your current cultivation base is not good enough, so I will teach you a formation. After the arrangement is completed, you put this crystal in the center of the formation, and then this formation will greatly enhance your aura for this. If the person in the formation can reach the level of twenty base building peaks, your perception should be able to spread all over the planet. At that time, even if he hides in the best place, you will be able to find out. The real body of the person behind the scenes, the next thing will be much simpler, you only need to subdue him, and the most rare thing is how to find him out."

Lin Hang took the crystals handed over by the great elder and listened carefully to the array arrangement taught by the great elder. It took about two hours before Lin Hang fully grasped the arrangement method of the array.

The Grand Elder smiled and said to Lin Hang, "With this breath guidance and the strengthening of the formation, you should be able to easily sense the existence of the people behind the scenes. The next link will be a test for you. However, for you, The cultivation base is also in the golden core stage. Even if he is in the golden core stage, he should not be your opponent due to the relationship between the technique and ability. After catching him, if allowed, you can bring him to the "Emperor World" "After I have been idle for so long, I am also very interested in this "Spiritual Skill", and I can just study it."

Lin Hang nodded to the elder to express his understanding, and then left "Emperor Realm" and returned to Wang Lao's residence in the capital.

Lao Wang still didn't mean to come back, and Lin Hang couldn't bother Lao Wang. After planning in his mind, he began to track the person behind the scenes.

Naturally, Lin Hang couldn't find the twenty people who met the requirements to help build the pinnacle, so he could only do it himself. The formation method taught by the elder was called-"Spirit Expansion Tracking Array", and the purpose of use It is to track the breath. The power of the formation depends on the number and strength of the people in the formation. If the strength is strong enough, it will be tracked regardless of the distance. But the shortcomings of this formation method are also very obvious, that is, it can only follow the guidance of the breath rigidly. People with slightly higher strength will converge their breath, and it will not give people the space to track. But the person who used the **** hand obviously hadn't reached this level, and the aura was very obvious, so now the elder asked Lin Hang to use this "Spirit Expanding Tracking Array".

Lin Hang began to prepare twenty clones of the pinnacle of foundation building. With the continuous consumption and replenishment of spiritual power, Lin Hang had more than twenty identical figures in front of him. Because they are all exactly the same. Lin Hang looked at the more than twenty clones in front of him with satisfaction, and the conditions for formation were ready.

Without Lin Hang's command, more than 20 clones stood in their positions according to the arrangement method of "Spirit-Expanding Tracking Array" and released their spiritual powers one after another. Lin Hang's deity stood in the clone. At that time, it played the role of overall planning and connection. After about twenty minutes, more than twenty clones have successfully established the formation framework according to the arrangement method of "Spirit Expanding Tracking Array".

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