I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 210

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:21:28 AM

Chapter 210: Practice site

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Lin Hang observed above the big tree for a long time, but did not feel a little movement in the manor. After knowing that it would not be possible to achieve something like this, Lin Hang changed his strategy, secretly searched, and found the entire manor. A few small animals. After some screening, Lin Hang saw a gray rabbit eating grass. Lin Hang slowly transmitted his mental power to the rabbit's mind, temporarily controlling the rabbit's movements. The little rabbit's eyes dimmed for a while, and his look was restored again, and there was still a trace of spirituality.

With Lin Hang's current mental power cultivation base, it was very easy to control a little rabbit that was not even considered a spirit. However, ordinary monks don't dare to use this method easily, because even if the mental power gap between the two parties is too large, it takes a certain method to complete this process, otherwise it is likely to cause damage to both parties. Lin Hang was born with the magical powers of the Yu family's "Fantasy", and coupled with the constant training of his mental power, Lin Hang's manipulation of his mental power was very smooth.

The gray little rabbit controlled by Lin Hang stopped eating grass, and slowly probed the position of the manor. The little rabbit was still about one kilometer away from the manor. In order not to attract big attention, Lin Hang controlled the little rabbit. The rabbit approached slowly, step by step, towards the manor. With a distance of only one kilometer, the little rabbit froze for twenty minutes.

But Lin Hang on the big tree behind was not impatient at all. Instead, as the little rabbit got closer and closer to the manor, he controlled the little rabbit to walk more and more slowly. In his opinion, it doesn’t matter if the time is spent a little longer. The most important thing is that this temptation must be effective. If you are too eager and disturb the people in the manor, then not only will this exploration fail, but also When they are vigilant, their actions will become more difficult in the future, which means that they will not be robbed.

Under Lin Hang’s careful manipulation, the little rabbit finally entered the periphery of the manor. This remote manor is composed of a flat-storey villa and the surrounding large yard. The little rabbit controlled by Lin Hang seems to be looking for a favorite food. Delicious, and entered the manor yard by mistake. As soon as he entered the yard, Lin Hang's spirit felt a tyrannical mental force swept over. After staying for a few seconds, he found that it was just an ordinary rabbit, so he diverted his attention again. Lin Hang At this moment, the spirit was pulled out of the little rabbit's brain, and he chose an ant on the ground looking for food and got into it.

The little rabbit lost Lin Hang's control and stood still for a few seconds before quickly leaving the manor's position. After the conversion, the little ants began to quietly enter the large house of the manor.

After entering this huge house for ants, Lin Hang's spirit was shocked by the sight in front of him. From the outside, this is a very ordinary manor house, but after entering, the scene inside is not unusual at all. There is no decoration inside the whole villa, only a white wooden table stands in the northwest corner of the room. A middle-aged man is sitting on a chair at the table, bowing his head in thought, as if thinking about something. On the walls around the room, there are dozens of chains, many of which are tied to one person. Count them carefully. Except for some empty chains, there are a total of 28 people. The ends of these chains are connected to the top of the center of the house, and a cylindrical beam of light hangs down from the top, and there is a platform in the center of the beam.

As time slowly passed, Lin Hang found that the beam of light became deeper and deeper, and the platform in the middle began to shine. At this moment, the sitting man put down the goblet in his hand, stood up, and walked quickly towards the central beam of light.

After standing in front of the beam of light for a few seconds, the man entered the beam of light and sat cross-legged on the platform.

After the man sat on the platform, black energy slowly rose from the whole body, and the energy raged all over the man, turning into black tentacles dancing with teeth and claws. This black energy gave Lin Hang a very familiar feeling, which was exactly the same as the breath of the **** hand he had sealed! But the energy produced by the man is much richer than the **** hand, and the energy is obviously more pure and powerful.

With the man's movement, the 28 people around him uttered heart-piercing roars, as if the man's movements caused them great pain and injury. Lin Hang could feel that the black energy of the man's body became stronger and stronger. On the contrary, the roar of the people around became weaker and weaker, and finally slowly approached powerlessness, after half an hour. , All the roars disappeared. At this time, the man opened his eyes, slowly recovered his strength, and muttered to himself, "The current practice effect is getting weaker and weaker! It seems that these people are no longer able to support my current practice requirements. More people! I really miss that action in China. More than a thousand life energy directly made me break through to the Golden Core Stage! It seems that I need to be bolder in the future,'huh,' I will not go for the time being. Huaxia is here, wait for my cultivation level to improve, and then go to teach them well!"

The man's words were listened to by Lin Hang's little ant. After listening, Lin Hang also confirmed that the man in front of him was the culprit who initiated the Xiaofan Village case, but whether it was the "Black King" or not. Still need to confirm.

The man glanced at the twenty-eight people who had been **** around them and there was no sound. He stretched out his right hand and waved it around. A black flame ignited on each person’s body. The place after the flame burned did not turn into Ashes, but all was swallowed! Before long, all the corpses disappeared, leaving no traces.

It was Lin Hang who had considered attacking when the man was practicing, but after careful observation, Lin Hang chose to withstand it temporarily. Because when Lin Hang discovered that men's exercises happen to be when the energy of the whole body is most active, Lin Hang believes that men's senses will definitely become very sensitive. At this time, the shot may not be able to achieve unexpected results first, and secondly, the man has 28 follow-up supplements, and he may not be able to consume him. The best time to take action should be when the man is distracted. At that time, when he suddenly takes a shot, the man must have a short reaction time. This is Lin Hang's opportunity.

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