I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 212

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:21:26 AM

Chapter 212: Fight the "Black King"

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In general, there is nothing wrong with Ah San’s ideas. After all, the "Black Nest" organization still has a great reputation throughout the world, especially in recent years, after Ah San and others have suddenly raised their cultivation base. Acting more arrogant and unscrupulous. If some countries do not have innate masters in charge, it is difficult to resist their power, so in general, Ah San always looks confident.

But what he met today was Lin Hang, who was in China’s own cultivation and reached the Golden Core stage, and with just a prying, Lin Hang knew everything about the entire "Black Nest" organization. Will be easily scared off by Asan.

Lin Hang’s clone appeared, stood on the invisible wall in front of Ah San, looked down at Ah San underground, and said, "Is "Black Nest" great? I want to talk to you today. "Afterwards!"

Before Ah San could react, Lin Hang folded his hands up and down, left and right, and Ah San felt that the surrounding space had all solidified into a solid body, constantly squeezing toward the center of his own position. In the face of this suffocating oppression, Asan tried his best to explode all the spiritual power in his body, but no matter how hard he tried, the squeezing of the surrounding space still did not stop, and it was still squeezing unhurriedly. , When the surrounding physical space was close to Ah San, Lin Hang waved his hand to stop the compression, and then pointed to Ah San, who was immobile in the field, and Ah San was directly carried by Lin Hang’s clone and teleported back. In the space cage of the China Military Region.

After sensing that Asan was successfully captured, Lin Hang above the tree recovered his focus on the clone. He still couldn't spare time to interrogate Asan, so he had to take him back to Huaxia and put him in detention. Wait until the'Black King' has been cleaned up, then consider what's going on. When Lin Hang’s clone arrested Asan, he had already set up a protective barrier, and Asan was not killed, so the "Black King" who was still in the manor didn’t notice anything. Lin Hang was still able to proceed with the next action.

But in the villa, after Ah San left, the ‘Black King’ sat alone, closed his eyes and wondered what he was thinking. The little ant that Lin Hang's spirit entrusted was watching the'Black King' non-stop, waiting for a suitable time to take action.

After waiting for about ten minutes, the arrest of the clone was over. Lin Hang knew it was time to act! Lin Hang on the tree snapped his fingers, and then directly exchanged positions with the little ant in the room. This scene awakened the still-thinking'Black King' suddenly. Before he could react, Lin Hang directly He rushed towards the'Black King'.

Lin Hang's offensive route at this time was the best route that was obtained after repeated calculations from the perspective of the little ant. But the "Black King" was suddenly attacked by Lin Hang, and there was a little reaction time. Although it was only a short moment, it was enough for Lin Hang to rush to the side of the "Black King". Because the intention of opening is to capture the'Black King' alive, Lin Hang's upgraded life spirit treasure-"Dijiang Arrow" is not easy to use, so at this time Lin Hang still holds the one that he often uses After Lin Hang entered the Golden Elixir period, the abilities of the "Psychic Cudgel" of "Psychic Cudgel" have undergone a qualitative change again. It not only has the original characteristics of "stun" and "dispersion", but also more It has a function of'breaking down', that is to say, the "Psychic Stick" of this golden era has the ability to break through protection, whether it is a spiritual shield or some body protection spirits, it can be achieved to a certain extent.' Break through'.

Lin Hang's sudden blow, without fail, directly hit the'Black King' who did not react. After one hit, Lin Hang did not withdraw, instead he picked up the "Psychic Cudgel" and banged frantically at the "Black King", but as the dozen sticks went down, Lin Hang gradually felt something was wrong. Under normal circumstances, after so many attacks from "Psychic Stick", how could he be knocked out, but the "Black King" in front of him still kept his eyes open, smiling and looking at Lin Hang.

Realizing that something was wrong, Lin Hang slammed away from the place and went to the other corner of the room.

At this time, the'Black King' who had been sitting on a chair under the attack stood up and said with a smile to Lin Hang, "It's you! The kid who has done a good job in Huaxia! Originally I wanted to wait a while to find it. After you settle the account, I didn’t expect you to come here by yourself today! Are those sticks tickling me just now? I thought you had a lot of abilities, don’t even think about leaving if you came today! I just caught you, It also allows me to better understand China's true strength!"

Before the words of the'Black King', Lin Hang felt that there were countless black tentacles surrounding him. Seeing this, Lin Hang knew that his raid plan had failed. This'Black King' didn't know that What kind of ability, I actually ignored the special attributes of "Sharp Stick", and then my first mobile phone was directly lost. In the current situation, one can only give up the original plan and fight this ‘Black King’ in a real fight.

Lin Hang is no longer a rookie in the world of cultivation. Naturally, he knows that although the "Black King" speaks lightly and devalues ​​his attack, he is actually very jealous of him in his heart. From this first-hand attack, it can be seen that the'Black King' did not personally end the game, but instead used the black tentacles to test, which is also a manifestation of his uncontrollable grasp of Lin Hang's forces.

Lin Hang knows that these black tentacles are the external manifestations of the "Spiritual Skill" practiced by the "Black King". Each tentacles has very strong adsorption and swallowing power. Once they are entangled, they will at least be lost. One-tenth of the spiritual power of the whole body is very abnormal. Lin Hang also had some understanding of "Spiritual Skills", so naturally he would not let these tentacles get close, so he put away "Psychic Cudgel" and shouted ‘fixed! ’, the surrounding tentacles were directly set in place, and the ‘Black King’ in the distance was forcibly stopped.

Lin Hang's move is a move he created by fusing the stillness of time and the imprisonment of space. It has the function of merging two abilities. Fixing an area in space and time together, it is like a real static field, without the concept of time and space. Although this trick is only in the initial stage, the duration is very short, and there are many restrictions, but now it has played a miraculous effect. Although the "Black King" had reached the Golden Core Stage like Lin Hang, he was not yet familiar with this realm, and was not prepared for Lin Hang's move, so he was frozen on the spot.

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