I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 214

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:21:07 AM

Chapter 214: Return of Wang Lao

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In fact, Lin Hang didn't know that the injury to the'Black King' was more serious than he thought. Lin Hang just punched it, but it gathered the physical and spiritual power of Lin Hang's body, plus petrified the entire fist. So this punch was hit on the Lich Monster Race who also cultivated the flesh, and it was absolutely uncomfortable. Coupled with the black energy protection that ‘Black King’ is proud of, he was driven away by the invisible flame, even more unblocked.

Lin Hang's deity suppressed the actions of the'Black King' in the field, and the four avatars around had already proficiently started to set up formations. Lin Hang knew that the "Black King" practiced "Spiritual Skill" had been practicing all the time. The characteristic of swallowing, knowing that if he doesn't seal him up, he will recover in a short time. This is also a major abnormality of "Spiritual Art", and his recovery ability is extremely strong. Therefore, Lin Hang distributed four avatars and placed the "Seal of the Four Sides" that sealed the "Necromancer" at that time, and wanted to seal the "Black King" for a short time.

With the continuous infusion of spiritual power from the four avatars, they are slowly connected together, and "Sifang Seal Array" has taken shape! Lin Hang leaped upward, uniting the four avatars to work together, and directly compressed the entire "Sifang Seal Array" together with the "Black King" in it into a white cover.

After completing this move, Lin Hang finally breathed a sigh of relief. This battle with the'Black King' was much harder than he thought. The'Black King''s "Spiritual Art" is really weird and powerful, if not for himself If the means in all aspects are solid, it is possible to capture the'Black King' perfectly. Now, the ‘Black King’ has already arrived, as long as he is brought back to the "Emperor Realm", he has no way to make waves. Then, I will interrogate in detail and believe that the origin of "Spiritual Skill" and the reason for the appearance of "Necromancer" can also be answered.

What Lin Hang didn't know was that fortunately, he was quick to complete the "Seal of the Four Sides" ahead of schedule. Otherwise, at one night, the ‘Black King’’s spiritual power and injuries would have recovered by 50%, and he would be able to reach the standard for shooting. Lin Hang's trip to Austria has come to a successful conclusion. Naturally, there is nothing to miss. Lin Hang put away the white cover made by "The Sifang Seal Array" and directly sent it back to the residence of Wang Lao, the military officer in the capital.

When Lin Hang came back, he wanted to go directly to the space cage and lift A Sanyi away, but he did not expect that Wang Lao was waiting for him in the room.

After seeing Mr. Wang, Lin Hang immediately saluted and said respectfully, "Teacher, you are back!"

Mr. Wang nodded and said with a smile, "I have received the news from the Tibetan city. You handled it very well this time! Several officers over there are full of praise for you, and I just accepted it. Good apprentice!"

Lin Hang was a little embarrassed when he faced Mr. Wang’s praise, scratching his head and saying, “Teacher, fortunately, I have the experience and support of the elders this time, otherwise I may not be able to handle it well this time. The Fancun incident is indeed as we expected. It was written by "Black Nest". As far as I know, the reason for this case is that the leader of "Black Nest", the "Black King", has to use the energy of living creatures to practice an evil spirit. Work."

When Lao Wang heard this, he patted the table in front of him angrily, and said, "This "Black Nest" is really getting more and more presumptuous! Originally, the old man didn't want to care about them, but now he is making It has become such a tragedy! It is strange to say that neither before nor now, I have not been able to find the nest of this "Black Nest", so I have kept them so rampant, Hang'er, what clues do you have this time?"

Lin Hang smiled and said, "When I was dealing with the tail of the hand in Xiaofan Village, I accidentally intercepted a big hand about the black hand behind the scenes. Following the breath of this big hand, with the help of the "Spirit Expanding Tracking Array" provided by the elder. , I found the breath of the same origin as this **** hand. When I tracked down, I saw the leader of "Black Nest"-the "Black King". After a bitter struggle, I finally captured him. The disciple just came back from their lair!"

Lao Wang was a little shocked. He didn't expect that in the past few days when he went to the United States, Lin Hang not only handled the incident in Xiaofan Village, but also directly captured the people behind the scenes. Old Wang looked at Lin Hang with satisfaction, and finally felt that his disciple was no longer the kid who needed his protection.

Old Wang smiled and said, "Okay! Hang'er, what you did this time is really great! However, you just said that you have experienced a hard fight with this'Black King'? Are you now firmly in the Golden Core Stage? Already? What the **** is this'Black King' that can actually fight you hard?"

As Lin Hang's master, Wang Lao knew well about Lin Hang's true strength. He knew that Lin Hang was invincible at the same level, and he would often win with one blow against his opponent. The current legendary "Black King" could actually make Lin Hang say the word hard fight, and Wang had to be a little curious.

Lin Hang's expression became serious, and he replied, "Teacher, speaking of this'Black King', it is indeed very difficult! He did not know where he obtained a very evil technique from ancient times called " "Spiritual Skill", you can endlessly plunder all the energy of others to supplement your own practice! Over the years, he has been practicing silently, and the speed of improvement is amazing. I guess this time in our China Xiaofan Village this thousand-person level His attack was just one of his experimental cultivations, and it was this attack that made him break through to the Golden Core Stage. After I found his hiding place, the idea was to capture him alive, but I didn’t expect When his "Spiritual Skill" was in a battle, it could directly swallow my energy and was also immune to many negative effects. If it weren't for the disciple's physical cultivation to be stronger than him, the battle would be even more difficult."

Lin Hang took out the white cover that sealed the'Black King' and said, "Teacher, look, this is the'Black King' captured by me. In order to prevent him from continuing to absorb energy from the outside world to supplement himself, I specially sealed him up. , But even in the seal, I can feel that he is still corroding and destroying my seal. After all, the cornerstone of this seal is only my spiritual power. I can only continue to inject energy to replenish it to keep the seal from being destroyed. . However, I’m going to "Emperor Realm" in a while, and I believe he won’t be able to get up with any waves in front of the great elder."

Old Wang didn't expect that the little ‘Black King’ involved so many things behind it, especially the weird "Spiritual Skills", which really surprised Old Wang.

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