I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 215

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:21:06 AM

Chapter 215: Changes in the U.S.

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Old Wang nodded, and said, "Well, such a dangerous person, it is safer to hand it over to a few seniors of the Wu clan as soon as possible. Hang'er, are you going to leave now?"

Lin Hang shook his head slightly and said, "Teacher, before I dealt with the'Black King', I also caught a leader of their "Black Nest" organization. He is now being held in a space cage. Since I am going to " "Emperor World", I naturally want to bring him. By the way, teacher, you have been to the U.S. for a long time this time, what happened there that has dragged you so long?"

Although Lin Hang did not intend to ask Mr. Wang to help him during the mission, he was indeed very strange about Mr. Wang's specific mission to the United States this time. It stands to reason that Wang Lao's spatial ability is so powerful, and going to the United States is a momentary matter, but this time it has been delayed for so long, and something unusual must have happened.

Old Wang smiled and said, "It is indeed delayed by one thing, and it is still related to you. You know, we solved the "Ultron" forces in Gemlinbia and found At the entrance of "Back World", people were sent to stay there for a long time to ensure that this area is within our control. Until one day, I received a message from the military that our military base in Grimbia was People attacked maliciously. The entire base was cleared except for one migrant. After I received the news, I wanted to rush over immediately, but at this time a case of a thousand people in Tibetan city came again. When you left the customs, I handed over this case in Tibetan city to you, and went to Gemlinbia by myself. After I arrived in Gemlinbia, I also asked the remaining local "Ultron" forces, and they didn't notice it. When this incident happened, I later found a clue on the ruins of the destroyed base."

Lao Wang took out a few photos, handed them to Lin Hang, and introduced, "I took these at the entrance of "Back World" next to the base. Take a look."

Lin Hang took the photos and checked them carefully, and found that there were many cracks in the sky except for the scrapped base.

Lin Hang said in surprise, "Teacher, these cracks are spatial cracks?!"

Lao Wang nodded and said, "I found that these people's attacks on our military base were not the main purpose at all. Their real goal was "Back World"! And they seemed to have mastered some spatial methods, thinking To forcibly open this cave sky, although it failed in the end, it still left space cracks visible to the naked eye. You must know that the space cracks that can be seen by our naked eyes are left, which means that this space has suffered a lot. A big blow. Fortunately, it is not the time for the Wu Clan to be born in the sky. After they bombard like this, it is really possible to directly blast out a passage into the sky."

Lin Hang nodded in approval. With a deeper understanding of space powers, Lin Hang knew that space elements are not things that ordinary people can see. Only people with spatial talents can sense them, and only sense them. As for the strong strength, of course, it can break through the space and leave cracks. This shows that it has caused a lot of damage to the space. Although it can be repaired slowly, the nearby space will become slightly weaker in the future. It is indeed inevitable. thing.

Lin Hang said, "Their plan is to try it out first, and by the way make the space nearby become weaker, and then attack again? But how did they know that this cave entrance exists and can cause this? Teacher, you’re just barely able to do it, and their strength is too terrible!"

Old Wang nodded his head gravely, and said, "Hang'er, the idea of ​​being a teacher is the same as you. This force did not know where it came from. The teacher has stopped in the ruins of this base for a long time, but didn't find it. A little trace, this shows that the people who dealt with the scene will not be weaker than me! We don’t know their purpose. We don’t know whether they will be friends or foes in the future. And you are telling me the case of Tibetan city now, which is also involved. For a force like the'Black King' that is not weak, I am worried about the future situation of the earth and stars for the teacher. It is not you and I can control it! Really is the catastrophe coming, will all the ghosts, ghosts and snakes appear one by one?"

Lin Hang said, "Teacher, I know you are worried about how China should deal with it in the future, but I don't think we need to worry too much. These forces have been hiding in the dark until now, and they dare not show up. Obviously they are all jealous. What? And we have already started Huaxia's follow-up backbone talent training program in "Candle World"? I think whether China will be strong in the future has little to do with us. Only when the entire Huaxia has stood up. To be able to truly stand in this era. So teacher, as long as we are ashamed of our hearts!"

After comforting Mr. Wang, Lin Hang continued, “As for this attack on the space at the entrance of the Back Realm, I believe the high priest in the Back Realm should feel it. So let’s wait. After the disciple arrived in the "Emperor Realm" and arranged the "Black King", he asked the great elder to contact the high priest in "The Back Realm" and inquire about it, so there might be any clues."

Listening to Lin Hang’s analysis and suggestions, Mr. Wang kept nodding his head. When Lin Hang finished speaking, Mr. Wang said, "Well, I really can’t worry about China, but you’re right, China should have his own. In the future, I shouldn't worry too much! It should take a lot of time for you to enter the "Emperor Realm", and I will also take advantage of this time to search the earth stars to see if there are some unexpected gains."

Lin Hang thought of the dark king Zhao Kangping's words when he was leaving, and said to Wang Lao, "Teacher, before I went to the Tibetan city, I asked the dark king about "Black Nest". Although Zhao Shu did not tell me too much Many, but from the news he revealed, I feel that our earth and stars do not seem to be as simple as the surface. Under the surface of the cultivation world, there seems to be a real world hidden, but we have not discovered it now. I know, if the earth and stars are so common, then why did the ancient monsters and witches choose to stay here and escape from the world? Maybe our cultivation base is too low, and we still have no way to touch those things, but I believe that there must be such A real world exists. And this real world must have some intersection with our current world, maybe only when the witches of the predecessors come out, can we have some contact!"

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