I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 216

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:21:02 AM

Chapter 216: Wang Lao's progress

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Old Wang nodded and said, "Well, Hang'er, your analysis is very reasonable, but this shouldn't be something we worry about now. After all, our cultivation base is still too low. Now whether it is the Xiaofan Village incident or the US All of the changes are a little beyond our expectations. In my opinion, our focus now is not to pursue things that are inaccessible at all. Let’s focus on the present! Just wait for some of us to cross the boundary between heaven and human. At that time you can participate in one or two."

Lin Hang nodded, Wang's current cultivation level can be said to be a thousand miles away, and the mid-Yuan Ying period is already very stable. Lin Hang estimates that it will not take a lot of time for Wang Lao to break through to the transformation stage. And after entering the **** of transformation, slowly polishing the spiritual power, you will face the first difficulty in the cultivation-crossing the catastrophe. Because if you successfully cross the catastrophe, the spiritual power in the body will undergo a qualitative change, and the level will be much higher, and the life form of the whole person will be completely changed. Therefore, the cross catastrophe period is also called "the boundary between heaven and man", which means once If you successfully cross it, then you will be free from the limitations of mortals, and you can call it "Xian"! After reaching this realm, at that time you might be able to participate in things that you can't touch now.

Lin Hang remembered the special elder Wang that the elder once said, Lin Hang asked, "Teacher, I remember that the elder once taught their "Emperor Realm" physical training method-"Air Speed ​​Decision". You, and later in the "Candle World", the high priest gave you the method of the physical inheritance of the "Candle World"-"Shi Yin Jue". I don't know how time has passed, your How is the cultivation situation?"

Hearing Lin Hang mentioning this, Wang Lao said with a smile, "Since I broke through to the foundation building period, spiritual power training will not consume me a lot of time, so in my free time, I really spent a lot of time studying. After reading these two tactics, I also began to practice. Originally, when I was in "Emperor Realm", I had just received the "Air Speed ​​Decision" given by the elder. After I practiced, I felt that the progress was not very fast. During the ten years of practicing, I got the "Shi Yin Jue" from "Candle World". For some reason, my slow-moving physical practice immediately improved. Because of my first contact with the flesh, I I was worried that something went wrong in my practice. I once asked the high priest about the reason, but the high priest said there was no problem, so I could continue to practice with peace of mind. It was precisely because of the assurance of the high priest that I continued to practice this with peace of mind. For two tactics, for some reason, my flesh cultivation base has improved very quickly, and now it is firmly ahead of my spiritual power cultivation base. You know, my spiritual power cultivation base has been accumulated after decades It can make rapid progress, but I have just come into contact with physical cultivation, and I really don't understand it."

Lin Hang somewhat understood the reason, the elders did not reveal much about Wang's identity, so Wang didn't know his special physique yet, but Lin Hang had some understanding. According to the Grand Elder, Wang Lao is not a human race, but a pure blood witch race! Moreover, the blood of the witch clan is very old, and it seems to be the blood of the witch clan in ancient times. The pure-blooded Witch bloodline is biased towards the Jiuyin Clan and the Dijiang Clan. This is the reason Wang Lao possesses the time and space talent. The reason for the rapid cultivation of the Second Clan's physical tactics must be inseparable from this. But the most important thing is that Wang Lao possesses something that the Wu Clan doesn't have innately, that's the Soul! You must know that the Witchs are not born with souls, which has also led to the fact that they have always practiced in the flesh, but the situation of Wang Lao has broken the recognition. Wang Lao is not like Lin Hang's half-human half-witch, possessing With all the talents of the two races, but also possessing the spirits, if the situation of Wang Lao can be replicated in the entire witch race, then the overall strength of the witch race will definitely rise to another level. Of course, when everything was inconclusive, the great elders did not tell Mr. Wang about the situation. Instead, they first let him practice the physical body. When Mr. Wang's own strength reached a certain level, maybe he could understand it himself. The truth behind the matter.

Lin Hang knew the plan of the great elder and others, so he didn't talk to Wang Laoming at this time, instead he said, "Teacher, since the high priest has said it is okay, then you can practice with peace of mind! Maybe it is because of you. The physical talent is very good, so can you cultivate so fast?"

Old Wang nodded and said, "Actually, I don't have too many ideas. Judging from the current situation, even if there are some hidden dangers that can exchange my strength, I am willing. After all, the catastrophe is coming. With more strength, we will have more confidence in successfully passing this catastrophe."

Lin Hang can feel the anxiety in Wang Lao's heart. It is true that although China has found a way to quickly improve its overall strength, it is now working hard in "Candle World", but because of the poor foundation, the speed of improvement is still Some can't keep up. Mr. Wang has been in the Huaxia military all his life, and his heart is full of Huaxia, which is naturally a bit unsightly. Lin Hang also wanted to quickly improve his strength so that the big stone in Wang Lao's heart could be put down a little bit.

Lin Hang comforted Mr. Wang and said, "Teacher, you really worry too much! The disciple is still incompetent and can't help you share more pressure. Don't worry, the disciple will work hard to cultivate and strive to surpass you as soon as possible. Yes, so the burden on you will fall on me!"

Old Wang knew what Lin Hang meant. He didn't want to let himself work like this, and said something that would surpass himself. After all, if Lin Hang's cultivation strength becomes China's first person, then a lot of invisible pressure will naturally be transferred to Lin Hang, and Wang's own pressure will be much less.

Old Wang smiled and said, "Good boy! The teacher knows that you love me, but I am not so easy to be surpassed by you. If you want to bear the burden of China, you should practice hard! Now, you should go to " "Emperor World", I'm afraid that longer time will happen to the "Black King" you sealed."

Lin Hang nodded and said, "Okay, then the disciple will leave first! Teacher, take care, please contact my clone if you have anything to do!"

Lin Hang waved his hand towards the space around him, and the avatar of Lin Hang who had escorted Ah San back with a comatose A San appeared in an instant. The deity of Lin Hang took Ah San from the avatar and nodded to Wang Lao. Then disappeared in place.

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