I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 217

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:21:00 AM

Chapter 217: Theory of power

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Today, many of the abilities that Lin Hang has copied are not used much now. This is not because the power of these abilities is not enough. After all, as Lin Hang's strength increases, the strength of the various abilities will be correspondingly improved. Not to mention anything else, it is the abilities of the major elemental systems in Lin Hang's hands. The power of the Golden Core Phase is also very terrible, but Lin Hang's current focus is mainly on training and improving strength, and he does not easily fight with people. , He also understood in his heart that the current strength of the Jin Dan Qi to use these abilities would definitely cause widespread damage, so he would not use it easily.

Now use more abilities, but it is the clone ability that felt the most tasteless at the beginning. At the very beginning, the clone ability copied by Lin Hang in the ability training camp because of'knock the sap' was kept only because of novelty. But in the ability training camp, Lin Hang also used this clone ability to have an excellent performance, playing tricks with many participants including Liu Tianqi at that time. However, the clones created by this ability are all weaker than the original deity, and the spiritual power invested is much more. It is not helpful to the battle. Lin Hang originally just wanted to store it. But later, under Wang Lao's prompt, he discovered the special ability of the clone, which can actually help others to create the clone, so that it can perfectly cooperate with Lin Hang's copy ability to complete the copy of the higher-strength person. With the continuous improvement of Lin Hang's strength, the number and spirituality of the clones became higher and higher, which increasingly reflected the help of the clones. Later, in every action of Lin Hang, the clone is the best candidate for path exploration, because with all the abilities of Lin Hang, it can also play a role in deceiving others. Just like the recent array layout, Lin Hang can complete it directly without the help of others, which is also entirely dependent on the ability of the clone. So now, the clone has become Lin Hang's ability to use the most land besides the space ability.

In fact, Lin Hang is now focusing on the improvement of his cultivation base, and he does not have a lot of time to study so many abilities that he has copied. If Lin Hang can study well, some other abilities may not be able to bloom like the clone ability. Brilliant. In fact, Lin Hang also had a similar plan in his heart. His current ability improvement in various aspects is still in a relatively rapid period. Coupled with the constant rushing these days, there is no way to calm down and study it. But after he slowly enters Yuan Ying and Hua Shen, his strength will not be as fast as now. Breakthrough at that time will definitely require a lot of accumulation and insight. Under such conditions, Lin Hang can spend time on his various In terms of this ability, there may be several unexpected special abilities that will be developed.

Lin Hang entered the "Emperor Realm" in a familiar way and returned to the elder's hall where the great elder was. The great elder seemed to have never left and was waiting for Lin Hang's arrival.

The elder looked at Lin Hang and said with a smile, "Lin Hang, looking at you, you don’t have a hint of sorrow, and you come back so quickly. Presumably the evil person who practiced "Spiritual Art" has been killed by you. Captured, right?"

Lin Hang smiled and replied, "Elder, you are right. With the help of the "Spirit Expanding Tracking Array" passed by the Elder, the kid easily found the position of the person behind the scenes, and after a fight, The kid also captured him smoothly and has been sealed up. The kid was worried that with my own ability, I couldn't completely treat him well, so I still brought him to the "Emperor World" and handed it to you. You were not right before Are you also very interested in this "Spiritual Skills"? Just now you are also helping me to interrogate to see what useful clues can be drawn."

After Lin Hang said, he took out the white cover that sealed the "Black King" and handed it to the Great Elder.

The elder nodded and said, "Yes, it is indeed a genuine "Spiritual Skill"! But it seems to be a little bit different from what is recorded in ancient books. I need to take a closer look. Looking at you, there seems to be something else. Busy?"

Lin Hang saw the great elder looking at Ah San he was holding on his right hand, understood the meaning, and said, "Well, back to the great elder, this person in my hand is under the person who practices "Spiritual Art". A killer organization that is harmful to our China. According to my understanding, their organization is not limited to killing people, but has to keep a lot of people in captivity to achieve the purpose of practicing "Spiritual Art". So the kid is looking for behind the scenes When I was a person, I caught him by the way, just wanting to ask about the specific situation of their organization, and then directly erase it!"

The elder understood the reason and nodded and said, "That's right, you go to the inner hall for interrogation first. I still need a little time here. After I'm done, you still need you to interrogate this person."

Lin Hang was a little puzzled, and asked strangely, "Elder, you interrogate yourself, and then you can tell me what you have to accept, why must I be there!"

The Grand Elder smiled and said, "What I can interrogate is only some ancient knowledge, but now you know the various environments and distributions of Earth and stars best, and of course you still need to ask. You should go first. Interrogate the person in your hand, just come here directly later!"

Lin Hang only agreed and took Ah San directly to the inner hall deep in the main hall.

Lin Hang directly stimulated Ah San's brain with his spiritual power, and Ah San, who was in a coma, woke up in pain. Seeing the unfamiliar environment in front of him and the smiling Lin Hang, Asan immediately understood the situation. But Ah San is a major leader of the "Black Nest" organization after all. Seeing this scene, knowing that it is useless to panic, and will only put himself in a more disadvantaged environment.

Asan said, his voice calm, "Your Excellency will be brought here, aren't you afraid of the "Black King" behind me?"

From Asan's point of view, the strength of his leader, the "Black King" is unfathomable, and even the top innate masters of various countries, he is like an ant in front of the "Black King". Therefore, Ah San moved out of his backer for the first time, hoping to give the other side a little deterrent.

Lin Hang laughed, patted his hands lightly, and said, "It seems that the'Black King' is really a good man! You have reached the point where you are now, you can still maintain such a calm thinking, it's very good! , Do you think that if I capture you, I will be afraid of the "Black King" behind you? Tell you the truth, the "Black King" has been captured by me, and your "Black Nest" organization is dead in name!"

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