I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 218

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:20:58 AM

Chapter 218: Interrogate Asan

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Ah San didn't believe Lin Hang's words at all, and said with a sneer, "You don't have to treat you like a fool? Do you think such a clumsy lie can deceive me?"

In Asan’s heart, even if the'Black King' can't find the other party, he will never be captured directly. Although the person in front of him can't see the depth, but the words just now definitely want to deceive him, and then get it. intelligence. Therefore, Asan immediately stunned Lin Hang, without any intention of believing it.

Lin Hang chuckled lightly without explaining too much. In his opinion, arguing with Ah San was a waste of time.

Lin Hang walked up to Ah San and said, "If it weren't for you to have some useful value, it would already be a corpse now! Now, since you are not willing to be obedient, don't blame me!"

San's heart faintly felt a bad atmosphere. Seeing the man in front of him approaching him step by step, the uneasy feeling deepened in his heart. As Lin Hang's right hand slowly covered San's head, San I felt a trance in my spirit, and then completely lost control of my spirit.

Lin Hang slowly retracted his palm. Although Ah San still had his eyes open in front of him, Lin Hang had directly controlled his mind. This was Lin Hang's use of his own "Fantasy" abilities. Faced with Asan, who was much lower than his own cultivation level, Lin Hang easily controlled Asan's mind.

Lin Hang looked at Ah San, who had dull eyes in front of him, and asked, "A San, let me ask you, how many places in the world are your entire "Black Nest" organization spread? The entire organization's control over those small countries has reached To what extent?"

Asan opened his mouth and said, without a trace of emotion in his voice, "Our development over the years, with the sudden increase in the strength of the leader, our members have rapidly increased. Up to now, almost every country has our power. Exist, and in some small backward countries, our organization has very large power and influence, and even the change of their regimes must be subject to our consent. There are 38 such countries in total, and the average population is 9. It’s about one million. Although the country is a bit smaller, the number of people is still good. As for some larger countries, such as the strongest among them, China, it’s more difficult for our organization to penetrate the area. So far, there is no obvious effect. There are just a few sites."

Hearing this, Lin Hang nodded secretly. According to Asan’s analysis, this "Black Nest" organization is really developing very well. A country with a population of more than 9 million actually controls as many as 38. In some smaller countries, if they want to conquer, they don't need to spend a lot of effort at all. Lin Hang was a little grateful that he caught the'Black King' earlier. If he was given a little more time to practice, with such a large population, the strength of the'Black King' would definitely grow uncontrollably. At that time, he and Wang Lao might not be able to control him, and it is very likely that they will develop into an invincible existence like that powerful in ancient times.

Lin Hang looked at Ah San in front of him, thinking about what he could do if he stayed behind. After a while, Lin Hang had an idea in his mind.

Lin Hang used the power of "Fantasy", and his spiritual power slowly wrapped the head of Asan in front of him. As Lin Hang's spiritual and spiritual power continued to invest, the expression in his eyes slowly recovered. A look.

After completing this move, Asan was also lifted by Lin Hang and could move. Asan immediately half kneeled in front of Lin Hang and said respectfully, "Master!"

Lin Hang nodded with satisfaction. He just used the power of "Fantasy" to carve a concept that will never be erased in Asan's mind, that is, Feng Linhang is the master, and he puts in Asan's mind. The memories of the'Black King' were all removed, and as they were added, all were memories of Lin Hang. In other words, in the current brain and consciousness of Ah San, Lin Hang is the leader of the "Black Nest" organization. Their actions have been serving Lin Hang. All the memories of the "Black King" It didn't exist at all, as if it had never appeared before.

Lin Hang said, "Very good! Asan, after I go back this time, I will integrate all the forces of the entire "Black Nest", and then stop taking all the tasks. I will develop quietly and wait for my orders, you know?"

Ah San nodded respectfully, and then Lin Hang returned to the outside hall with Ah San who had been processed.

When Lin Hang came out, he saw a scene completely different from before. Previously handed to the Great Elder, the white cover that sealed the'Black King' was gone, and the figure of the'Black King' was floating in the air, surrounded by a six-pointed star-shaped light array, binding the'Black King' in the field.

Seeing Lin Hang coming out, the elder said with a smile, "Lin Hang, has your problem settled?"

Lin Hang looked at Ah San behind him, nodded and said, "Well, Great Elder, it has been resolved, but the current formation, what does it mean?"

The Grand Elder laughed and explained, "You came out just right, and I just arranged this formation. Considering the characteristics of "Spiritual Skill", so I set up this "Ten Directions Absolute Spirit Formation", Because of the integration of our family’s spatial talents, it can not only imprison people in it, but also completely isolate all energy. Although this person in the field has completely recovered his spiritual power and injuries, I have already repaired his Because the Sea of ​​Consciousness is completely sealed, there will be no problem."

Lin Hang nodded and walked forward. After a little sense, he knew that the ‘Black King’ in front of him had his eyes closed, but his spirit had recovered. Lin Hang also noticed Ah San behind him, showing a very suspicious look. The man in front of him gave him a very familiar feeling. Although Ah San had been erased from all the memories of the'Black King', his physical instincts After seeing the man, there was a subconscious urge to kneel down, which made Ah San completely puzzled.

Lin Hang said at this moment, "Your Excellency'Black King', since you are sober, why don't you talk to us for a few words?"

Lin Hang did not disappoint. Although the floating'Black King' did not open his eyes, he still heard a voice, "This king fell into your hands, knowing that there is no hope of escape. I just don't know you will me Why are you here for what? What is your background? Why are you so familiar with this king's exercises?"

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