I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 219

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:20:56 AM

Chapter 219: "Juling Stone"

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Lin Hang smiled and said, "'Black King' you are right. I really can't let you go, but if you can cooperate with us, I can't let you keep your life. Look at your men. Ah San is full of evil, don’t I still keep his life? So, I will ask you some questions later, if you obediently cooperate, I can also consider giving you a chance to start again! As for mine Don’t ask about the history, now it’s up to you whether you are willing to cooperate!"

The'Black King' opened his eyes and looked at Ah San who was very respectful to Lin Hang. He spoke with a lonely expression and a bleak voice, "Unexpectedly, my most loyal subordinate has become the current one. Like this! I think what you just said gave me a way of life, should I become like A San? Since I live like this, it's better to die! I won't let you do what you want, I believe you definitely want to follow me I know a lot of things here, but I'm very sorry, I won't reveal a bit to you, you will die of this heart!

Lin Hang looked at the ‘Black King’ in front of him and knew there was no way to make him succumb so easily. He immediately transmitted the voice to the elder, “Elder, do you have a good way to deal with this situation?”

In fact, Lin Hang can also use the method of dealing with Asan, using the power of "Fantasy" to slowly guide, but once the strength of the "Black King" is higher, the mental power is much worse than Lin Hang, but there is no It can reach the level of crushing, so it will take a long time. Secondly, this kind of mental confrontation will become very dangerous at this point, and if one is not careful, it may directly destroy the mind of the'Black King', which is equivalent to directly losing a lot of news. So Lin Hang directly asked the elder to see if he could have a better way with his knowledge.

But what Lin Hang did not expect was that the elder was a bit embarrassed and helpless. "This Lin Hang, although our Wu clan has been passed down for many years, you also know that because we don’t have spirits, we naturally don’t have spiritual power. I’ve never been very good at interrogation. You have to ask me what I can do. Actually, my method is not as good as yours! Seeing you, the person behind you is subdued and obedient. If you want to come, you must have a way. , Tell me, maybe I can help a little bit."

Lin Hang was a little helpless, so he had to transmit all his methods and concerns to the great elder. After listening, the great elder had an idea in his heart and said to Lin Hang, "Lin Hang, I think you The method is feasible. The problem now is that your mental power cultivation has not reached the point of crushing the'Black King', but you think, if we amplify your mental power, especially strengthen the ability to fight, you Can you complete your method?"

Lin Hang Chuanyin replied, "It stands to reason that it is indeed the case. Grand Elder, do you have a way to strengthen my mental power?"

The great elder waved his big hand at this time, shielding the "Black King" in the formation from all perceptions of the outside world, walked to Lin Hang's side, and took out a small red shining crystal stone.

The elder introduced, "Lin Hang, this stone is an auxiliary natural material of your human race in ancient times. It is called "Spirit Gathering Stone". Its function is to strengthen the pressure and strength of the spirit, and it can be displayed. Some mental spells have a better effect. Of course, it does not have any effect on our witches. I brought it with me as a collection. I didn't expect it to be used today."

Lin Hang took the "Gathering Stone" in the hands of the elder, and looked at it curiously. He didn't expect this small inconspicuous stone to have such a magical effect. Lin Hang slowly touched his mental power to the "Spirit Gathering Stone" in front of him. As soon as he touched it, Lin Hang felt that his mental power was immediately stronger several times, and his control of various affairs also changed. Got stronger.

After feeling carefully for a while, Lin Hang said uncertainly, "Elder, although the effect of this "Gathering Stone" is indeed very powerful, it also greatly increases my spirit, but I estimate that it still cannot achieve perfect restraint. The extent of this'black king'. You must know that if you fail once, it may cause great damage to the information in his brain. I am worried that this situation will cause us to miss many useful clues."

The expression of the great elder Lin Hang expected did not appear. The great elder still had a confident smile. After listening to Lin Hang's words, the great elder said, "Lin Hang, this is not a problem! In addition to this collection of In addition to "Lingshi", there is also a collection of a set of formations, which are used in conjunction with this "Gathering Stones", which can further strengthen the auxiliary effect of "Gathering Lingshi"."

After the elder said, he took the "Gathering Stones" from Lin Hang's hand and began to slowly form a circular formation beside Lin Hang. After a while, the elder said, "Lin Hang, you cross your legs. sit down!"

Lin Hang immediately sat down cross-legged, and told Ah San to stay away from the corner of the main hall. At this time, the elder had completed the description of the confrontation method. After slowly injecting spiritual power, the elder general had With a light throw of "Juling Stone", it immediately hovered above Lin Hang's head in the center of the formation.

With the activation of the Grand Elder's battle, Lin Hang closed his eyes. After the spiritual power was released, after the enhancement of "Spirit Gathering Stone", and then through the blessing of the formation, Lin Hang felt that his mental power had broken through the gold. The restriction of the Dan stage is close to the level of the Yuan Ying stage, but this is not the limit. With the full launch of the formation, Lin Hang can feel that the strength of his mental power has officially broken through to the level of the Yuan Ying stage. Wang's spiritual power in the later stage of foundation construction formed a momentum of crushing.

The Grand Elder said in a deep voice, "Lin Hang, the formation is complete! Now you can do it without worry, as long as you don't speak, I will continue to input spiritual power to this formation, and let this formation affect you. Blessing can always reach the maximum level. You can rest assured to use your methods, as long as you are a little careful and pay attention to it, there should be no problem!"

Lin Hang replied, and then he was silent, his mind sinking in the manipulation of his mental power.

Lin Hang performed the power of "Fantasy" and found that this formation also had blessings on his power. When Lin Hang's mental power and the power of "Fantasy" were both blessed, naturally there was no fear in his heart. , Directly extended towards the position of the'Black King'.

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