I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 22

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:28:41 AM

Chapter 22: End of assessment

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Liu Tianqi said to the two people around him, "Lin Chengye's offensive is very terrifying. Later I will resist him head-on. You two will find opportunities to attack him!"

Before he finished speaking, Lin Chengye's foot was muffled, and he rushed towards Liu Tianqi like thunder, and a few afterimages were even drawn behind him. Liu Tianqi was obviously familiar with Lin Chengye's offensive methods. He didn't panic. He swiped his hands around the surrounding area. Several walls of fire stood around. The Liu family and the Lin family had fought for many years, and the Lin family's speed was bound to be restricted before the battle. As long as Lin Chengye's speed is limited and the two people around him are restrained, Liu Tianqi is confident that he can clean up Lin Chengye today.

Lin Chengye didn't slow down his speed as Liu Tianqi thought. Instead, he turned into a thunder, his speed increased instead of decreasing, ignoring Liu Tianqi's wall of fire and Qiu Ziang's attacks, and still rushed to Liu Tianqi firmly. Lin Chengye has a high fighting IQ. He knows that if he is restricted in speed and Liu Tianqi's two helpers, once caught in a war of attrition, he will fall into a very passive situation, like a frog boiled in warm water, slowly being dragged to death. If you want to win, you must give full play to your own advantages, cut the mess quickly, and solve Liu Tianqi, the other two have no threat. Therefore, he would not hesitate to consume a large amount of psionic body to transform into Thunder, in order to be immune to the damage of the wall of fire, and further increase his speed, launching a thunderous offensive towards Liu Tianqi.

Although Liu Tianqi sighed for Lin Chengye's decisiveness, he did not make himself in a mess. What he has to do now is to do his best to block Lin Chengye's explosion. As long as it is blocked, Lin Chengye's unrelenting momentum will inevitably be contained, and then he will cooperate with Qiu Ziang. , The balance of victory will tilt towards oneself.

Liu Tianqi let out a deep cry, and with his legs down, he turned into a burning man, and raised his hand to take Lin Chengye's full blow. Liu Tianqi was blasted back more than ten meters between the thunder and the flames. Lin Chengye took the advantage and did not give his opponent a chance to breathe. He rushed towards Liu Tianqi with a punch. But Qiu Ziang's two attacks hit Lin Chengye, and they were all carried down by his thunderous body.

After dozens of rounds, Liu Tianqi couldn't hold on anymore. The Lin family's characteristic was that once they had a little advantage, the offensive would be like a storm and continuous.

After Liu Tianqi was seriously injured by Lin Chengye's punch in the chest, the two of Qiu Ziang were beaten out of the protective film of the watch by Lin Chengye and eliminated!

Lin Chengye smiled unchanged, and said, "Liu Tianqi, you don't seem to have made much progress? When you return to the capital this time, do you still have your face raised in front of me?"

Liu Tianqi did not answer, but calmly looked at Lin Chengye, and said, "Lin Chengye, I am not as skilled as others, so I don't say anything. The shame you brought to me today, I swear, you will double it back in the future."

"What a great show!"

When the two heard the sound, they saw a thick vine supporting a person on the top, slowly reaching out towards the battlefield here, it was Lin Hang who was disguised. Standing in the air, he smiled and said to the two people underneath, "Liu Family Liu Tianqi and Lin Family Lin Chengye, the two of them just had a good fight, and Liu still has a bit of meaning."

Lin Chengye's eyes were cold, he asked in a cold voice, "Are you a disciple of the Liu family? Now that you recognize me, why don't you get out?"

Liu Tianqi was also very puzzled. He had never seen this Liu family disciple, but looking at the situation today, it must have been a bad person. When he and Lin Chengye finished fighting before coming out, he was obviously a deep-minded master.

Lin Hang laughed, "The reputation of me and the two in the capital is naturally very different. The two don't know that I am normal, but today you are all going to be planted in my hands..."

After finishing speaking, the spiritual energy in his body broke out, and all the plants in the location of the three people grew wildly, and under the control of Lin Yi, they were drawn away at the two. Liu Tianqi and Lin Chengye had just fought. Lin Chengye defeated Liu Tianqi forcibly regardless of the consumption of psychic energy. In fact, his psychic energy was almost consumed. He symbolically resisted twice before being pulled to the ground. Liu Tianqi was even more miserable. He was severely injured by Lin Chengye, but now he was beaten by a plant and was actually fainted.

Seeing that the two had lost the ability to resist, Lin Hang stopped the attack. He ignored Liu Tianqi and went straight to Lin Chengye.

He changed his smiling face, looked at Lin Chengye coldly, and said, "Lin Chengye, don't worry, we will meet again soon." After speaking, Lin Chengye stunned with a punch, and then put his hand on his. Forehead, copied his ability.

Next, Lin Hang activated Liu Tianqi and Lin Chengye's watches and left the forest.

After finishing all this, Lin Hang checked the time, and it was already five thirty in the afternoon. He sits on a big tree and quietly organizes the ten-day itinerary.

Although there were many changes in the middle, Lin Hang was quite satisfied with the final result. First of all, he knocked on the sap of more than a dozen people, and it was the psychic of the Qi family to hide him. After turning into Liu Tianqi, he eliminated more than 30 people at once with "Fire Talisman". The 30-odd people think a little bit, and they will think that the previous action of the'Sap Madness' was to arouse everyone's anger, and then use Qi Xiaosheng as a bait to attract everyone to gather together at the right time, and then Liu Tianqi can pass the Liu family All of them were caught by the arrangement.

The crux of the problem is that after the 30-odd people were eliminated, Liu Tianqi and the three were still in the mountains and forests, and they did not come out to confront everyone in the first time, so they naturally carried the pot.

After that, he turned into the Liu family and eliminated Liu Tianqi and Lin Chengye together. After Liu Tianqi went out, Qi Xiaosheng told him his guess. The Liu family would definitely think that everything was planned by the Liu family, which turned the spear on the Liu family. And the Ye family represented by Lin Hang and Ye Hang, who dressed himself up, were out early because of their outstanding performance and the final victory for Qi Xiaosheng, and it was absolutely impossible for the two families to think of themselves here in the end.

On the last night of this assessment, Lin Hang fell asleep with great pride.

Soon, the night passed, and another day came.

Lin Hang walked out of the forest and came to the military base in the valley. The four previous instructors were waiting for him with their hands behind their backs.

The majestic officer showed a rare smile, and said to Lin Hang, "Boy, you are very good! It is really good to be able to stay alone until the end. We have not seen anything like this here in 20 years. Results!"

Lin Hang was originally very proud, and when he heard the officer's words, he couldn't help but be surprised, "How many people passed the test alone twenty years ago?"

The officer nodded and said back, "Of course there is. The man who accomplished this achievement twenty years ago is called Lin Jingtian!"

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