I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 220

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:20:54 AM

Chapter 220: The end of the "Black King"

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Because of the imprisonment of the ‘Black King’, there was no way to resist, he could only let Lin Hang’s mental power invade his mind. The'Black King' tried his best to gather his mental power, and prepared to give Lin Hang a cruel heart when Lin Hang's mental power arrived. Even if he could not cause any harm to Lin Hang, he would have to Destroy one's mental power.

But the facts did not develop as the'Black King' imagined. After Lin Hang's mental power entered, the'Black King' raised a thought that was fundamentally inconsistent. In fact, this was the case, no matter how he mobilized it. His own mental power still couldn't stop Lin Hang even a little. After Lin Hang came into contact with the spiritual power of the'Black King', he felt a sense of chaos and tyranny. He already knew in his heart that the spiritual power of the'Black King' was not cultivated slowly by his own efforts. The plunder of exercises. After knowing this, Lin Hang was even more relieved. The'Black King''s mental power enhancement methods were too inferior. Although the amount reached the level of the Golden Core Stage, in terms of control and purity, there was no way to compete with Lin. Compared with Hang, what's more, Lin Hang has now undergone the dual blessing of formation and "Gathering Stone"? Therefore, under Lin Hang's continuous fierce attack, the mental power of the'Black King' was quickly defeated, and Lin Hang directly controlled his mind.

After finishing all this, Lin Hang left a part of the mental power in the mind of the'Black King', watching the movement of the'Black King', and the rest of the mental power slowly receding.

Lin Hang in the formation opened his eyes, stood up, and said to the great elder on the side, "Great elder, I have controlled his spirit, and now I only need to maintain this formation, I don't need to fully activate it. "

The great elder also stopped when he heard this, carefully maintaining the operation of the formation.

And Lin Hang has already begun to ask the "Black King", ""Black King", where did you get this "Spiritual Skill"?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, Lin Hang asked the most concerned and the most critical question, how did this evil technique with a reputation in ancient times come to the hands of the leader of a small assassin organization on the planet, Lin Hang did indeed Also very curious.

The'Black King' in midair did not have a trace of emotion in his eyes, and he replied, "I don't know what "Spiritual Art" is. The technique I practiced was accidentally discovered on a small island around Austria. In the cave mansion on the island, only this nameless exercise is carved on the rock wall, nothing else. After rubbing this exercise, I practiced it for a period of time, and after I understood it a little, I gave it to it. It was named "Swallowing Dafa." This comes from its ability to swallow everything up, and besides the cultivation method, there is a special refining technique on it."

Lin Hang frowned. According to the description of the "Black King", he got this "Spiritual Skill" is such a coincidence, and only the content of the exercises, including the creator and the origin, there is no such thing. The situation is very much like a technique that someone specially left behind, rather than what the ancient power left him personally.

Lin Hang noticed the refining formula mentioned by the'Black King', and he had guesses in his heart, and asked, "What kind of formula is it?"

'Black King' continued to replied, "I didn't notice this tactic at first, because it was written at the end of this secret book, and I discovered it by accident when I flipped through it. But this tactic was used. The minimum requirement is to reach the pinnacle of foundation building, so I practiced frantically through "Swallowing Dafa", and then through the special method of the practice method, my subordinates, Asan and the others, also forcibly increased my strength and worked hard for my cultivation plan. With my efforts, after absorbing several innate masters in one day, I finally cultivated my spiritual power to the peak of foundation building. Only then can I begin to practice that refining technique. Although this technique requires a high level of performance, it is It's very simple. After my spiritual power is transformed by the magic formula, it turns into a black energy ball."

"Black energy ball?" Although Lin Hang was a question, he felt like this in his heart. Before the introduction of the'Black King', Lin Hang had already guessed that this black energy ball was later in Xiaofan Village. The "dead" that has devoured the lives of thousands of people!

At this time, the spirit of the'Black King' is controlled and cannot think well. He can only replied mechanically, "Well, it is a black energy ball. I don't know what it is. The introduction of the technique only shows that it can Help me quickly absorb all kinds of energy and replenish it. After I knew its effect, I established contact with it according to the above method, and then sent it to a remote village in China. Sure enough, all night. , I can feel the steady flow of energy coming back from it, full of the breath of life! That is to say, with its help, I directly broke through to the Golden Core Stage. But I didn’t expect that I hadn’t come to actively take the next step You appeared to subdue it. I have already learned about your strength through remote shots. I was not prepared to deal with you for the time being. I wanted to wait for my strength to settle your account. But I don’t know what means you used. You tracked me down, and then I was captured by you."

The "Black King" has no self-awareness now, and all his speeches are very mechanical. He will answer Lin Hang's questions, and will say everything he knows.

Seeing that the'Black King' had already said this, Lin Hang knew that there was no need to ask further, and he said directly, "Hand over the rubbing technique completely, and the little one who discovered this technique. Tell me the location of the island!"

The Great Elder released the restraint on the'Black King' at this time. After the Black King landed, he took out a booklet and a map with the location of the island from his arms and threw it to Lin Hang. Sit down directly.

In Lin Hang's heart, he didn't want to leave people like the "Black King" in the world. After all, Xiaofan Village in the Huaxia Tibetan City had thousands of lives, all of which fell on the man in front of him. Although the appearance of "Black King" looks a little pitiful now, Lin Hang knows that such a pitifulness is not a punishment for a person like the "Black King" with blood in his hands. Lin Hang hesitated in his heart whether he wanted to leave the life of the "Black King", change his memory, and let him become an aid to China.

But then Lin Hang changed his mind to think, he would definitely not allow the'Black King' to continue to practice this evil "Spiritualism", then such a'Black King' would be worthless even for a part-time job. What is left to do directly Forget it.

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