I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 221

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:20:53 AM

Chapter 221: Explain why

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Lin Hang turned his head and said to the great elder behind him. "Elder, you will study this "Spiritual Art" later, do you need this'Black King' to keep it?"

Before dealing with the'Black King', Lin Hang asked the elder's opinion. Before, the elder said that he was very interested in this "Spiritual Art" and was going to study it. Now Lin Hang wants to know if the elder needs it. A person who has practiced "Spiritual Skills" is needed to keep it for research.

Just now when Lin Hang was interrogating the'Black King', the Great Elder was always there, so he knew the content of Lin Hang's interrogation. He laughed and said, "Lin Hang, you were not here just now. Can you get the practice method of "Spiritual Skill" in your hands? You only need to give this to me. With this practice reference, I should be able to get a lot of useful things. As for the so-called'Black King', or Don’t keep it, lest it become a scourge in the future."

Lin Hang nodded and said, "Well, then I know it in my mind. According to my idea, I was planning to obliterate him directly, and keeping it is worse than tasteless for us."

As he said, Lin Hang stretched out his right hand and pointed at the "Black King" who was sitting on the ground. Then he saw a violent fire ignite from the feet of the "Black King" and quickly burned all over his body. Although the black energy in the "Black King" reacted to itself and resisted stubbornly, under Lin Hang's continuous infusion of spiritual power, it didn't take long for the "Black King" to be burned into ashes.

Looking at the current generation of underworld leaders, it came to an end like this. Lin Hang's heart was also sorrowful. Facing the fast-changing world like this, if he can't clearly recognize his own strength, he will make a correct judgment in line with his strength. , Can only become such an end. Lin Hang also reminded himself in his heart that he must recognize his strength and the limits of his abilities, and don't do a lot of things that exceed his abilities, so as not to end up like a ‘Black King’ in the end.

After finishing all this and sorting out my mood, he handed the booklet containing "Spiritual Skills" that the'Black King' took out to the elder, and then said, "Elder, actually I am here this time. , In addition to giving you this "Spiritual Skill", there is one more thing, I want to ask you."

The Great Elder took the "Spiritual Skills" and after it was collected, he was surprised by Lin Hang's words, and asked with a smile, "Oh? What else do you have besides this? Look at your appearance, in general, you should It’s just solved, and it won’t bother me. This time it must be an unusual thing again, right?"

Lin Hang nodded and said, "Elder, please put this "Spirit Gathering Stone" away, let's go inside and say."

The Grand Elder reached out and took back the "Gathering Stone" on Lin Hang's head, thought for a while, and said, "Lin Hang, this "Gathering Stone" is just a collection. It has no effect on me. You just felt it. This "Spirit Gathering Stone" has the effect of supporting the formation. So, I will give it to you. I will give you the supporting formation later!"

Lin Hang thought for a while, no longer hesitated, nodded and said, "Okay, the kid won't be polite to you anymore, thank you for your gift!"

In Lin Hang's heart, I am also very satisfied with this "Gathering Stones". After all, mental power has always been one of Lin Hang's strongest strengths. It is still very difficult for Lin Hang to further enhance this part of strength. of. Of course, it is natural that Lin Hang is not good at asking the Great Elder directly, but now that the Great Elder takes the initiative to speak, Lin Hang is not embarrassed, and directly nodded in response.

The great elder handed the "Gathering Stone" to Lin Hang, and then led Lin Hang to the depths of the hall.

After arriving here, the great elder said, "Okay, let's talk about it, what happened above the earth star?"

Lin Hang then said, "Great Elder, before I talk about this, I want to ask you something about the cave sky. My understanding of the cave sky began with the Wu Clan, and the first one entered the cave sky. It’s our "Emperor Realm." What I want to know is, doesn’t every cave sky have a corresponding opening position? If the space is constantly attacked in this place outside, is it possible that you don’t need the key to enter, Can you forcefully break a channel out?"

After listening carefully, the elder thought for a while and said, "Yes, when the twelve ancestors of our Wu clan opened up these twelve caves, they all chose a space above the earth and stars, and then opened up the ancestors. They left the key to open the channel of the cave, and with the key, you can enter the cave like ours. According to your statement, the Yaozu’s "Red Feather Realm" does not seem to have set up the key. They only need to have a certain sense of space and talent. You can break in directly. But no matter what the situation, every cave sky is dependent on the outside world, that is to say, it constantly attacks the space of the opening point. If it is strong enough and time support, forcibly open a channel and It is not a difficult thing, and because such a channel is opened by a strong external force, it will exist for a long time and will not repair itself. Why, what happened to you?"

At this time, Lin Hang's expression became serious. He took out the photo of the American Grimbia that Wang Lao had made to him, and handed it to Wang Lao. After looking at it with confidence for a while, Wang Lao said in surprise, "Lin Hang , What's the matter with the space cracks above? It doesn't seem to be a natural occurrence. This is the trace left after the powerful attack on the space you said?"

Lin Hang nodded emphatically, and said, "Elder, these pictures are called photos. Their existence is equivalent to what we normal people observe with the naked eye, similar to the contents of "Photography". It is the real situation of the place where the incident occurred. And the place where this photo was taken is at the entrance of "Back World", and Master and I judged that these spatial rifts are some mysterious characters we don’t know, forcibly bombarding the surrounding areas. Time and space, and the damage left to space! I am here this time to show you if there are any details that we have not discovered. After all, your research and immersion in space is not comparable to our master and apprentice Yes. Another point is that I want to contact the senior high priests of "Back Realm". The space outside their "Back Realm" was attacked so fiercely. There should be some reaction inside. After the high priest passed the qi, the two Combining these aspects, maybe we can get a lot of clues that we have overlooked."

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