I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 222

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:20:52 AM

Chapter 222: Suggestions from the Great Elder

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When the elder heard Lin Hang’s introduction, he picked up a photo and looked at it more carefully. After half of the payment, the elder approached Lin Hang, pointed to the space crack in the photo and said, "I’ve taken it seriously, you Seeing that these space cracks are distributed fairly evenly, this shows that the people who bombarded this space have a fairly deep understanding of the space itself. Although there are some changes in the world today, it has not yet reached the time of our Wu Clan’s birth in Dongtian. , So their actions have no effect, they can only leave these space cracks. But if they arrive, these cracks may expand further. If the entrance is right, they can connect to the cave and sky behind, forming a stable Channel. But this time their offense is not without gains. After such a strong attack, even if the space in this area is restored on the surface, the strength of the space inside will still be damaged. If the world changes drastically, again Attacking here is not as difficult as this time. From this point of view, the people behind are not attacking aimlessly. They should know some things, at least they know that the location of Earth Star has There is a cave in the sky. Then their identities are very doubtful, and they are likely to be forces left over from ancient times."

Lin Hang originally had a lot of speculation in his mind, but when he heard that these mysterious people might be forces left over from ancient times, he still showed a shocked expression and said, "Then what are the intentions of these people in finding these caves? Do they know this? Behind it is the Cave Sky of the Wu Clan, or do they have hatred with the Wu Clan?"

The elder bowed his head for a moment, then shook his head and said, "In my opinion, even if they are very ancient powers, they probably wouldn't know that the cave behind that space belongs to our Wu clan. After all, the twelve ancestors back then When I came to Earth Star to open up the cave, it was still relatively hidden. At that time, no one should notice. The most suspicious possibility in my heart is that one of this mysterious force has the talent of space, his strength If you reach the level of your teacher, you can easily find these abnormal areas in space and launch an attack. However, this attack on the outer space of "Back World" should be only an experiment by them, and they should also want to see it. Seeing how far the world is now, there should be no similar attacks in a short time."

The great elder paused after speaking, and continued, "However, there is one thing, the existence of this mysterious force itself is already worthy of our attention! I think that during your time in the outside world, our Wu clan cannot help you. What, and the current situation of the Earth and Stars has indeed become a bit too fast. You also said that before you entered our "Emperor Realm", the so-called congenital masters in your mouth were already the top batch of combat power. But Now? You Huaxia has multiple masters of the Nascent Soul Stage, and many young disciples have also broken through to the foundation building stage, which completely crushed the entire Earth-Star cultivation world before. And the'Black King' just now, also Under a strange opportunity, with the help of the powerful "Spiritual Skill", he broke through to the Golden Core Stage alone. Now there is such a mysterious force that can move freely. Look at the damage they can cause and analyze the internal forces. The strength of Hua Xia should be no less than that of China at this stage, which means that they have at least Yuan Ying and above. If they have been in peace with you, it’s okay, you can get more time to develop yourself, but if they are right You are ill-intentioned. Under the current circumstances, you and your master have to discuss it carefully, and you must prepare in advance, and don't be caught off guard at that time!"

Lin Hang actually had the same idea. At this time, he heard the great elder's caring advice. Lin Hang saluted the great elder and said solemnly, "Thank you, the great elder, for being so considerate for us! Master and the others have discussed it carefully to see if they can find some traces and clues of this mysterious force. If I can find some traces and clues, I am going to test them and see if I can test their attitude towards China. After all, in my opinion , The location of their attack this time is not in our China, maybe this is also a signal, maybe."

Seeing Lin Hang's mind, the elder nodded and said, "Well, such a temptation is necessary. Under the premise of ensuring safety, being able to contact that power, no matter how they perform, is enough for us to analyze something. There’s something. Actually, Lin Hang, I wanted to say something to you a long time ago. I think your distribution of China on Earth will give others too many opportunities. After all, your personnel are too scattered, and among them, Most people are ordinary people and have no ability to protect themselves. When faced with a large number of forces invaded, it is difficult for your combatants to take care of the entire Huaxia. Therefore, I want you Huaxia to enter our current Wu clan in batches. In these three caves, we will give you some special areas, which should be large enough to accommodate all of your Huaxia population. At that time, you will not only avoid all the entanglements of external forces, but also the people of China. In the big cave sky, get better promotion. When the heaven and the earth are greatly changed, and the catastrophe is about to come, there should be many changes in the outer planets, and then the planets can become the place for your Chinese experience. In this case, advance and retreat. According to reports, it is also a good thing for your Huaxia development. What do you think?"

Lin Hang has been listening carefully to what the great elder said. After listening to it, he couldn’t help sighing that the great elder really considered too much for their Huaxia, so he had to say, “Elder, regarding your suggestion, I have recently There are also some vague ideas in my mind, which have not been formed. Now I hear you tell me that it is so! I think your suggestion is very reasonable. I will discuss this matter with many senior executives of China. Fan's!"

In fact, after the recent ‘Black King’ attack on Xiaofan Village and the Gelimbia military base, Lin Hang has already worried a lot about China’s safety, and Wang Lao was also worried because of this. China Huaxia occupies too much area above the Earth and Stars, and under the current situation, China's overall strength is not enough to completely defend such a large area. As the world becomes more and more loose, some forces that have been hiding for a long time will certainly gradually reappear. Under these conditions, Lin Hang has also been looking for a way out for China.

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