I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 223

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:20:52 AM

Chapter 223: Late answer

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In the current situation, the silent development in "Candle World" before has completely failed to keep up with the pace of the great changes in the world, and such a plan does not help the overall strength of China Xia. This is just a plan to strengthen China's backbone. The plan proposed by the elder now made Lin Hang's heart bright. Although Lin Hang hadn't directly agreed to it, his heart was already very moved.

If all the people of China have entered the three caves of the Wu clan, they only need to leave some guards on the earth and stars, and then the rest can develop in the cave with peace of mind, with the support and help of the Wu clan, It is not difficult for the majority of Huaxia personnel to embark on the road of cultivation, although most of them will not have any achievements, but with such a large base, someone will definitely stand out. After all, this kind of cultivation doesn't care if you are a supernatural person, and it reduces a lot of the previous restraints and restrictions. For example, many people may have high talents in cultivation before, but they did not have awakening abilities and were unable to cultivate the current psionic cultivation system, so their talents would be buried. But if you come into contact with the original orthodox training system, you will get a different development, which is a good thing for the entire China.

The elder nodded and said, "Of course, the final catastrophe is coming, and you still need your Huaxia's top strength to stand up, otherwise it will be useless. So, in my opinion, your Huaxia is now the most critical point. It lies with you and your master. The potential talent opportunities of both of you are rare in thousands of years. When you two become stronger, Huaxia will naturally become stronger. In the future, if Huaxia as a whole relocates to the cave of our Wu clan, You can also have less ties and focus more on cultivating and improving yourself. The best of both worlds, wouldn’t it be better?"

Lin Hang nodded and said, "Grand Elder, I will seriously consider it with my master! For now, let's contact the high priest and ask him if he has discovered anything!"

The elder knew that Lin Hang had his own consideration in his heart, so he didn't say much, and took Lin Hang to the room where the treasure of "Emperor Realm" was stored.

Picking up the scaly piece of space treasure, the great elder slowly injected spiritual power. After the light map of the twelve caves appeared, the great elder gently touched the light spot representing the "Back Realm".

It didn't take long for the light spot to respond, and during a burst of light and shadow changes, the figure of a young man who came behind the high priest appeared above the light spot.

Lin Hang saw the coming back, and after a salute, said with a smile, "High priest, how are you doing these days?"

Hou Lin thought it was the great elder who asked him to discuss something. After seeing Lin Hang, he realized that the matter was not that simple. After a while, Hou Lin smiled and replied, "You left from "Hou Jie" and just passed. How long has it been? What can I do if I stay in this cavernous sky? But you, after completing the contract with the monster clan, if you don't cultivate well, why did you get to Zhou Shu again?"

Hou Lin still has the same style as before. I really like the two sentences of the great elder Zhou Shu. After Zhou Shu heard it, he was not to be outdone. He shot back, "Hou Lin, you are too old and rude! You haven't seen Lin Hang now. Is it the Jindan stage repairing order, are you still here to ridicule me? Hurry up and put your faults away. Today, Lin Hang and I are looking for you, there is a business!"

At this moment, Hou Lin also had a straight look and said to Lin Hang, "Okay, stop making trouble! Lin Hang, what are you going to do with me this time?"

Lin Hang also put a smile away from the side and said, "High Priest, since entering your "Back Realm", I have sent someone to guard the location of the entrance to your cave. But not long ago, A group of mysterious forces attacked our base and carried out a powerful attack on the space at the entrance of your cave. I want to know, regarding this matter, the high priest, you are in the "Back World", have you received what's the message?"

Hou Lin has been listening silently. When he heard the attack, his eyes lit up, and when Lin Hang finished asking, he nodded and said, "You said that, I really remember it a little bit. Probably in a few days Let’s go ahead, our entire "Back Realm" has received a slight shock, but this shock is very light, because the space of our "Back Realm" is very stable, so there is not much movement. I didn’t care, I heard you With that said, it seems that there is no simple thing behind this matter!"

"I just received a slight shock?" Lin Hang was a little surprised. After all, the existence of those space cracks is enough to show how fierce this attack is, but only a slight shock can be felt in "Back Realm". It's really unreasonable.

When I saw Lin Hang later, I knew Lin Hang’s thoughts, and explained with a smile, "Did I not tell you Lin Hang before? Except for "Emperor Realm", the cave space of our "Hear Realm" is The twelve caves in the sky are the most stable, because our ancestors inherited the power of the earth from the ancestor Hou Tu witch, and naturally brought this feature when opening up the space. And the most important thing is that we are at the entrance of the earth star That piece of space is indeed the basis for us to rely on the earth and the stars, but our relationship is not so close. Just attacking that space, at most, opening up a space channel, there will be nothing too much for our cave and sky. It has a big impact. So, for your question, I can only say that I can't help much, sorry!"

Although Lin Hang got an answer completely different from what he had expected, he still said, "No, no, it's okay high priest! I just want to see if there are any clues. In fact, with our current strength, and This kind of force touch is not the right choice. Therefore, I just want to know about them. Now that we don’t have any useful clues, we don’t care about them for the time being, and just develop ourselves with peace of mind. After all, they want to It is necessary to open the channels to enter the big caves and heavens, and the current environment of heaven and earth does not allow them to realize it!"

Hou Lin nodded, satisfied with Lin Hang’s current state of mind, and comforted, "Lin Hang, you don’t have to worry about them too much! If you feel that there is no way to collide with them at this stage, then you might as well transfer Huaxia to In the cave of our Wu Clan, when we can descend to Earth Star, no matter how strong they are, I believe that our strength can also touch them, don't worry about it!"

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