I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 224

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:20:51 AM

Chapter 224: Out of "Emperor World"

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As soon as Hou Lin finished speaking, Lin Hang and the elder looked at each other and burst into laughter. Hou Lin didn't know what the money situation of the two was, how could he laugh at himself so serious, and said anxiously," Hey! Zhou Shu, Lin Hang! What are you two laughing at? Was my speech just funny?"

Lin Hang realized that he was a little gaffe at this time. He stopped laughing and explained, "It's not the high priest, you misunderstood! We are not laughing at your speech. For your thoughts about our China, boy I am still very grateful. It’s just because, not long ago, the Great Elder had just said this proposal. I think you two really have a tacit understanding. That’s why you laughed involuntarily. Please forgive me!"

Hou Lin understood the whole story, and said with a look of astonishment, "Lin Hang, you mean Zhou Shu, a kid who can say the same thing as me?"

Hearing this, the face of the elder who was smiling and groaning instantly changed, and said angrily, "Hear! What do you mean? What do you mean? Can't I say this in Zhou Shu?"

Looking at the two people who were about to quarrel, Lin Hang got a headache and said quickly, "Well, the high priest, the high elder, the two are good elders of the kid, all for the sake of our China to be better today. Stop arguing! The kid’s doubts have been resolved, and the next time I go to "The Back World", I will say hello to the High Priest!"

Only then did the Great Elder and Hou Lin hum separately, and then the Great Elder put away the scales, and the figure behind the Great Elder disappeared naturally, and the Great Elder and Lin Hang left the room.

Lin Hang had already got the answer he wanted, and now he was about to leave "Emperor Realm" to discuss the proposal of the elder Wang with Mr. Wang.

The elder said to Lin Hang, "I will concentrate on researching the "Spiritual Skill" during this period. I want to find a way to allow people to practice normally without harming the outside world. Especially I think it’s necessary to study the method of absorbing Qi Luck. If we can master it, maybe we will have many more immortal people! Go back and discuss it with your teacher and see you. Under the current circumstances, what kind of path should China take!"

Lin Hang nodded and said, "Grand Elder, I have some new tricks recently that can strengthen our relationship."

After all, in the curious gaze of the Great Elder, Lin Hang squeezed his right hand, and an identical Lin Hang appeared beside him. The Great Elder naturally knew about the existence of Lin Hang's clone ability, and didn't know what Lin Hang meant now.

Lin Hang smiled and said, "Elder, because of the inability to contact the outside world, a lot of news needs me to run in and out every time, which is not very convenient. So, now I think of a way, I will The clone stays here, and if you have any questions, you can discuss it with my clone, and I can also ask you through the clone if you have something, so that you don’t have to go there every time."

The elder nodded, and said with some doubts, "Lin Hang, I remember that you have the ability of this clone long ago, but why did you think of this method until today?"

In the heart of the elder, Lin Hang has always been a very thoughtful person with a lot of ghost ideas. If there is such a method early in the morning, Lin Hang will definitely use it directly.

Lin Hang was a little helpless, and explained, "Elder, it wasn't that the kid didn't want it in the previous days. It was because I couldn't do it with my strength at that time. I was able to create multiple clones during the foundation period. It can keep the clone at a very low level and reduce the consumption of me. However, at that time, my spiritual power cultivation did not support the long-term existence of the clone, and could only make a long-term clone. Now this clone is still a demon. In the "Akabane Realm" of the clan, I helped them make materials! But when I broke through to the golden core period, my mental power reached the level of the mid-level golden core. My clone ability has also been greatly improved. Not only has the number of clones greatly increased, but my control over them has also become stronger, so the duration of the clones has been longer."

Afterwards, Lin Hang pointed to the clone to the side and said, "Elder, this clone has only reached the initial stage of foundation construction. I don't expect him to have any combat ability, but the mental power in it is enough to maintain it. It’s been a long time. As long as you don’t let him do something that consumes mental power, spiritual power can be supplemented by itself. So, if you have anything in the future, just ask him directly. I will receive news as soon as possible. , After all, he is actually equivalent to me."

The elder fully understood now, he couldn't help but nodded. Lin Hang's practice of leaving the clones did greatly enhance the ability to communicate between the two. You don't have to wait for Lin Hang to enter the "Emperor Realm" to contact him every time. Passive, some messages cannot be delivered in time. I haven't shown anything yet, but in case we encounter such a situation in the future, it will be too late to think of a solution.

The great elder said, "Well, you can rest assured to go, I will take good care of your clone, and I will notify you in time if anything happens!"

Lin Hang bowed to the great elder, then directly opened the light gate and left "Emperor Realm" with Ah San.

Lin Hang originally wanted to leave some avatars in "Candle World" and "Houjie" to strengthen the connection with these two caves. Later, I thought about it, it would not cost much to contact these two caves through the elder. With a lot of effort, I just ignore this matter for the time being. The most urgent task now is to explain the situation with Wang Lao and discuss how China should deal with it next.

Lin Hang took out the map handed over by the'Black King'. The map marked a small island next to Austria. This small island was where the'Black King' discovered "Spiritual Skills". Lin Hang prepared to personally Go and find out if there are any clues and discoveries that the'Black King' missed. As for Asan, Lin Hang is going to take him with him temporarily. First, he wants to sort out the forcibly instilled squad spiritual power in Asan's body, and secondly, to improve Asan's strength by the way. 'Strength is the result of the "Black Nest" organization that has lost the "Black King" now. Lin Hang still needs this Asan to do things for him, so he will naturally find a way to improve.

When Lin Hang led Ah San to search the waters near Austria, Mr. Wang felt that Lin Hang's clone beside him became lively.

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