I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 226

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:20:49 AM

Chapter 226: Lin Hang's persuasion

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Speaking of this, Mr. Wang was rather helpless and continued, "Hang'er, I also told you before that our China has a vast territory. Except for the obvious regime of the China military, in fact, all major cities are Those top families controlled. Although many of these families maintained a good attitude towards our Chinese military, and even played a big role in the rise of our Chinese military, most of them The family has never obeyed our military. The current strength of the division is indeed enough to convince these families, but we have never thought about this step. If it is strong, I am afraid that it will damage the overall harmony of our China. ."

At this time, Lin Hang directly said, "Teacher, I think your thinking is a bit too conservative! Like before, we really need to maintain the stability of the entire China and maintain harmony with the major families. This is used to fight against the forces of other countries. But now it is different. The combined strength of these families is not as good as you. Then what role can they play for China in the future? I am afraid that not only is it useless, it will become a drag! In this case, we should make a decisive decision! We can use force or coercive means in the early stage to temporarily subdue these disobedient families, although they There will definitely be some complaints in my heart, but I dare not express it in front of your strength. The most important thing is that if they reach the Witch’s cave and we allow them to practice new techniques, I don’t believe them. They will not be able to change. For their own benefit and improvement, they will also readily accept the arrangement of staying in the Wu Clan Cave Sky, and as long as we control the direction of the matter, they will not bite us."

The foundation of Lin Hang's words is a great guarantee. First of all, Lin Hang and the others have already taken a big lead in their cultivation bases, and Wang Lao and Lin Hang's cultivation bases can’t be improved faster than others can’t catch up. This is very likely to prevent latecomers from surpassing in a short time. They have caused a situation of overwhelming guests. Although in the subsequent development, there will definitely be some talented younger generations who will catch up by chance, but at that time it was already the golden age of China's development, and there were no major hidden dangers. One more thing, the people of China who are currently in contact with the three big caves can only be Lin Hang and Wang Lao. This also fundamentally eliminates the possibility of other China forces in the upper ranks. According to the identities of Lin Hang and Wang Lao, the Wu clan is It is impossible to give up both of them, and this is enough.

Lin Hang also understands in his heart that it is not that Wang Lao does not understand this truth. It is just that Wang Lao has been in the Huaxia military for many years, and his mind can not change so quickly at a time. Wang Lao has come from the early days of the Huaxia military. Yes, at that time, not many family powers were optimistic about the military, but later with the help of several families, the military slowly established a leadership position for China's entire secular world, and still allowed the major families to exist in their respective cities. Now that the matter is over, these families simply don't take care of them anymore. As long as the Huaxia military does not control their area, they will recognize the status of the Huaxia military. Knowing that later Wang Lao and Jiang Lao both broke through to innate, the military finally stood up straight, and slowly gained more family support. However, the principle that the military has been pursuing, allowing the major families to develop on their own has not changed. Wang Lao has gone through this rule for so many years, and he wants to change it all at once. It is really not that easy.

Lin Hang went on to say, "Teacher, I know what you think, and I don’t want to break the previous code of conduct. However, the current situation is not as complicated as you think. According to my analysis, these families have developed for so many years. What I hope most is What? The development of the family. If we show them strength far beyond the current innate level, and provide them with a path of cultivation that can go on, what will happen to them? I think all families will agree with us Let’s make a decision! Let’s say that it’s not good to say that if these families are allowed to continue to control such territories of China, if there are other forces in the future who want to sneak into China, at that time, these families we have no control over. This is their best breakthrough! They probably don't have such a deep sense of identification with us as China, maybe they will not give in directly even if they resist, so this is a big hidden danger and threat to us. "

At this time, Mr. Wang's expression also became solemn, because Lin Hang's last words were not alarmist, but something that actually happened. The "Black Nest" organization had infiltrated China once before, but perhaps it was because their leader was as strong as Ah San, just'pseudo-innate', so all the top families did not waver, only a few small families Unable to resist temptation and coercion, he betrayed the interests of some families. However, the Chinese military was aware of this situation and did not disclose it. Instead, it stared at these families and wanted to see the next move. After this incident, Wang Lao and everyone in the military also understood that this time it was the fall of small families. If some stronger forces came, how would these top families deal with it? Therefore, Lin Hang's speculation this time has hit the worries in Wang Lao's heart, knowing that what Lin Hang said may become a reality in the future.

Wang Lao thought for a while, and finally he said, "Hang'er, I admit that what you said is very reasonable, but I still have to discuss with some leaders of Huaxia before I can make the final decision. The relocation is really a major event affecting the whole country, and all aspects must be planned!"

Lin Hang knew that Wang Lao had a direction in his heart, and he smiled and replied, "Teacher, the current Chinese military will definitely care about your opinion. I believe that you only need to present your interests and their leaders will not Anyone who has an opinion! Go ahead and leave me alone!"

Wang Lao exhorted Lin Hang to pay attention to safety when exploring outside, so he left the place directly and approached the leaders of Huaxia to discuss the feasibility of the plan. And Lin Hang's clone also slowly closed his eyes, cross-legged and temporarily calmed down.

On the other side, the deity of Lin Hang, while the clone was talking and discussing with Wang Lao, was taking Ah San to search the waters around Austria.

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