I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 227

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:20:48 AM

Chapter 227: Mystery island

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After the deity of Lin Hang left "Emperor Realm", he followed the map guide left by the "Black King" and took Ah San to the sea near Austria, looking for the discovery of "Spiritual Skill" as the "Black King" said at the time. Small island.

Because the "Black King" only marked a rough area on the map, Lin Hang sent Ah San out, and the two separated to find the trace of the island. It’s strange to say that this sea area is only more than fifty miles away from Austria, but in Lin Hang’s perception, there is no small island in the entire sea area. This makes Lin Hang very puzzled and once thought it was right. The'Black King' deceived him. However, Lin Hang immediately threw this idea away. When the'Black King' mind was restrained, there was no concealment. Based on this, the island containing "Spiritual Skills" seemed mysterious, and spiritual power search could not find it. Lin Hang had to set out with Asan and two avatars, in the entire sea, Searching for traces of the island in a large area.

After about ten minutes, Lin Hang and others still did not discover the existence of the island. At this time, Lin Hang received a transmission from Ah San, "Master, his subordinates have found out here!"

Hearing that there was finally news, Lin Hang was overjoyed and felt the situation of Ah San, and hurriedly directed the major clones to where Ah San was.

After reaching Ah San's side, Lin Hang looked at the very dark island in front of him, and asked Ah San curiously, "A San, how did you find this island?" No wonder Lin Hang was puzzled. The island is now. The location is a little far away from the shore of Austria. If Lin Hang and others searched a little sloppily, it might take a lot of time to find it. But Ah San directly found the target, making Lin Hang quite curious.

Asan respectfully said, with a little doubt on his face, he said uncertainly, "Master, actually this subordinate doesn't know. When you sent me to search for the island, the subordinate suddenly felt If there is no call, follow the direction of the call and slowly find the black island here. But the subordinates don’t know if this island is the one you are looking for, so they will notify you. Take a look and be sure."

Originally, Lin Hang was not particularly sure whether this island was the one mentioned by the'Black King', but after listening to Ah San's description, Lin Hang had already determined eighty to nine points. After all, this small island once had the existence of "Spiritual Skills", and Asan was able to break through to the current realm of'pseudo-innate', relying on the'gift' of the'Black King' after practicing. When the spiritual power in the body of the'Black King' is considered to be from the same source as the "Spiritual Skill", it is no wonder that Asan has that special feeling.

Lin Hang nodded and said, "Well, you did a good job! If no surprises, this small island is what we are looking for! You stay outside first, I'll go in and take a look!"

After that, Lin Hang waved his big hand, and the three clones around him suddenly merged together, turning into a brand-new clone of the top of the foundation. The clone nodded to Lin Hang, and walked directly towards the island.

Facing a strange island that didn’t know the depth and only learned a little from the'Black King', Lin Hang naturally didn’t want to take risks with his body, so even though the clone’s cultivation base was slightly lower, Lin Hang still Let the clone explore the way first and see the situation.

Here, Lin Hang’s clone is slowly approaching the island. When he first stood on the island, Lin Hang felt a chill, and directly wrapped his body along his feet. Lin Hang hurriedly moved his spiritual power up and down his body. After a while, the impact was eliminated and he continued to walk towards the island. After experiencing this, Lin Hang also knew that this island was not easy, and became more cautious in his heart.

Lin Hang had just looked at it from a distance, and the island as a whole showed a dark feeling, its shape resembling an open palm of a person, the size of which was the size of two football fields. Lin Hang is now standing in the middle of the middle finger, heading towards the palm of his hand. According to the words of the "Black King", he found that the cave of "Spiritual Skill" was in the palm of the island. And even though he was standing on the island now, Lin Hang still did not perceive the island in his senses, which showed that the island had the effect of shielding people's perception. Regarding this point, Lin Hang had a vague idea in his mind, but he wasn't in a hurry yet. First, check and see the situation.

As Lin Hang progressed slowly, he quickly approached the palm of the island's palm. When he was in front of him, Lin Hang saw a downward circular passage, vaguely able to see some steps, which seemed to lead to the underground. aisle. Having arrived here, and came to doppelganger, Lin Hang naturally did not hesitate, walked along the steps and slowly entered the passage.

When Lin Hang first stepped into the passage, he could feel that although the passage was not particularly bright, he could still see things around him clearly. Walking along the circular passage stairs slowly for ten minutes, Lin Hang felt that his current position should be about a kilometer below the ground, right here, except for the stairs. , Lin Hang finally saw something different.

Lin Hang had just walked down a section of the steps and found that the steps under his feet were temporarily broken, and now a relatively wide space appeared. The space was also circular like the passage, and in the distance there was another step downward. It seems that this place is just an intermediate place to stay, and you can go further down.

After arriving here, Lin Hang did not go any further, because the cave mansion mentioned by the'Black King' had already appeared, and it was the space in front of him that resembled an intermediate stop. Although there was some light in the entire space, it still looked a little dark. A bright flame emerged from Lin Hang's fingertips, clearly illuminating the entire space.

Lin Hang walked slowly along the walls of the space, and finally found the traces of the lettering mentioned by the "Black King" in one place. The entire handwriting appeared to be very old, and it gave a feeling that it was originally on the wall instead of later. The feeling of engraving. Lin Hang was very strange. He walked forward and touched the rock wall lightly, trying to touch these traces, because in his opinion, the fonts used for these traces were very strange, and he knew it, but he could understand it at a glance. Meaning, it seems to be a more advanced heritage font. And I seem to have seen the information in this font in an ancient book of the Wu clan, and now I see it, which means I want to study it.

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