I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 228

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:20:47 AM

Chapter 228: Exploring the island

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According to the description of the'Black King', at that time, after the rubbing was completed, he wanted to destroy these handwritings, but found that he could not change the slightest trace on the wall in any way, and then he gave up. After the rubbing, he was directly satisfied. Left here. As for the area under this space, the'Black King' originally wanted to explore it, but when he reached the entrance of the next step, he realized that he could not take the next step at all. He already understood that it must be his own. If the strength does not reach the standard, this downward channel will exclude him from entering. Although I guessed in my mind that there would be better things going down, it was really because of lack of strength that there was no way. The'Black King' had no choice but to leave first and wait until the strength to improve, and then check it out.

Lin Hang thought of this, and curiously walked to the next step, took a look, and saw the passage leading to nowhere. Lin Hang secretly felt the depth of this passage. Taking a step forward, Lin Hang really felt a limit, making it impossible for his feet to step up and down a step. Lin Hang felt the intensity of this restriction, and knew that with his current strength, he couldn't get through either, so he had to dispel the idea. There was no surprise in Lin Hang's heart. After all, according to the ‘Black King’’s temperament, he would come here for the first time every time his strength broke through, and the Golden Elixir period was naturally no exception. But since this restriction still exists, it shows that the'Black King' also failed after breaking through to the Golden Core Stage. Although Lin Hang is slightly stronger than the'Black King' now, it is also restricted. Outside.

Lin Hang then began to search the entire space carefully. He wanted to find out if there were any details that were ignored by the "Black King". Although Lin Hang knew that the "Black King" had obtained such a powerful technique here, how could he not conduct a comprehensive search of this space? So before Lin Hang came, he felt that he could get other clues, it should be impossible. However, after entering the island, Lin Hang found that the perception here was completely useless, which meant that the exploration of the "Black King" here might not have been thorough and careful, so Lin Hang still started his exploration plan.

After about half an hour, Lin Hang almost gave up, because the entire space, except for the two steps and the traces on the wall, looked very empty and flat, it really didn’t seem to be able to put things down. Look like. Lin Hang was a little depressed, half leaning against the wall on one side, looking at the top stone wall with both eyes, suddenly found something different! It turned out that Lin Hang discovered that when his eyes glanced over his head inadvertently, a little light appeared. You must know that the style of the entire mountain wall space is that kind of dark and dark, this light must be unusual. Lin Hang stared at the top of his head carefully for more than ten minutes, but until Lin Hang's eyes were a bit sore, there was still no second light. But Lin Hang didn't doubt himself. He flew to the top wall of his head and searched inch by inch. Finally, on a corner to the northwest, Lin Hang noticed a small bulge on the flat rock wall.

Originally, such a bump was not conspicuous at all, because it was too small, and even a closer look might not be able to find anything. Because of the bright light just now, Lin Hang searched very carefully and finally found this small bump. Lin Hang slowly stretched out his hand to touch this little bump, and found that after wiping out the surface cover, it turned out to be a bead embedded in the rock wall! With a little effort, Lin Hang took the small beads from the rock wall, then jumped and returned to the ground.

Finally, Lin Hang was in a very good mood and began to look at the small bead on the palm of his hand carefully. It’s not an exaggeration to say that this small bead is small, and the shape is not very round, on the contrary, it is somewhat close to an ellipse. The whole color is the same as the rock wall, and it is dark. If you don’t look carefully, you really can’t find it. .

But what Linghang didn't know was that, let alone this rock wall, it was the steps when it came. The'Black King' didn't let the search go, but there was still no trace of discovery. This small bead at the top of the rock wall emits a faint light every two hundred years, and then a trace will be exposed from the rock wall, that is, the small bump. If there is no chance, it would still be impossible to get this little bead even after 10,000 visits.

Lin Hang originally thought this pearl was a useful spiritual treasure, but after the spiritual power was injected, there was no slight reaction, and when it was changed to spiritual power, there was still no movement. Holding this bead that he didn't know what to use, Lin Hang felt a little depressed. After going back, he asked the elders of the Wu clan to see if they could recognize it.

Lin Hang put away the beads and looked around again, feeling in his heart that there should be nothing left, and then quickly returned to the surface of the island along the steps when he came.

At this time, Lin Hang's deity and Asan have also arrived on the small island. Watching the avatar come out, Lin Hang took the beads in the avatar's hand and waved the avatar back into his body. Lin Hang looked at the small island in front of him, thinking silently in his heart.

After confirming that this island is indeed not perceptible, Lin Hang has some ideas. If the appearance of this island is also hidden from the outside, then it cannot be a hidden hiding place, from the naked eye and perception. The double disappeared, it would be very safe.

Of course, Lin Hang also knew that to hide on such a large island, the formation and strength needed are not what he can have now, so he plans to wait until the strength is enough in the future, and then come here to set up the formation. Lin Hang was also very curious about the things under the steps.

After Lin Hang left a space mark here, he directly returned to China with Asan.

Through his avatar in the capital, Lin Hang knew that Mr. Wang went to discuss the plan with the leaders of China this time, but there was no result yet. Therefore, he stayed in Wang Lao's room for the time being, while waiting for Wang Lao to return, while studying how to improve the current situation of Ah San's cultivation.

Lin Hang inspected Asan’s dantian and found that the spiritual power in it was forcibly poured into it by the black king, and Asan’s practice was just a sub-gong method derived from "Spiritual Art", that is, through With this technique, Asan and others can also completely control the spiritual power in their Dantian, and the realm is barely equivalent to entering the innate, and the realm under the innate is still in an invincible posture.

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