I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 229

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:20:46 AM

Chapter 229: The way to hide the island

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Of course, Asan and others are'pseudo-innate' after all, and even weak innate masters can easily defeat them. This is the realm gap. Lin Hang's current thinking is to keep Ah San's realm as much as possible, and to find a way to make his cultivation level higher. In Lin Hang's mind, if Asan can reach the base-building period, there will be no difficulty in controlling the entire "Black Nest" organization. The problem now is how to promote Asan to the base-building period.

Lin Hang thought for a long time, but there was no good way, so he diverged his thoughts and connected the clone in "Emperor Realm".

Lin Hang's clone has stayed in the elder's hall since Lin Hang left. Because Lin Hang didn't pay much attention to it, this clone was not very flexible and had no communication with the big elder.

Since the great elder obtained the secret book of "Spiritual Skills", he has been staying in this hall of elders, studying day and night, and from time to time he personally makes gestures, sometimes frowning, as if he has encountered something. difficult. Regardless of the performance of the Great Elder, the current situation does have great enthusiasm and interest in this "Spiritual Art".

At this moment, just as the elder put down the secret book in his hand and was practicing the calculation silently in his heart, the avatar of Lin Hang on the side suddenly opened his eyes, walked up slowly, bowed to the elder, and said with a smile, "Elder From your look, it seems that the research on "Spiritual Art" is progressing well!"

The elder turned his head and glanced at Lin Hang, and found that this sluggish clone of Lin Hang suddenly had a look in his eyes. Knowing that Lin Hang's deity had turned his attention, he stopped the drill in his mind and replied with a smile. "It's just a little insight. I can't get the countertop yet. Don't mention it! It's you, isn't it time to concentrate on exploring the island and discuss China's affairs with your master? How can I have time? See my research?"

Lin Hang's clone laughed, and immediately sat next to the Great Elder, and said, "You don't know what the Great Elder! After I went out this time, I immediately divided into two groups and went all the way to the'Black King' place. The island exploration mentioned, and I went to my teacher all the way to discuss the future of China with him, but I am not lazy at all! No, I am busy with both sides, so I have time to come. Here, I want to ask you something."

The great elder replied with these ridiculous tones, "You kid! Every time something comes to me, can't you come and see me, the old man? Let’s talk about it this time. Make your performance so difficult?"

Although Lin Hang didn't speak, the elder had already guessed. How often Lin Hang would come back to ask himself. It must have something to do with the two things he had just experienced. It was either the problem with China or the island.

Lin Hang smiled and said, "Elder, the kid went to the small island mentioned by the'Black King'. Sure enough, the description of the small island is no different from what he said. It will indeed isolate my perception and exploration. There is nothing strange about the layout, but when I checked it carefully, I found a little thing."

After that, Lin Hang avatar raised his right hand, and then a light and shadow slowly appeared on the right hand, and the appearance of this light and shadow was exactly the sight of the little black bead. Lin Hang's technique was called photo taking, and it used spiritual power to transform the appearance of what he had seen. Of course, it was only the appearance. Lin Hang's deity had not come in for the time being, so he had to use the photo taking technique to let the elder analyze it.

Looking at this small black bead, the elder also showed a puzzled look. After looking carefully for a long time, he still didn’t see any clues. The elder shook his head with a wry smile and said, "Lin Hang, I'm sorry, neither I know the origin of this thing, but by its appearance, it seems to be something born from heaven and earth. If there is a chance in the future, you may be able to see something in person. There is really no clue right now."

Hearing the words of the great elder, Lin Hang was a little disappointed in his heart. Even the well-informed great elder didn't know the origin of the little beads. It seemed that there was no hope for an answer in a short time. However, Lin Hang had already prepared in his heart and was not too discouraged. After sorting out his feelings, he continued, "Elder, there is one more thing. Didn't I just say that this little island can't be perceived by the senses? So the kid has an idea in his heart, I don’t know if we can use any formation to hide this island from the visual perspective, so that we can build a base on this island. After the base is established, we If you really abandon the area of ​​Huaxia, this can be used as a site for experience. Moreover, this small island still has many areas that we have not explored. I think if it is not covered up, it will inevitably be interfered by other forces in the future. It will be more troublesome then."

The elder thought for a while and said, "The formation is simple. If you want to prevent others from seeing it with the naked eye, you can choose the "One Leaf Blind Array" that interferes with the line of sight, and the "Fog Array" that changes the form. "Flowing Water Array" and so on. Like "One Leaf Blind Eye Array", it makes the entire island disappear from sight, while the effect of "Fog Array" is to change the entire island into a fog, which is also a discovery It doesn’t have the original shape. And because of the large range of these formations, besides the cultivation base of the formation must reach the Nascent Infant stage, it also needs some auxiliary formation materials. Of course, I can provide you with these materials. It’s just the ten Nascent Soul cultivators who set up the formation. You still need to wait for a while! After you finish setting up this formation, the island will no longer be eye-catching visually. It is impossible to find out after the period. And the general high-ranking monk's exploration is based on the perception of the spirit. If you can't perceive the island, they will not conduct detailed exploration at all, which greatly reduces the risk of exposure."

Lin Hang nodded with some understanding. As long as the island is invisible from the outside and can't perceive its existence, no one can find it! As for the ten Nasal Infant cultivators needed for the formation, we can only wait for their cultivation level to improve. After all, although Lao Wang, Ye Lao and others are now entering Nascent Infant stage, there are only four of them. , Has not yet reached the conditions for the deployment of ten people. Lin Hang believes that according to his current strength improvement speed, the Nascent Soul Stage will not be too far.

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