I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 23

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:28:40 AM

Chapter 23: Old man

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There was a trace of nostalgia in the officer's eyes, and he sighed, "Lin Jingtian is really a peerless genius. He can achieve such a result by punching and punching with his fist. I was just this at the time. A little soldier in the base has been targeting him for so many years and has worked hard, but it is a pity to hear about him later..."

After speaking, he cleaned up his mood and said, "I'm sorry, it's a bit far away. What's your name?"

Lin Hang was shocked by the officer's words. He felt his father's energy. It was a legend wherever he went.

At this time, when he heard the officer's questioning, he smiled and replied, "Reporter, boy Lin Hang! Recommended by the Huicheng Ye family!"

Everyone is very surprised, how could Huicheng Ye Family recommend an outsider to participate in such an important training camp? But because of their professionalism, they did not ask. The problem now is who will take him to the next step of training.

Originally, the remaining ten people were evaluated, and the four of them would select two or three people each according to the students' ability characteristics and combat direction, and train them separately. After one month of training, ten people will have a concentrated test. The results of this test will reflect the results of the training. But now, Lin Hang was the only one, and they didn't know how to arrange it for a while.

At this time, the only female officer asked Lin Hang, "Lin Hang, what is your ability? What is your usual fighting style? We need to understand your specific situation before we can give you the best training for you. Program."

Lin Hang was a bit hesitant. He didn't want to expose his powers, but if he talked about a power casually, he was afraid that his copying powers would not be trained and improved.

When everyone saw that Lin Yi hadn’t answered for a long time, they were all puzzled. The female officer said with comfort, “Lin Hang, do you have anything unspeakable? It’s okay. We will only help you improve yourself. You don’t have to treat us very much. On the alert."

Just when Lin Hang was still struggling, an old man walked out of the base and interrupted the conversation of several people.

"You don't have to worry about you guys, just leave it to me this month," the old man said.

The four of them were very surprised when they heard that the old man wanted to exercise Lin Hang himself, but none of them objected. They returned to the base. Obviously, what the old man said was an order to them.

Lin Hang looked at the old man walking towards him and asked curiously, "Are you?"

The old man did not answer Lin Hang, but observed Lin Hang carefully for a while, and whispered to himself, "It looks like..."

Then the old man walked out of the valley and said as he walked, "Little Lin, come with me."

Although Lin Hang was strange, he still kept pace with the old man.

After walking for about twenty minutes, the two of them have already moved away from the base in the valley. Along the way, Lin Hang and the old man didn't speak, so they walked quietly until they came to a waterfall before stopping.

There is a wooden house in front of the waterfall with a wooden table and two wooden stools in front of the house. The old man sat down and motioned Lin Hang to sit opposite him. Lin Hang sat down as the old man said.

The old man looked at Lin Hang in front of him, smiled, and asked, "Lin Xiaozi, do you have a lot of questions?"

Lin Hang nodded and said, "I don't know what is the purpose of the old man bringing me here? Will you guide me in the next training?"

The old man replied, "I know that the four little guys in the base are more than enough to train ordinary people, but I know that they can't discover your potential. And the old man I love and eagerly can only drag me here. A handful of old bones, to guide you."

Without waiting for Lin Hang to answer, he continued, "Are you Lin Jingtian's son?"

Lin Hang's heart vibrated, not knowing how the old man knew. But Lin Hang immediately calmed down. He knew that if the old man was malicious towards him, he would not avoid the four instructors and brought him here for secret training.

Thinking of this, Lin Hang replied, "My father is Lin Jingtian! Old gentleman, do you know my father?"

The old man said, "It's not just a acquaintance. Twenty years ago, your father's training instructor was me. It was the first time I met such a genius. Of course, I was very impressed. You are very similar to your father, but you are so beautiful. I was amazed back then. Because of your father’s talent, he wanted to accept him as a disciple. Although he respected me very much, he declined my invitation. This is also a great pity in my life."

Lin Hang thought for a while, and then said, "You said that only you can help me tap my potential and improve my abilities? Did you see my performance in the assessment? Didn't you say that there will be no surveillance?"

The old man nodded, shook his head again, and said, "Because more than 30 people were eliminated that day, our base naturally paid more attention to it. However, due to regulations, it is inconvenient to go in and check, and I am afraid that it will affect the normal performance of the students inside. Old man, I was not restrained. I went in to check and found you, a brave boy! It aroused everyone's anger, and then faked traces of the Liu family's hands, and finally eliminated the Liu family as the Liu family. I believe they will go back this time. , The capital will not be peaceful anymore. And all this is thanks to your kid!"

Lin Hang scratched his head embarrassedly, and said with a smile, "The kid is also compelled. Although I am very satisfied with this result, I really didn't mean it, I didn't mean it!"

The old man looked at Lin Hang's appearance and couldn't help but laughed, "Okay! I know what your kid is like. To be honest, your potential is actually greater than your father, but you haven't fully discovered it yet. In the coming days, I will train you well and make you truly reborn!"

The old man then asked, "What kind of power are you? Although I watched you a bit, your power is still unclear."

Lin Hang smiled and said, "My ability is copying. You can copy other people's abilities and other tangible substances." After that, Lin Hang raised a ball of flames in his left hand, and a vine entangled in his right hand, and another appeared next to him. After taking a Lin Hang, it turned into a stream of water, making a circle and returning to Lin Hang.

Seeing Lin Hang's simple performance, the old man was obviously shocked. He asked, "Can any power be copied? It depends on how you use it, and there is no difference between it and the real original power. This is better than I expected. Even stronger!"

Lin Hang replied, "There are restrictions. If the opponent's strength is much higher than mine, I can't copy his abilities. Naturally, there are no restrictions on the use of abilities, but I have so many psionic powers, so I can't. Use it unscrupulously."

The old man nodded and said, "Well, what you said is not a defect, it is just based on your current lack of strength. As long as your strength rises, the gap between other powers and you will become larger and larger! After all, yours The combat method can be called ever-changing. You should feel this in the assessment. You are only in the middle of the training period. The disciples of the big families in it are not played by you? It seems that I have to adjust my plan. Otherwise, it might delay you!"

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