I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 230

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:20:45 AM

Chapter 230: "Five Initiations"

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Lin Hang nodded and said, "Well, elder, I understand! This matter will not be done until I am in the Nascent Soul Stage, but now I can let this clone of mine learn this formation from you first. "Lin Hang paused, and then continued to speak, "Elder, do you remember the'Black King''s subordinate Asan I brought?"

The great elder nodded. After all, Ah San just left, the great elder naturally still has the impression, and replied, "Well, didn't he modify his memory by you, has he completely convinced you?"

Lin Hang smiled bitterly and said, "Elder, this Asan is a leader of the "Black Nest" organization created by the "Black King". The reason I control him is to let him take over "Black Nest" for me. Can help us do things. But the strength of this Asan is too low, even if he has practiced the simple version of "Spiritual Skill" and has been infused with a lot of spiritual power by the "Black King", now he is only a "pseudo-innate" The realm, that is, the later stage of Qi training. Let alone put this kind of cultivation base with us, even at Earth Star, it is not available now, so I want to help him quickly improve his strength, at least to reach the base building period, otherwise There is no way to completely control "Black Nest." The kid also has too little knowledge. After thinking about it for a long time, there is no clue. I don't know if you have anything to do with the elder?"

The great elder pondered for a while, and then said, "Lin Hang, I don’t have a method that can improve spiritual power and even realm in a short time. I don’t have it, and there are several. However, they all have similar side effects, or they can cause ascenders. Irreversible damage, or it will impose great restrictions on future improvement. Our practice emphasizes gradual and orderly progress, so this kind of method is not the right way, naturally there will be great defects and hidden dangers. However, the one named Ah San He is not a good kind at first. As the leader of such an organization, he must have a lot of dead souls in his hands. There is nothing worthy of sympathy in his future. I think since you need him to do things for you, you should naturally choose something that does not harm him. Ascension method, so choose the "Five Initiation Method", this method allows the caster to compress the spiritual power in the caster's body for five times. After five times of compression, the caster will force it. Promote one or two realms, and there is no harm to the current state, but it will always affect his future realm promotion and cultivation, and he will not be able to break through again in his life. What do you think about this?"

Lin Hang naturally had no opinion, and he was secretly happy. It was indeed a wise move to ask the elder this time! This branch of the Great Elder is directly inherited from Dijiang, one of the ancient twelve ancestral witches, and it is indeed profound and knowledgeable!

Lin Hang smiled and replied, "Elder, the "Five Initiation Method" you mentioned is really the most appropriate! I originally just wanted to improve Ah San's strength a little bit, and I didn't even think about letting him in the future. Break through again. Now this is just right. After the foundation building period, he has no need to practice, and he can spend all his time taking care of my affairs. Great elder, please teach me!"

The elder nodded, and handed the method of the "Five Enlightenment Method" to Lin Hang, because this was only a method for forcibly enhancing low-level strength, so it didn't take long for Lin Hang to fully grasp it.

The elder looked at the excited Lin Hang, and said with a smile, "Lin Hang, with your current Golden Core Stage cultivation base, it is more than enough to cast a spell for Ah San who is not yet in the late stage of Qi training! If you use this method If the display is perfect, he should be able to reach the stage of the mid-foundation stage. I believe this strength is enough to handle things on the surface of the earth and stars!"

Lin Hang just got a new method and was about to try it out, so he bowed to the elder and said, "Then elder, you can continue to study the "Spiritualism", the kid will not bother you! You have Just contact the kid directly for any progress!" After that, Lin Hang controlled the clone back to the corner of the hall, and closed his eyes after sitting down.

Seeing that Lin Hang was running so fast, the great elder couldn't help shook his head, took out the secret book of "Spiritual Art" and continued to read it.

On the side of Huaxia Capital, Lin Hang's deity saw that Mr. Wang hadn't come back, so he directly summoned Ah San, preparing to use the "Five Empowerments Method" he had just learned to help Ah San forcibly improve his realm.

Lin Hang arranged an isolation ban in the room to prevent anyone from coming to disturb him when he was casting the spell. Although there will be basically no one coming here except Mr. Wang, it is better to be careful. If he fails, Lin Hang is fine. Ah San may not be able to save his life.

Ah San naturally obeyed Lin Hang's orders very much, sitting on the ground directly according to Lin Hang's arrangement, letting go of his control over his spiritual power and dantian, as if he was at the mercy of Lin Hang.

Lin Hang was extremely satisfied when he saw the scene in front of him, because the success rate and degree of achievement of this "Five Initiation Method" actually had nothing to do with the operator, and most of it was related to the person being operated on. Imagine how many siblings, loved ones, and friends can fully open up their dantian for others to display? More or less there will be some precautions, and these precautions are the biggest obstacle to the success rate of this technique, so since this technique was founded, it has always been difficult to achieve perfect performance, because there are few who fully trust it. But now in the situation of Asan and Lin Hang, there is no such problem. Because Asan is restrained by Lin Hang, he is completely undefended against Lin Hang. Lin Hang lets him open his dantian completely, and Asan doesn’t. With a little hesitation, Lin Hang won't have any obstacles and difficulties when it comes to use.

Lin Hang set his mind, adjusted his state to the peak, and then slowly injected spiritual power into Asan’s body. When Lin Hang’s spiritual power reached Asan’s dantian, because Asan moved ahead of time, he didn’t Nothing was blocked. Lin Hang breathed a sigh of relief, relying on his subtle control of spiritual power, began to compress spiritual power in Asan’s dantian according to the "Five Initiation Method", and soon the first compression was completed, Lin Hang did not Stopped and continued the next four compressions. Because of Lin Hang's powerful control and the cooperation of Ah San, Lin Hang's five compressions were directly completed without difficulty. And when Lin Hang compressed his spiritual power in Ah San’s dantian for five times, and then operated according to the method of "Five Empowerments" again, something magical happened, Ah San suddenly showed a painful look, and then his spiritual power It started to circulate crazily, and within a short while, Asan’s dantian calmed down. After checking it out, Lin Hang understood that Asan had already reached the peak of the mid-stage foundation!

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