I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 231

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:20:41 AM

Chapter 231: China's resolution

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After finishing all this, Lin Hang seemed very excited. After all, the "Five Enlightenment Method" was performed perfectly. Asan's cultivation level actually reached the peak of the middle stage of foundation construction, although it will not be improved in the future. There is no room for this, but with this kind of cultivation, you can already control the killer organization "Black Nest".

Lin Hang waited for Asan to gather the majestic spiritual power in the dantian, and said with a smile, "Asan, you will directly return to "Black Nest" from now on. I ask you to complete the entire organization in the shortest time. I believe that the remaining bosses in the organization will definitely not be your opponents. No matter what method you use, remove all those who do not obey you, and do not leave any hidden dangers in the organization! All those who have been controlled The country doesn’t need to do anything anymore. After you have sorted out the things in your hands, just wait for my instructions!"

Asan bowed his head and replied respectfully, "Good master! Asan must complete your instructions!"

Because of the small island on the edge of Austria, the ‘Black King’ moved the headquarters of the entire organization to the territory of Austria shortly afterwards. Austria’s vast land is sparsely populated and it is suitable for them to organize hiding. With a big wave of his hand, Lin Hang sent Ah San to the vicinity of the manor where the'Black King' had been captured. Lin Hang knew that the'Black King' and Ah San had disappeared for so long, and there must be many strange ideas in the organization. Someone appears, and maybe someone wants to become the new leader of "Black Nest". However, Lin Hang is not worried about Ah San's ability. After all, Ah San was the first person under the'Black King' before. To achieve this position, there is no shortage of mental means, and now it is in his With the help, Asan is already a master in the middle of the foundation construction, facing the other people in "Black Nest", there will definitely be no problems.

After completing this action, Lin Hang sat down, closed his eyes and concentrated on recovering the excessive spiritual power that had just been used for the "Five Initiations".

Not long after, when Lin Hang's spiritual power was about to fully recover, Lin Hang suddenly opened his eyes, got up and stood up and waited silently. The next moment, Wang Lao's figure appeared in the room, and Lin Hang stepped forward and said respectfully, "Teacher, you are back!"

Mr. Wang poured a cup of tea, sat down and took a sip, then said with a smile, "Well, I've discussed with those leaders!"

Lin Hang noticed Wang Lao's tone and expression, and did it, and said with a smile, "Teacher, looking at you, the results of this discussion seem to be pretty good! How, what do their leaders decide to do?"

The leaders mentioned by Lin Hang and Wang Lao are not weak non-combatants. In fact, in China's leadership regime, basically all are capable of cultivation. Because the Chinese military has come from blood and blood during the process of its rise, so after the regime has become a little stable, the leadership has always been held by iron-blooded middle-level officers. They are both generals who can lead troops to fight, or they can A capable person who governs the country. As the highest combat power of the Chinese military, Wang Lao and Jiang Lao naturally have an unparalleled right to speak in the Chinese military.

Old Wang smiled and said, "After I raised this issue this time, the military also took it very seriously. They immediately called almost all the high-level officials to hold an emergency meeting. I thought it would be a long-lasting discussion and debate. There must be some factions holding two opinions to analyze the pros and cons, and it will take a long time. What I did not expect is that after the meeting actually started, it went very smoothly. Almost everyone agreed with my proposal. No one came out to object! This also made me understand that it is indeed that my thinking has not improved. They are all easier to accept than me. It seems that they are not idle in private. They are also considering Huaxia! This meeting In the second half of the period, I was already discussing how to implement this plan, but time is rushed, and whether I have discussed with the Witches, so it will take some time before we can come up with the final plan."

Lin Hang nodded. He was not like Mr. Wang himself. He was quite familiar with the senior leaders of China and Mr. Jiang, and basically didn't know anything else. Now listening to Wang Lao's description, it seems that these high-level Huaxia officials are still good, at least their hearts have been paying attention to the safety and development of the entire Huaxia.

Lin Hang smiled and asked, "Teacher, you have been talking with them for so long, so what advice do they have about this plan worth adopting?"

Wang Lao thought for a while and said, "They are all the real high-level cores of our China, and they are completely trustworthy, so I talked to them about the Wu Clan Dongtian and some ancient information. So this time when I proposed to temporarily relocate Huaxia to the Wu Clan Cave Sky, they seemed to have been mentally prepared, knowing that we would have this idea. They think differently from you, and what they think the most is not They themselves, but the development and continuation of the entire Chinese nation. After learning about the Great Tribulation, they have always wanted to find a way out for our Chinese nation. So after learning that the Wu Clan also has this idea, their hearts are very happy. Regarding this matter, they began to formulate plans very early, so they have a set of very detailed arrangements for China’s internal unified arrangements. And the most critical point of these arrangements is that, like ours, the current level of cultivation strength Completely crush the people of the major families. In other words, they have fully planned and grasped the issue of how to arrange the orderly relocation after the major families agree, but we need to go to the major families to unify their opinions. ."

Lin Hang laughed blankly. The senior leaders of China were really prepared for a rainy day. They made the plan very early, and now they can start implementing it only after Mr. Wang completes the first step.

Lin Hang smiled and asked, "Then teacher, when are you going to visit the major families, do you need me to go with you?"

Elder Wang shook his head and said, "It's not in a hurry for the time being. You need to wait for them to make arrangements. Then you have to coordinate and implement this matter with the three elders of the Wu clan, so we can discuss with those families. That's right. , You said you want to explore the island that the "Black King" explained. Did you find anything?"

Lin Hang just remembered at this time and hurriedly said, "Oh, teacher, I just wanted to tell you! This time to search this island, it really gave me some special discoveries, and the plans for our follow-up , May also be very helpful!"

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