I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 233

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:20:38 AM

Chapter 233: Research mad elder

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Lin Hang was very puzzled. The last time I came by myself was a bit too early. Liu Ruyan had just worshipped under the high priest's door and started some retreats without any problems. But more than two years have passed this time, why haven't you seen Liu Ruyan?

Lin Hang and the high priest are not very outside, so they asked directly, "The high priest, where is my sister Liu Ruyan? Why don't you see her by your side, she won't be still in retreat, right?"

The high priest smiled and said, "Lin Hang, you are really right. Yan'er is indeed in retreat. She has practiced a secret method that I gave her. Now she is breaking through. If you don't have someone to find her Things, don't disturb her for now!"

Although Lin Hang still had doubts in his heart, he still didn't have the slightest doubt about the high priest, and said with a smile, "Well, since Sister Yan is now at a critical juncture in her cultivation and breakthrough, of course I can't bother her! It doesn't matter, see you next time, no problem. It’s just the high priest, I want to ask, my sister Yan’s cultivation is fairly smooth, right?"

Facing Lin Hang’s words of concern, the high priest seemed very satisfied, and smiled and replied, “Of course there is no problem, and the progress of cultivation is very good! If your kid doesn’t practice seriously, maybe Yaner will catch up with you. It's possible!"

The high priest said that in Lin Hang's eyes, it was more like a joke. Although Lin Hang also hoped that Liu Ruyan's strength could increase rapidly, he did not believe that Liu Ruyan could surpass his cultivation speed.

The two said a few more words, and the high priest asked, "Okay, Lin Hang, the gossip is almost the same. Let’s talk about the purpose of your coming to our "Candle World" this time! Don’t you. This time I came here specially, just to see Yan'er!"

Lin Hang directly poured the bitter water and said, "Priest, you don't know! The kid originally wanted to spend a year outside to cultivate well, but in these days there are indeed too many things! After finishing the cooperation with the monster clan, the kid spent two months to stabilize his cultivation base in the golden core stage. He was about to continue to practice well, but at this time there were many unexpected events, which disrupted. Kid's plan."

The high priest did not speak, and signaled Lin Hang to continue. Lin Hang introduced, "A small village in China has been devastated some time ago. Under investigation, I caught the black hand behind the scenes. Very important information is implicated. This behind-the-scenes man is involved in both "Spiritual Art" and "Necromancer"! And this person broke through to the golden era with the help of "Spiritual Art" and "Necromancer". This cultivation base can already pose a great threat to China. Fortunately, the kid has strangled him in the Golden Core Stage, otherwise he will really become a big disaster when he grows up!"

The high priest had a calm expression, but slowly he heard his brows gradually frowned, and said, "Spiritual Skills and Necromancers have reappeared? And they still appear at the same time? Lin Hang, are you sure they are the two. Something, did you read it wrong?"

Lin Hang also nodded solemnly, and said, "High priest, it seems that the great elder hasn't notified you! Of course I wasn't sure about them. I didn't confirm their authenticity until after I asked the great elder. But now This threat has been eliminated. Both "Necromancer" and "Spiritual Skill" are kept by the Great Elder, and there shouldn't be any problems."

"That's good, Big Brother Zhou Shu is a well-known and knowledgeable person among us. If he is sure, there should be no problem." High priest Zhu Yue breathed a sigh of relief, before thinking of something, and said helplessly, "Zhou Shu The eldest brother is good at everything, he just loves to study too much. He didn't tell us about such a big thing. He must be holding the "Spiritual Skills" and studying day and night!"

Lin Hang nodded and said, "Indeed, the elder said that the method that can seize his popular luck in "Spiritual Skill" is very magical. He wants to see if he can study some of his own ideas and let the follow-up monks of our two races. When crossing the Tribulation, I can have greater certainty. I think the idea of ​​the Great Elder is very good. If it can be successful, wouldn't it be a good thing for both of our races?"

Lin Hang was very puzzled. Although the great elder was a bit too involved in the research, his spirit and purpose were very encouraging, but he didn't know why the high priest would show such a look and attitude.

The high priest said the reason, "Lin Hang, you don’t know. Before our twelve branches came to Earth Star, the links between the branches were still very close. Big brother is so familiar. At that time, Big Brother Zhou Shu was a well-known research madman in various branches. His research was not particularly strange in principle, and it was considered a feasible way. Just like this time. "Spiritualism", derived from the existing methods that can benefit us, should be feasible? But Brother Zhou Shu himself does not know how unreliable he is. When studying a direction, his mind will suddenly jump to another idea that suddenly emerged, and then the two continue to study together. After a long time, the various ideas are mixed, and he himself does not know what he wants to study. So. Every time, Big Brother Zhou Shu came up with some methods that he believed to be useful, but they were actually "mixed products" with no practicality! Someone once tried his research results, but the result of that time left the experimenter in a coma for three times. Years! Since then, no one is willing to try some of his research results. Not only that, Brother Zhou Shu has never listened to other people's advice, and he still likes to study on his own, and he will be anxious if he doesn't let him study. So, Lin Hang, don't say anything bad in front of him, just don't use what he has researched!"

Lin Hang was a little embarrassed after listening. He did not expect that behind the serious elder, there was such a side. Lin Hang secretly rejoiced in his heart. Fortunately, the high priest told him about the deeds of the elder at this time, otherwise he didn't know it. Under the circumstances, if you use the "Spiritual Addiction" given by the Great Elder to improve the method, then maybe the whole person's luck will be lost.

Lin Hang immediately said, "That's it! Thank you for your reminder, the High Priest! Fortunately, some of the things I asked for from the Great Elder these days are all generic things, otherwise the kid may have been ‘badly handed’!"

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