I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 234

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:20:37 AM

Chapter 234: The tacit understanding of the three

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The high priest smiled and said, "Since Zhou Shu is in the mood to start studying this, it means that the matter is not very serious. But, have you investigated clearly the sudden appearance of "Spiritual Skill" and "Dead Spirit" , What is the origin?"

Lin Hang also looked upright at this time, and said solemnly, "Priest, I arranged in advance to capture the life behind the scenes of practicing "Spiritual Skills". After interrogation, I realized that this time " It’s no coincidence that Spirit Addiction and Necromancer appeared together. This special "Necromancer" was born out of the technique of "Necromancer"!"

"What? "Necromancer" can be spawned by "Spiritual Art"?" The chief priest was very surprised and said in confusion, "But there have never been such rumors, the legendary age of the two is not in the same era! "

Lin Hang smiled and said, "The High Priest, I have no idea about this with the Great Elder. I don't know why such a change occurred. Then I also learned from the population where he obtained this exercise. , And went to investigate. There is not much discovery here, only the "Spiritual Skill" that can be on the rock wall and a small bead of unknown purpose."

The high priest is not a person who likes to go after the roots. Now that Lin Hang and the elder have solved the problem, they no longer ask, but say, "Apart from this, what else have you encountered?"

At this time, Lin Hang realized that he was a bit off the track, and he hurriedly switched over and said, "By the way, at about the time when the user of "Linggong" committed the crime, the entrance of "Back Realm" was attacked. I saw the scene. We unanimously analyzed that this is a mysterious force, trying to forcibly open a passage to the cave sky! We have no information about this mysterious force until now. After asking the high priest, he didn’t feel anything. What news. And this mysterious force, judging by the people who attacked the entrance of "The Back Realm", it is also a very powerful force. We don't know if they are friends or enemies, so we remain vigilant for the time being."

When the high priest heard this, his expression became serious, and he said, "How come there are so many strange things appearing all of a sudden? Could it be that the looseness of the heavens and the earth is really getting bigger and bigger, and all the bulls, ghosts, snakes and gods have appeared? "Thinking of this, the high priest changed his mind and said solemnly to Lin Hang, "Lin Hang, there is one thing I think you should consider! The earth and star you China is located in, the future situation will definitely become more and more complicated. , You are ten times stronger than you are now, and there is no way to protect the entire Huaxia Zhouquan. So, can you consider temporarily moving to the cave of our Wu Clan first, protecting ordinary people, and at the same time giving other cultivators more How many opportunities for improvement?"

Hearing the words from the heart of the high priest, Lin Hang was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help laughing. The high priest saw that Lin Hang was so inconsistent and became a little angry. He said loudly, with a rare sullen voice. "Lin Hang! I was talking to you well, why did you suddenly laugh, is what I said so funny?"

At this time, Lin Hang realized that he was a little rude, so he hurriedly put away his smile, gave the high priest a fist, and said, "High priest, sorry! The kid didn't mean it, just the suggestion you just said. It happened to be the kid coming. The purpose of this! And this matter, the two seniors of the Great Elder and the High Priest also mentioned to me at the same time. The kid just lamented the tacit understanding of the three of you, and then couldn't help but laugh!"

After Lin Hang finished explaining, the high priest's expression improved, and then he smiled and said, "You kid, it's really not worrying! But you said that this time we came to our "Candle World" because of this. , Could it be that you have discussed with those people in China?"

Lin Hang nodded and said, "After the kid left the elder, he directly discussed with my teacher, and finally the teacher agreed with me and was willing to let Huaxia carry out the overall relocation. Then the teacher and Huaxia’s After discussing with the leaders, combined with the current external environment of Earthstar, they agreed that this proposal is very good! No, the teacher asked me to discuss with you to see the specific arrangement of the Wu clan and how to arrange our Huaxia, Then proceed to the next national relocation plan."

The high priest lowered his head and considered it for a while, and then said, "Well, since Big Brother Zhou Shu and Big Brother Hou Lin had this idea for a long time, then I naturally have no objection. I can't represent our three big caves. Now let’s go and discuss with them both!"

Lin Hang smiled and said, "Priest, you are a little modest! Who said that you can't represent the two of them? In my opinion, you just made the decision directly and arranged all the affairs. Then go to inform them, they will not have the slightest dissatisfaction!"

When the high priest Zhu Yue saw that Lin Hang dared to make a joke of herself, she laughed angrily, "Oh, you kid! Do you want to relocate Huaxia? You are right. If you offend me, I See who of them dares to help you again!"

Lin Hang hurried forward to admit his mistake. The high priest also knew that Lin Hang was just this Pippi's temperament. After saying a few more words, he led Lin Hang to the room where the "Candle World" treasure-the Pearl of Time was stored.

The two went all the way and chatted. When they were halfway, the high priest suddenly said, "Lin Hang, I remember that when you went to the "Red Feather Realm" of the monster race, you helped them copy their scarce "Spirit Orb". The refining materials? So, can you give me a piece? I want to see what is special about this stone that makes the entire monster race helpless."

Facing the sudden request of the high priest, Lin Hang felt strange, but he didn't take it seriously. Duplicating a stone was very easy for him. After a while, Lin Hang reached out and took out a stone and handed it to the high priest beside it.

The high priest held it and looked at it for a while, then put it away, and said to Lin Hang, "Okay, I'll study it after I go back. The front is coming soon!"

Lin Hang nodded and continued to follow the high priest. He didn't notice that the high priest in front of him was taking a sigh of relief. It seemed that he had achieved the desired goal and had not been noticed.

When the two entered the room, the high priest stretched out his right hand to remove the pearl of time, gently urging his spiritual power to hook the pearl of time in front of him. It didn't take long for the familiar light map to light up, and the light spots on the "Emperor Realm" and "Back Realm" were also touched by the high priest with spiritual power.

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