I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 235

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:20:35 AM

Chapter 235: Negotiate

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The high priest was a spot of light that touched at the same time. It didn't take long for the light spot of "Back Realm" to show the light and shadow of the high priest behind. After looking around, he did not find the great elder, and said to the high priest in confusion, "Sister Zhu Yue, are you looking for me alone this time? But I also clearly felt the feeling of "Emperor World", Zhou What did he do with this person?"

Different from the doubts that came later, Lin Hang and the high priest looked at each other and understood the whole story. The high priest did not speak. Lin Hang had to speak, "High priest, this is the case. Some time ago, the old elder got a door. The exercise method of the ancient times-"Spiritual Skill", has been studied recently! It is estimated that it is still being studied at this time, I have not noticed the call of the treasure of inheritance!"

""Spiritualism" is the evil technique that once dominated in ancient times? Hasn't it been lost long ago, how could it be obtained by Zhou Shu?" Hou Lin was a little confused, but continued to say after a moment, "That This is not bad? Lin Hang, no matter what Zhou Shu tells you afterwards, you should never practice the latest research results he gave you! Otherwise you will regret it! Remember!"

Lin Hang did not expect that when he learned that the Great Elder was studying "Spiritual Skills", he actually cared more not to practice the research results given by the Great Elder. Not only was he secretly surprised, the Great Elder was responsible for the entire 12 branches of the Wu Clan. What a psychological shadow!

Lin Hang smiled and said, "High Priest, did you suffer a loss in the hands of the Great Elder? Why are you so distracted by his research now?"

With a reminiscence on his face, the body shivered suddenly, and then said, "Don't mention the past! Anyway, don't believe Zhou Shu's invincible effect! Just tell me now! , The "Spiritual Skill" thing!"

What Lin Hang didn't know was that the unlucky person who had been in a coma for three years after experimenting with the research results of the great elder introduced by the high priest at that time was that he was still young at the time! Although Hou Lin didn't remember the hatred of the great elder in his heart, he still liked to slap him a word or two when there was nothing to do, all to vent his dissatisfaction.

The high priest naturally knew the whole story, and he did not speak silently on the side, but Lin Hang saw that the elder had not come yet, so he briefly talked about "Spiritual Art" and "Dead Spirit". .

While the three were still discussing, the light in "Emperor Realm" flashed quickly, and after a while the slightly exhausted light and shadow of the Great Elder appeared above.

Seeing the gaunt appearance of the great elder, the high priest couldn't help but say, "Big Brother Zhou Shu, you are so old, so don't invest in research like this anymore! Look at your spirits that are so weak that they appear to show up. , You also know that our Wu Clan has no spirits, but we can't afford to consume it like this! If you are like this, I will let Lin Hang take that "Spiritual Art" back to me!"

Hou Lin also helped out at this time, "That's right, Zhou Shu, I think sister Zhu Yue is right. If you continue to do this, you will not be allowed to study! Besides, how much have you studied over the years? Is there one thing that can be used? You still don't waste time. If you have this time, see how good your younger generations of "Emperor Realm" are!"

Hearing the words of Hou Lin, the elder was a little embarrassed because of the reprimand of the high priest, and instantly became a little angry, "Hou Lin! How many times have I told you that it was only an accident that you were in a coma for three years. How can this show that my research is not good? Besides, you haven't benefited from the coma. Isn't this because of my research?"

Feeling the two people who were about to quarrel again, the high priest had no choice but to say, "Okay! Brother Zhou Shu, just listen to me, and spend less time to study in the future. Big brother later, the original things are not all over. Don’t take it too seriously! As for the two of you here today, it’s because Lin Hang wants to discuss with us about their China’s entry into our Wu Clan Cave Sky. What do you two think about this?"

Zhou Shu and Hou Lin on one side saw that the high priest was a little angry, and quickly stopped the arguing, making Lin Hang on the side secretly complain. During the last quarrel, he finally tried to persuade them. Today, the high priest made two of them with just one sentence. The old kid shut up, it's so real!

The elder first straightened up and said, "Lin Hang, after you go back, have you discussed with the people in Huaxia and your master? In my opinion, how many people in Huaxia are divided into three directly and moved to our three major Dongtian will not be enough. We will not treat you differently and will not interfere with your development, although it is good to move in with ease."

Hou Lin also agreed and said, "Well, if time is tight, don't pursue details too much. Move all the population in first."

But the high priest shook his head and said, "This time their Huaxia human race is moving into the cave of our witch race. This is a major event that concerns the two races. Don't be careless! Moreover, if they make up their minds this time, Then it must be a long process, so we naturally have to arrange everything properly before considering the relocation. Otherwise, I am afraid that it will be too chaotic then, but it will affect the relationship between the two races and the development of China."

Lin Hang nodded to the side and said, "Well, the high priest is right! Although we have the same beliefs and history in China, we have lived in families and cities throughout the years, and there are bigger ones everywhere. The difference, so there is absolutely no way to enter the three caves in three batches. I think it should be based on the advantages of the three caves, and then determine the whereabouts of the personnel."

The high priest suddenly asked Lin Hang, "Lin Hang, I want to know, this relocation plan, can you and your master guarantee absolute control of these Huaxia personnel? If you can't do this, No matter what we arrange next, I feel that there will be chaos, because you can't unite together."

Lin Hang thought for a while and said, "Priest, Master and I have also talked about this matter. It is true that in China, there are still many family forces. They are in their own way. In fact, they have not listened to us. The commander. But at this critical time, it is natural that they cannot be allowed to make trouble! These unruly forces, Master and I will personally go out and let them be obedient!"

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