I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 236

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:20:34 AM

Chapter 236: Finalize

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The high priest nodded and said, "You must take this in mind. This is the prerequisite for your stable development after Huaxia, and you must not be sloppy! I think we should have a division of labor for these three caves. , Which means that our three big caves enter different Chinese races to facilitate and ensure their management."

The high priest knew that what he said was not very clear, and then explained, "Lin Hang, your Huaxia leadership should know the situation of all the Huaxia people below? We can divide these people into three parts, one of which has great potential and nothing. People with problems can enter our "Candle World" and use ten times the time flow in our "Candle World" to allow them to grow faster and better. And those families and forces that you think have yet to be investigated can enter In the "Back World" of Big Brother Hou Lin, of course, we can also give them the exercises to practice, but we need to observe them all the time, see their subsequent performance, and then decide how to arrange them. There are some final things that are not suitable for cultivation. There are still older humans who can live in Big Brother Zhou Shu’s "Emperor Realm" first, and they don’t need too much energy to look after them. Lin Hang, this is just my initial thoughts, what do you think?"

Lin Hang didn't expect that the high priest would directly mention such a specific arrangement. It seems that she had considered for them Huaxia in private, and now she can come up with a detailed and perfect plan so quickly.

Lin Hang nodded and said, "Priest, as soon as the kid heard it, I realized that what you said is very reasonable and feasible! In my heart, I do have a headache with those families who do not submit to discipline. I don't know what to do. Place them. The method you mentioned is very good. Put them in the "Back World" without letting them know the existence of "Candle World", and also give them the practice methods, so they won't have it. What kind of strange thoughts. If their performance can be followed up, it is not impossible to give them more benefits. And those disciples that we focus on training in "Candle World" can practice faster and slowly They will definitely be ahead of this group of people in "Back World". In this way, our people will eventually occupy the mainstream, and they will not be able to make any waves. The kid also thought about it carefully, the chief priest of yours. The analysis and arrangement are really good!"

Seeing that Lin Hang agreed with his point of view and gave such a high evaluation, the high priest smiled and said, "In fact, this is the current arrangement. If your Huaxia really develops to the later stage, the most important thing is It is still the top combat power like you and your master! As long as you can always maintain an upward pace and always exist to guard Huaxia, I believe that no matter how you arrange it, your Huaxia will eventually develop!"

The Great Elder and Hou Lin both nodded. In their hearts, although the Witch and Human races have been good friends, the only people in China that are most important to them are Lin Hang and Wang Lao. If Lin Hang and Wang Lao can keep moving forward steadily and constantly improving, they don't really care about China. If it weren't for Wang Lao and Lin Hang's inability to part with Huaxia, they wouldn't think so much about Huaxia. The attitudes of several Wu clan elders are more like love houses and Wuwu.

The great elder began to express his opinion, "As for the arrangement of sister Zhu Yue just now, I have no opinion on behalf of "Emperor Realm"! Lin Hang, after you arrange the manpower, just bring them directly to our "Emperor Realm", and I will give You have divided it up, and I will let people take care of you when you are away!"

Hou Lin also spoke at this time and said, "Zhou Shu! Didn't you listen to sister Zhu Yue? She only arranged for some mortals from China who could not practice to enter your "Emperor Realm". What can I look after?" She smiled again and looked at Zhu Yue and said, "Don't worry! Sister Zhu Yue, those people who have entered our "Back World", I promise they will be obedient, and there will be no problems!"

Zhu Yue looked at Hou Lin angrily, and said, "Brother Hou Lin! What are you guaranteeing to me? I am not the leader of China! You should talk to Lin Hang, but let those people go to your "Hou Lin" , I’m more at ease.” Turning his head to look at Lin Hang, he explained, “Lin Hang, don’t look at Big Brother Hou Lin, it looks a little unreliable, but he is very reliable in doing things! Those of you The uneasy elements who are not sure of temporary control are placed directly in their "Back World", and he promises to guide them well and there will be no problems!"

Lin Hang nodded and said, "Well, naturally, the kid can trust the three elders! Then we will arrange this for the time being. After I go back, I will discuss the details with them, and then notify you, and finally start our relocation. !"

Lin Hang got the answer he wanted during this trip. After the four-person meeting, he waved his hand and left a clone in "Candle World". Then, he went to the practice site of the Chinese people in "Candle World" and found the left-behind. After explaining the situation with the two of them, Jiang Lao and Ye Lao in this place turned around and took the two to leave "Candle World", and went back to report the news to Wang Lao non-stop.

Soon after Lin Hang left, the high priest who returned to the main hall after collecting the pearl of time, after a little sort of mood, came to the inner hall deep in the main hall, and here, Liu Ruyan, whom Lin Hang had always wanted to see, was right. Sitting and waiting for the return of the high priest.

The high priest looked at Liu Ruyan, who was filled with layers of spiritual power, and smiled, and said, "Yan'er, don't practice anymore. I have something to talk to you as a teacher."

Although Liu Ruyan was cultivating, he didn't go too deep. Hearing the words of the high priest, he slowly opened his eyes, put away the spiritual power of his body, and slowly got up and walked towards the high priest.

If Lin Hang did it again, he would surely scream out in surprise, seeing the fluctuations in the spiritual power between Liu Ruyan's gestures and feet at this time, it is clear that he has entered the late Yuan Ying! This is a realm that Wang Lao has not reached yet! However, Liu Ruyan entered the "Candle World" at ten times the time flow rate, and it only took about two years to reach full play. In such a short period of time, how did Liu Ruyan practice directly from the Qi refining period to the current Yuan Ying later period? of?

The high priest looked at Liu Ruyan, whose face was calm, Gu Jing Wubo, and said softly, "Yan'er, Lin Hang was here just now."

Hearing the name of Lin Hang, Liu Ruyan's calm face instantly had a look, as if the flowers waiting to be released suddenly bloomed, Liu Ruyan stared at the high priest, and said in a loud voice and hurriedly. , "Teacher, how is he?"

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