I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 24

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:28:40 AM

Chapter 24: Waterfall practice

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Lin Hang scratched his head and said, "By the way, I don't know what you call the old man?"

"My surname is Wang, and I have forgotten my name long ago. In this base for so many years, everyone called me instructor Wang."

Lin Hang expressed his understanding, thought about it, and asked, "Then I call you Mr. Wang! Mr. Wang, what do I need to do next? How can my power be improved?"

Lao Wang also pondered for a while before he replied, "After understanding your power, I already have the general direction. What I need now is the process of achieving this goal and how to implement it. I ask you, every time you Do I have to touch the target when I use the ability to copy and scan the next time?"

Lin Hang nodded and replied, "Yes, when there are items in the copy ability, I need to touch it before I can start scanning, and then use it again."

Wang Lao said, "This is where my goal lies. According to my analysis, when you perform a power scan, it consumes mental power. If you radiate your mental power, leave your body and touch the target at a distance, Can it achieve the effect of copying?"

After listening to Wang Lao's words, Lin Hang smiled bitterly, "But now my mental strength has only reached level three, which is very scattered. I can only leave my body five meters, and the time is very short."

"This is not a problem. You are still weak now. I am just discussing the possibility of this direction with you. Now I will just discuss it briefly. In the next month, I will help you discover it slowly. You first solve your own problems. A place to rest at night."

After listening to Wang Lao's words, Lin Hang was no longer eager. It took him half an hour to build a larger wooden house next to the original wooden house. When I finished, I saw the time for lunch. Lin Hang waved his hand on the wooden table next to him. Five hot dishes appeared. He immediately asked, "Wang Lao, do you eat directly or drink first? Some wine?"

Wang Lao watched Lin Hang's performance dumbfounded, and couldn't help sighing, "Lin Hang, your ability is really good! It seems that I won't have to cook by myself for the next month! I feel good today. Let's have a drink!"

Lin Hang smiled, and two large pots appeared on the waved table. He said to Wang Lao, "You can taste the Huicheng large pots I brought over in Huicheng. Although it is not as famous as other famous wines, You will definitely fall in love with this wine if you drink it!” After speaking, he opened the bottle and poured a large bowl for Mr. Wang and himself before sitting down.

The two ate for two hours during this meal, and neither did they directly train in the afternoon. They were basically Lin Hang listening to Wang Lao telling his legendary experience over the years. The more he listened to Lin Hang, the bigger his head became, and what Wang Lao said became more and more irrelevant. He didn't expect that behind Wang Lao's seriousness, there was such a funny side.

The next day, Lin Hang and Wang Lao came to the front of the waterfall.

After this night of thinking, Wang Lao has a concrete exercise method. He hopes that Lin Hang's development direction is to replicate in vitro. Based on the problem of mental power, he decided to exercise Lin Hang's mental control first.

"I see this waterfall. What you have to do now is to control the flow rate of the water and make it slowly become static. Don't think that I am deliberately embarrassing you. This waterfall is not big and the water flow rate is relatively slow. You can do it with your mental power. The only thing you need to do is to have excellent control. Also, don’t cheat with your water system power!"

Lin Hang looked at the two-meter-wide waterfall in front of him, closed his eyes, and controlled his mental power to move forward. After touching the water, he worked hard to turn his mental power into a big hand and lifted up the entire waterfall. . However, the water still flows out of the gap in his mentally powerful hands, with no effect.

The failure did not dampen Lin Hang's confidence. He continued to release his mental power and repeated the action of catching the water, but he still failed again and again.

Wang Lao looked at the reflective Lin Hang from the side. He knew that this young man was too talented. If his path goes too smoothly, he might be defeated by a strong enemy in the future. Now he must understand his own shortcomings so that he can always remain in awe of the world and look at things more cautiously.

The time was under Lin Hang's experiments, and it slowly arrived at night.

After the two had eaten, they started the day's concluding conversation.

Old Wang smiled and asked Lin Hang, "How do you feel today?"

Lin Hang was a little unhappy, and replied, "Wang Lao, it's still the problem. My mental energy is too scattered and I can't gather it together. This way, I can't completely cover the water flow and achieve the effect."

Wang Lao said, "In fact, your mental power is already relatively strong among people at the same stage, but the power world has never paid much attention to this aspect of training. Now the mainstream fighting methods in the power world are all abilities. , Head-to-head, whichever has strong psychic powers, whichever is powerful. I think that for you, spiritual power is as important as psychic power! So you must exercise your mental power. In this regard, there is no shortcut , I can’t tell you any tricks. Through hard work, you can definitely complete the challenge I gave you!"

Lin Hang nodded in recognition of Wang Lao's words, and the irritability in his heart gradually calmed down. He decided that during this time, he would not think about anything else, just calm down and train with Wang Lao.

In the afternoon of the fifth day, Lin Hang exercised in front of the waterfall as usual. After five days of continuous practice, Lin Hang's mental power has been very solid. He controlled his mental hand and tried to support the water. Suddenly, the rushing waterfall stopped in mid-air. Lin Yi immediately roared and started with all his strength. The still water actually flowed back upwards, rushing directly toward the sky for three or four meters. Stopped and restored the original waterfall flow.

Looking at Lin Hang with excitement, Wang Lao also smiled. Lin Hang's talent is indeed terrifying. He didn't have any guidance. He relied on his own groping, and in just five days, he not only perfectly caught the water flow, but even had spare power to make the water flow back. This not only shows that the control of the mental power has been greatly improved, but also that the mental power is much more solid than before.

Old Wang carried his hands on his back and said, "Lin Hang, your mental power control is already very good, and your mental power is also very solid, very good! Now that the foundation is solid, it is time for us to deal with you. Let’s go to the next step to see if my guess is correct and if I can move in that direction."

Lin Hang also wanted to know what he could do now after slowly regaining his spirit.

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