I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 242

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:20:14 AM

Chapter 242: Rampant Fujia

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Among the more than 20 top families in China, except for the seven families that fully support the military, most of the rest have an attitude like the Shu family. They don’t really value the military, but they do not oppose the military. Reign in China. And the military's previous strength could not suppress all the families, so it left such families alone. Fortunately, these families are developing steadily in the cities where their families are located, and will not cause any interference to the safety of the military and China. Over time, the relationship between these families and the military has been fairly good.

But in addition, there are three other families, which have always maintained great hostility towards the Chinese military. Since the beginning of the Chinese military’s rise, these three major families have been stumping the military. Later, with the help of the Lin family, they finally entered the capital and stabilized the political power a bit. Stopping caused trouble for the military. If it were not for Wang Lao and Jiang Lao both to break through to the innate realm, and finally be able to gain a foothold in the top combat power, the current three major families would definitely be even more arrogant. These three families are the Liu Family in Jingcheng, the Wang Family in Jingcheng, and the Fu Family in Yuecheng. In Wang Lao’s plan, these three families are destined to be divided into the "Hear Realm", so we plan to go there at the end and go to other families first. Chen Qing's family has interests. If these families know current affairs like the Shu family, it is not impossible to bring them into the "Candle World" and receive the best arrangement. But if some families don't cooperate, then they can only use forceful means and put them in the "Houjie" together with the three big families.

According to this plan, it took a long time. Wang Lao, Lin Hang and others ran away from 14 top families, including the Shu family. What Wang didn’t expect was that these 14 trips were all It went smoothly. After Wang Lao showed his strength and explained the crisis, every family was very willing to agree to Wang Lao's arrangement, and no one came out to oppose it. Moreover, one family is more obedient than one family. It seems to know that if the performance is not good, the military will definitely treat them somewhat unfairly.

Lin Hang couldn't help but sigh in his heart that these families have been able to exist in China for so many years. In addition to relying on the strength of the family, these principles of dealing with things are really important. The top families are all clear and heavy. Faced with such problems , Can make the choice that is most in line with the family's interests, no wonder it can stand for so many years without falling.

After completing these family matters, only the Liu family and other three major families were left. Wang Lao and others came to Yuecheng first, and wanted to start with Fujia.

Although the Fu family is not the only one in Yuecheng, it can also affect most of the direction of Yuecheng. The relationship between Wang Lao and the Fu family is not good, so they did not notify them, and went directly into the Fu family’s house. .

Because Wang Lao and several people did not intend to hide their whereabouts, Fujian Bai, the contemporary patriarch of the Fu family, felt it when Wang Lao and others broke in, and mobilized the Fu family as quickly as possible and came to Wang Lao and others.

Fujian Bai's relationship with Wang Lao is not only bad because of the purpose of the family, but also a bit bad. Seeing Wang Lao lead people to the Fujia Zongzhuang, Fujian Bai still sneered and scolded, " Wang Min! You suddenly led people and broke into our Fujia without even saying hello. What do you mean?! It seems that Yuecheng is not under the jurisdiction of your military, or do you want to go to war with our top family?"

When Fujian Bai opened his mouth, he probably glanced at it, and found that among the four people who came, except for a young man he didn't know, the other two were old acquaintances, and they were all masters of their innate peaks! Fujian Bai had a bad premonition in his heart. The three innate pinnacle masters came to their Fujia together. Fujian Bai had no bottom and moved out of all the top families directly, hoping to give Wang Lao and others a little pliers.

Presumably Fujian Bai looked like a big enemy, but Wang Lao looked very relaxed and laid back. He smiled and said, "Fujian Bai, the older you are, the more shameless you are! Don’t say that your Fu family does not represent all the top families, it’s you. All stand on my opposite side, so what? I'm here today, not to play tricks with you. Our military has a plan and arrangement concerning the entire China. Now I hope that your Fu Family will not make trouble and follow our arrangements!"

Fujian Bai seemed to have heard the biggest joke in the world and opened his mouth and said, "Hahaha! Wang Min, are you mad? With the support of the big families behind your military, how can you fight our teamwork? Knowing what you have been through these days, how can you say such a thing?"

Mr. Wang seemed to have anticipated such a reaction from the Fujian White Club. He looked at Fujian White with a smile and said softly, "Oh? So, Fujian White, are you unwilling to follow our military's arrangement?"

Fujian Bai snorted and said, "Wang Min, I'm not scared of Fujian Bai! I advise you not to do anything in our Fu family. The ordinary disciples of my Fu family can't stop you, but the three of you can't stop you. I am leaving! If you dare to attack our Fujia in this way, I will definitely inform the world of your military's crimes after I leave, and see if those families will support you at that time, and how your military will face it. Crusade against other families!"

What Fujian Bai said is also from his heart. The military has not been able to unify the major families in recent years. The biggest reason is that the military's strength is not enough to face the union of all the remaining families. Once the military shows its intention to unify, the major clans will inevitably unite. The military, together with the seven major clans including the Ye family, will not be able to fight the remaining dozen or so clans at all. Fujian Bai’s ability is biased towards speed. Although Wang can move in space, he has always lacked offensive means before. That is to say, although Wang can keep up with Fujian Bai, he cannot keep him. live. Once Fujian Bai leaks this news, other families will certainly not sit idly by, and their military will not end well.

But Fujian Bai would never have thought that each of the four people in front of him had the ability to easily destroy their Fujia.

Looking at the slightly rampant Fujian White, Wang Lao remembered the attitude of the three major families over the years, his expression instantly cooled down, and said to Lin Hang behind him, "Hang'er, the Fu family will be handed over to you! Me and Lao Ye Go to the capital first, and you can catch up later!"

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