I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 246

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:20:10 AM

Chapter 246: Transfer

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The elder nodded, looked at the mask in Lin Hang's hand, and said with a hint of admiration, "This is the "Guardian Barrier" displayed by your master? Your master is indeed a genius in space. When handed it to him, I never thought that "Guardian Barrier" could be used for such a purpose!"

Lin Hang was also curious about this technique. Hearing the elder said this, he couldn’t help but ask, “Elder, what do you mean by this technique called "Guardian Barrier" was not originally used to transfer a large number of people. What? What is the purpose of this magic technique when it was originally created?"

The elder explained with a smile, "This "Guardian Barrier" was created by one of our ancestors. It is just a method of using the power of space. Its principle is not difficult. In fact, it is the power of space. Condensed into such a similar mask, and then can play a protective role, so it was named "Guardian Barrier" from the beginning. But I did not expect your master to turn it into an independent spatial mask, you can freely define how to enter and exit This mask, this is also the reason why only your Huaxia human races exist in this mask, and the other things are not in it. This is the protective effect of its own. This mask is a bit too huge because it is displayed. If it is not deep, it will not play a protective role at all, so it was not very popular in our clan before, and there were not many people in the clan to practice it. The fighting style of our clan is still inclined to elegant and flexible. This kind of guardian spell is not what we want. But your master is ingenious, and based on it, plus his own improvements, it becomes such a spell that transfers the tribe. It is really amazing!"

Lin Hang couldn't help but sigh. He has always known that his master is a talented existence, and in the military he also relied on his own efforts and exploration to successfully advance to Innate. If it were not for the limitations of the original cultivation system, Wang Lao would have reached a high level of cultivation early, and Wang Lao’s bloodline of the Witch clan plus his talents would make him feel like a fish in the water. In the same level, he is the emperor. The descendants of the Wu clan of Jiang Yi line also couldn't find a person who could surpass Wang Lao in the perception and application of space.

Lin Hang then remembered that Mr. Wang was still waiting for him in the next city, and hurriedly said, “Elder, I won’t tell you more. After the kid has placed these people, there are still many people waiting for me to take them. !"

The elder nodded, and Lin Hang lifted his right hand upwards and performed the method Wang Lao just told him. The mask floating in the air slowly grew larger, and finally returned to its original appearance. With a sound, the mask disappeared, and the people in it looked curiously at the strange environment.

Not all people in each group are ordinary people. The military specially arranged a group of soldiers with each group. So after seeing everyone coming out, Lin Hang stepped forward and said loudly, "All military Soldiers obey orders, you quickly maintain order on the scene, waiting for all of us to come in at the end, before we all come, you must be responsible here!"

All the military soldiers answered in unison, and Lin Hang nodded in satisfaction, and said to Lao Ye on the side, "Lao Ye, I have to trouble you to take care of it here!"

Ye Lao said with a smile, "Lin Hang, don't worry, go quickly, Lao Wang should already be waiting for you!"

Lin Hang and the elder greeted each other and left "Emperor Realm" quickly. After a brief sense, Lin Hang went directly to the second city where Wang Lao was-Jincheng.

When Lin Hang arrived, Wang Lao had just put all the personnel in the city into "Guardian Barrier". Seeing Lin Hang appeared, Wang Lao didn't say anything, so he just threw away the mask in his hand. To Lin Hang. Although Mr. Wang had great trust in Lin Hang, he still asked, "How is it, Hang'er, is it going well?"

Lin Hang holding the mask in his hand, smiled and replied, "Teacher, don't you worry about me doing things? People have been sent to "Emperor World" and "Guardian Barrier" has been lifted. The soldiers are maintaining order on the spot. , Ye Lao is pressing the field on the sidelines, there will be no problem. As for the venue prepared by the Great Elder for China, the environment is very good, I believe the people of China will be satisfied!"

At this time, Mr. Wang was in a good mood and said, "Okay, Hang'er, you have to work a few times now!"

Lin Hang said directly, "Teacher, I have nothing to do, but you, I heard from the elder, the guardian ability of this "Guardian Barrier" is not good, but it takes a lot of spiritual energy and energy. Rest for a while, it's okay!"

Lao Wang didn't respond, and waved his hand to let Lin Hang hurry to "Emperor Realm", and he rushed to the next city without stopping.

Lin Hang shook his head, knowing that at such a critical moment, Lao Wang would not listen to his advice, so he could only take up the method, leave the place, and devote himself to this journey again.

After going back and forth more than a dozen times, Lin Hang and Wang Lao cooperated perfectly to finally transfer all the people in the Chinese city to "Emperor Realm". At this time, only members of the twenty-four family were left.

Because of the advance notice arrangement, the previous transfer of personnel did not include the twenty-fourth family. Wang Lao and others decided to arrange the twenty-fourth family's people again.

After all the personnel were transferred to "Emperor Realm", Lin Hang returned to the capital, and Wang Lao here has already brought all the members of the twenty-fourth family to the square in the capital, preparing for the next move.

Seeing that Lin Hang had returned, Wang Lao called Lin Hang to his side and whispered a few words in his ear. Lin Hang nodded from time to time, expressing his understanding.

After completing his instructions, Mr. Wang pointed at the square, and saw that the people of the Jingcheng Wang Family, the Jingcheng Liu Family, and the Yuecheng Fu Family were all separated from the crowd. The family is placed inside, forming a small mask.

Lin Hang knew it a long time ago. After receiving this mask, he didn't say hello to anyone, so he dashed away.

Lao Wang and Lin Hang's plan is to directly put these three families into the "Back World" and then practice the exercises for them. The treatment of other resources is not bad at all, it depends on their attitude and practice in the future. If they can recognize the integrity of Huaxia, it is not impossible to restore them to the same treatment as others, and their future destiny is still in their own hands.

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