I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 248

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:20:08 AM

Chapter 248: Enter "Candle World"

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After arranging this, Lin Hang turned around and left. He suddenly turned around and smiled brightly at the three great families and said, "Everyone, you can practice well in the future! I believe that after you have practiced the new exercises, you should not I have other thoughts! I am also looking forward to your future progress. I hope you can grasp the future of yourself and your family!"

After speaking, Lin Hang waved his hand to close the barrier here. In this way, the people of the three major families in the inner circle would not be able to leave the barrier, and the people in the outside world in "The Back World" could not enter without Lin Hang’s consent. Come here. What Lin Hang wants is such a relatively closed environment, so that the people of the three major families can only practice with peace of mind, and there will be no other thoughts and ideas.

After Lin Hang left "The Back Realm", everyone in the three major families in the barrier looked at each other, not knowing what to do for a while. After a while, the heads of the three families stepped forward, and the three began to discuss the development plans of the next three families.

The three families, including the Fu family and Liu family, are all forces that apparently are at odds with the military, so the relationship between these three families is actually pretty good, and the three Patriarchs can be considered relatively familiar.

When the three stood together, Fujian Bai said first, "Brother Wang, Brother Liu, what do you two mean with regard to the arrangement mentioned by Lin Hang?"

Liu Chengye smiled bitterly at this time and replied, "What else can we do? We have arrived at this place, can we still resist with our strength? We can only listen to Lin Hang's arrangement, and Lin Hang is not talking about it. Yes, he will give us the cultivation techniques, and we can continue to practice to improve our strength. I don’t believe that we will let them slaughter them like this when our strength is improved! Although we will not treat them any more What's the trouble, but we can always fight for a little bit more about the family's interests, right? So you two, I don't think we should feel so uncomfortable at the moment. This may also be an opportunity for our family! We have been stuck in At Xiantian Peak, after changing the cultivation method, it is not that we have no chance to catch up with Wang Min and the others. I believe that their cultivation time will not be much longer than ours, and the more they are likely to stagnate in the later stage, this is our opportunity. If we can once again raise our strength to the point where we fight against them, then we can straighten up again!"

The three discussed for a while, and finally decided on the next family's course of action, which is to listen to Lin Hang's arrangement, work hard to improve the family's overall strength, and strive for the opportunity to return to the top of China.

After the negotiation was completed, the three families began to unite and began to build temporary residences in this empty site. The three families deserve to be top families, and the quality of the family disciples is still very good. Under the arrangements of the three Patriarchs, everything is proceeding in an orderly manner, starting to prepare for the new life in the future.

It's just that they didn't notice. Lin Hang's clone, who had been closing his eyes and thinking, smiled at the corner of his mouth, apparently listening to their conversation and future development plans.

And Lin Hang's deity had already returned to the capital at this time and came to Wang Lao's side.

Lin Hang roughly talked to Mr. Wang about the decisions of the three families. Mr. Wang nodded and stopped asking. Now as long as these three families can settle down, there is really no need to put a lot of energy into managing them.

At this time, Wang's energy was focused on the 21 families in front of him. Originally, according to the ideas of Lin Hang and Wang Lao, only the seven major families that had always supported the Chinese military were able to enter the "Candle World" to practice, and the other families would have to be placed in the "After World" to observe for a period of time. However, after personal visits in the past two days, with the exception of the Fujia and other three families, the attitudes of the other families were very good, which made him hesitate again, wondering if he should follow the previous strategy.

At this time, Lin Hang saw the hesitation in Wang Lao's heart and stepped forward and said to Wang Lao, "Teacher, are you considering whether to bring these families into the "Candle World"?"

Seeing that Lin Hang was asking the question, Wang Lao nodded and said, "Well, I'm really struggling as a teacher. If we take them into the "Candle World", we don't know the basics of them. It is not particularly safe. Don't bring it. If you do, it’s inevitable that you can’t help but feel sorry for their attitude and trust. Hang'er, you have always had a lot of ideas. Tell me what should I do now?

Lin Hang didn't even think about it and said directly, "Teacher, we will take them into the entrance gate of Dongtian and will not let them contact the Wu Clan after entering. In this case, they still have to rely on us. Arrangement, what's the point of bringing them all into the "Candle World"? The disciple felt that it was okay to take a little risk at such a critical time, and I am confident that as long as you and I are always there, the Wu clan will always support our."

After listening to Lin Hang’s analysis, Mr. Wang pondered for a while, and finally made up his mind. When everyone on the square began to whisper, he put everyone in his "Guardian Barrier" with a wave of his hand. Lin Hang said, "Let's go, let's go to "Candle World"!"

After that, the two disappeared together and entered the "Candle World" from the entrance of "Candle World" in Diancheng.

Lin Hang entered first. After finding the high priest, he followed the high priest to their original human base in "Candle World". At this time, the base has changed a lot. Not only is the range much larger than before, but the surrounding area is also much larger. There is a barrier of protection, just like the one in "Emperor Realm".

After taking Lin Hang to the new destination, the high priest left. She was not ready to intervene in China's affairs, and Wang Lao and others would arrange everything by themselves.

Lin Hang gently patted by his side, and Wang Lao's figure appeared. Looking at the area in front of him, Wang Lao was also very satisfied and walked into the barrier with Lin Hang.

At this time, there are more than a hundred disciples who have entered the practice of "Candle World" in the last group. When they saw the arrival of Wang Lao, they all stopped practicing, and stood up respectfully, waiting for Wang Lao's actions. .

The mask in his hand was released, and members of the twenty-first family appeared in the open space in front of Mr. Wang. People from these aristocratic families also entered "Candle World" for the first time. They were very curious about everything here, and they all looked around. They also noticed more than a hundred young disciples on the side, and they were surprised to find that these more than one hundred people were exuding powerful spiritual power fluctuations, and each of them had an extraordinary cultivation.

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