I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 25

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:28:39 AM

Chapter 25: Apprentice!

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Standing next to Lin Hang, Wang Lao pointed to a fist-sized stone three meters away, and said, "Let’s start with a simple one. Now you can see if you can scan this stone. If you can, it will show us. There is no problem with your direction, so just continue to work hard. If you can’t do it, it’s okay. At least you have gained a lot from the five days of exercise. Don’t have too much psychological pressure, just do your best!"

With Wang Lao's encouragement, Lin Hang lowered his heart, activated his mental power, and slowly approached the stone. Soon, Lin Hang's mental power'grabbed' the stone. He searched for the feeling of scanning the object before, and worked hard to activate the ability. Slowly, the familiar sense of scanning appeared, and the progress bar of the little stone appeared. In the spiritual space, it is much slower than contact copying. Lin Hang concentrated even more, and after half a minute, he finally completed the progress bar.

After success, Lin Hang sighed deeply. Just scanning such a simple small stone just consumed half of his mental power. But Lin Hang is still full of excitement. Although it is still relatively difficult, it also shows that Wang Lao's speculation is completely correct! This is not the point. The point is that as one's own strength grows slowly, there is definitely a great possibility of one's own copying ability!

Lin Hang said to Wang Lao, "Wang Lao, I succeeded! Although it was very difficult, but the result was good! Thank you for your guidance!"

Wang Lao waved his hand and said with a smile, "I just provided a direction, and success depends on your own efforts. Then you will be familiar with this feeling, and strive to make such non-contact scanning your own. Instinct. I have to think again to see if you have any other possibilities."

After Wang Lao finished speaking, he returned to his room. Lin Hang also calmed down and continued to exercise his abilities.

After three days of hard work, Lin Hang has mastered the feeling of mental in vitro scanning, and the consumption has been greatly reduced, which is only three times that of direct copy. This is already a big improvement, and Lin Hang believes that he will definitely become more and more proficient.

On this day, Lin Hang was drinking tea with Wang Lao while he was practicing.

Lin Hang asked Wang Lao curiously, "By the way, Lao Wang, what is your power? I haven't heard you mention it for so long."

What Lin Hang didn't know was that the old man who was peaceful and kind in front of him, drinking tea in silence, was once an iron-blooded military leader. The special department of the military-the leader of the ability group, and the invincible God of War-"Time Traveler" Wang Min, who has made abilities of all countries fearful! He once went to a secret base in the United States alone, destroyed the human biochemical weapons studied in the United States, and killed many abilities in the United States one by one, and has not recovered for many years. As long as he still exists, the Chinese military will always be extremely hardened to the outside world. It's just that in recent years, it has slowly withdrawn from the front desk, causing many younger generations to not know the existence of such a legend.

Lao Wang put down his teacup and said with a smile, "I am an orphan and grew up in the army since I was a child. When I was twelve years old, unified awakened powers. My power is-control time and space! Of course small At that time, I didn’t develop my own powers, and there was no such perfect power system at that time. So I thought for a long time that my powers were space movement, until later when I performed a mission. I discovered that what I have mastered is a complete space power, which can not only move in space, but also cut and squeeze space. After that, I became the trump card of our military. Later, when I was forty years old, I discovered Not only space, I can also manipulate time to a small extent, so that I can gradually become what people call "Time Traveler"."

After listening to Wang Lao's statement, Lin Hang realized that he had such a powerful ability. The ability to control time and space, coupled with Wang Lao's own strength, Wang Lao is definitely the top group of people in the power world.

At this time, Wang Lao’s expression revealed a trace of regret, and then he said, “The most regrettable thing I have for so many years is that I have no children. Not only did I lose the happiness of my children and grandchildren, but I was even unable to pass on my own powers and continue to serve us Huaxia dedicates its strength. However, God still cares for me. I met you after I missed Lin Jingtian 20 years ago. I believe you can inherit my ability perfectly. No, you should be able to do better. OK! Now I ask you, would you like to be my disciple?"

Looking at the stern and expectant Wang Lao in front of him, Lin Hang also reduced his sloppy expression, knelt down solemnly, bent forward, and said loudly, "The disciple is willing! Master is here, please accept the disciple's bow. !"

Old Wang said with satisfaction, "Good! Good! Good! Hang'er, get up quickly, we don't pay attention to these red tapes. I don't have any other requirements for you, just need you to think of China in your heart. I know you Unlike me, I didn’t grow up in the army since I was a child, and I don’t have such deep feelings for Huaxia. But I hope you can look at my face and do something for Huaxia in the days to come!"

Lin Hang stood up, nodded, and replied, "Master, don't worry. I do not have the sacred sense of mission as you, but I at least exist as a Chinese. What you said is not a problem."

Lao Wang was obviously very happy. He said to Lin Hang, "Then I will pass on my power to you today!"

Although Lin Hang was very greedy for Wang's abilities, he still asked in confusion, "Master, although I also want to have your abilities now, the gap between my strength and yours is so big that I can't replicate yours. Ability!"

Wang Lao said, "How can I not think about it? I thought about it carefully. The abilities you copied are just the abilities themselves, and the strength you can display depends on your mental power and psychic power. So, you can't help it. Copy my ability. I remember you told me that your "Clone" ability has a special effect, that is, it can help others create a clone, right? As long as I don't resist, you can create a clone of mine, strength Just be as you want, so can't you copy it?"

Lin Hang couldn't help sighing for Wang Lao's meticulousness. The abilities he copied were indeed a bit more, and many of them didn't fully understand it. It seemed that his next goal was to become familiar with these abilities. If this continued, it would be equivalent to sleeping on a golden mountain without knowing how to spend it. Lin Hang would not allow this to happen.

Lao Wang let go of his spirit and said to Lin Hang, "Hang'er, come on!"

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