I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 250

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:20:06 AM

Chapter 250: Results

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Old Wang took it, took a sip, and said with a smile, "You kid is really comfortable! I have been so busy as a teacher this month, you don't know how to come and help me!"

Lin Hang smiled and said, "Teacher, you have gone to guide them in practice again? Now that one month has passed, most of them should have embarked on the path of cultivation, right?"

Thinking of the results of this month, Wang Lao couldn't help but laughed and said, "Well, this "Ren Huang Jue" is indeed a peerless exercise method suitable for our human race. All members of the race, except those who are really inappropriate and can't teach. I understand, all of them have been practicing on the right track, and there are also many disciples who practice extremely quickly. These people are the key training elites we send to "Candle World" in some time! I think it will be another month, we Then the first batch of elite disciples can be sent to "Candle World", and then they will grow better!"

Mr. Wang has been busy with the cultivation of these people in "Emperor Realm" these days, and even his own cultivation has been delayed, but there is no way, now the base of personnel in "Emperor Realm" is too large, and the real practitioners It's far from enough. Those high-level officers such as the soldiers and Zhuo Sheng who stayed here are now also revamping "Ren Huang Jue". They are in the critical period of transforming their spiritual power. Naturally, they can't help Mr. Wang. Fortunately There are also the first and second batch of disciples who have entered the "Candle Realm" to practice. They, more than one hundred and fifty people, now all take up the responsibilities of teachers and guide others into the path of cultivation, otherwise just Depending on Mr. Wang and Mr. Lin Hangye, that is really busy.

And these more than one hundred and fifty people, let them act as teachers, guide others in the first level of cultivation, also sort out their own cultivation path, and make them unknowingly discover some of the problems they have overlooked. . These elite disciples were a little reluctant at first, but later discovered that it was helpful for their own cultivation, so they had no resistance to this matter. Instead, they were very active in helping others solve their cultivation problems.

Lin Hang did not spend a lot of effort on this matter. He could not play a big role by himself. Instead, his energy often went to the "Back World" side, and there were clones there. Time is busier than here. Lin Hang guessed that he should have stimulated the three major families in "The Back World". After giving them the exercises, the people of the three major families went into a state of cultivation frantically. . Especially the heads of the three major families, who often come to ask Lin Hang for advice, do not feel ashamed at all. But Lin Hang had no other choice, he had promised when he left, so when they asked him, Lin Hang was still very patient to answer them one by one. It was this kind of crazy practice that worked. In the same month, the Patriarchs of the three major families converted all the psychic energies in their bodies into spiritual energies, and broke through to the foundation building stage! This speed is not too slow. It took at least twice as long for Lao Wang and Lao Ye to finally complete this process.

After another month, the high-level officials of General Zhuo Sheng gathered together to prepare a plan for follow-up arrangements. And this time the staff was similar to the last time Lin Hang participated, except that there was one more Jiang elder. The military's Zhuo Sheng and Si Meng, including the second elder Zhu Ge, have completed the transformation of spiritual power in the past two months, and their cultivation has reached the late stage of Qi training, which is considered very good.

In a room similar in layout to the original Beijing conference room, everyone took their seats one after the other.

Zhuo Sheng, who was still sitting in the main seat, spoke first, with a hint of joy in his voice, "Everyone, in two months, we have achieved great results! Not only all the Chinese people have accepted the current situation, but most of them are suitable for cultivation. Everyone in the country has also embarked on the road of cultivation, and all of this is inseparable from your efforts! Here, I, Zhuo Sheng, represents China and the military, thank you!"

Mr. Wang waved his hand and said, “You don’t have to tell us these things about Zhuo Sheng. Today’s discussion is mainly about our future arrangements for these personnel and subsequent development plans. Hang'er, you first take the situation in the other two circles. Report to them."

These people present have not left for two months since they came to "Emperor Realm" last time, so they don't understand the situation of the Chinese Xia people in the other two realms. Lin Hang thought that there were clones in these two realms, so he knew everything about the two realms.

Lin Hang cleared his throat and said in a deep voice, "In "The Back World", only the three major families such as Fu Jia are among them. Their cultivation progress is very good. In just two months, all the disciples of the family with supernatural powers have completed them. For the conversion of psychic abilities, now except for their three Patriarchs who have broken through to the foundation building stage, everyone else is the cultivation stage of the Qi refining stage. Most of the disciples who did not have the awakening ability have started to practice slowly. The progress of cultivation is also pretty good. It is indeed a big family that has been passed down for a long time. The execution of the family is really very strong. In my opinion, their current focus is really on improving their strength. After all, this is the case. The growth can be seen day by day. We can observe for a while, if they really do well, it is not that some of them cannot be given a chance to enter "Candle World"."

After finishing talking about the three major families of "Back World", Lin Hang turned his head and continued, "As for the 21st family in "Candle World", the speed of progress is even greater! We have experienced two months, they But almost two years have passed! So now, in addition to the chiefs of the major families, many people from the foundation construction period have emerged. These new foundation construction periods are the backbone of the previous major families. . And the younger generations are slowly approaching the foundation building period. Under our guidance, they are still in serious training for the time being. After all, this long-lost feeling of being able to quickly improve their strength is indeed fascinating. Among the high-levels, the five Patriarchs who were taught by the original teacher to practice the exercises, except for the old Yujia Yulao, have all broken through to the Golden Core Stage! And they are still improving every day. We can understand this, after all. Teachers and their experience are in, this is a accumulation of accumulation."

Everyone at the scene nodded. From Lin Hang’s simple description, they have roughly understood the cultivation situation of the other two Chinese Xia tribes. At this time, Si Meng suddenly asked, "Lin Hang, then the earth star at this time is again What's the situation?"

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