I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 253

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:20:03 AM

Chapter 253: success

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Since Lin Hang had sufficient reasons and a clear purpose, and his own wishes were very strong, Wang Lao and others had no choice but to follow Lin Hang's will.

Zhuo Sheng clapped and said, "Okay, then our plan is like this for the time being. Lin Hang's clone is responsible for the affairs of "Emperor World", and everyone else will go to "Candle World" to practice with peace of mind. Lin Hang will wait for you to complete that "Distraction", how long does it take?"

Lin Hang thought for a while, and said a conservative time, "I am going to temporarily separate out five distractions. It will take about a day in time."

Zhuo Sheng nodded and said, "Okay, after you have arranged your clone, please go to Zhu Ge's second elder. They will hand over some basic matters to you. Of course, if you have any questions in the future, your deity can ask us at any time. , Communication is still very convenient!"

Having said that, Zhuo Sheng couldn't help but envy Lin Hang's clone ability. A chicken rib ability that could only be used for investigation before was actually developed by Lin Hang to such a perverted point. The current three big caves of the Wu clan, Lin Hang alone can complete the connection of information, and now it can also assist Lin Hang in his cultivation, which is indeed too enviable.

After everyone discussed, they all left one after another, but Wang Lao shouted Lin Hang aside.

When he got to the side, Mr. Wang did not speak, but kept staring at Lin Hang. Lin Hang was a little uncomfortable when he was seen. He hurriedly said, "Teacher, you called me over and said nothing, just watched. Disciple, what's the matter?"

Lao Wang stared at Lin Hang for a while, and then he said, "Hang'er, after so many years, don’t you know you as a teacher? What you said just now is a fact that you believe as a teacher, but you are sure Did you hide something from us?"

Lin Hang did not show the slightest unexpected expression. He knew that he had been with Wang Lao for more than ten years, and Wang Lao cared for him. Naturally, he knew Lin Hang very well. But this time, Lin Hang didn’t want to conceal Mr. Wang. Since Mr. Wang asked directly, Lin Hang laughed and replied, “Teacher, you are so insightful! The disciples are so concealed. You found out! Actually, there is nothing to hide, and all the disciples said are facts. For the next spiritual power training, I want to use this "Distraction Art" to quickly exercise my spiritual power, so as to better enter the Nascent Soul Stage. Of course, there will be a bit of pain when this technique is used, but how can the cultivators of my generation be afraid of such a bit of pain? Of course, it will pass after forbearance. Teacher, you don't have to worry about me!

After listening to Lin Hang's words, Mr. Wang automatically filtered out some of the useless ingredients, and he knew that the ‘some pain’ that Lin Hang had understatement was definitely not as simple as what he said. But since there were no other questions, Wang Lao didn't delve into it any more and asked Lin Hang to go back and prepare for the operation.

Old Wang was right. The "Distraction Art" that Lin Hang said was a method that could quickly increase mental power, but its process was very complicated. The first step in the practice of "The Art of Distraction" is to forcibly separate the mental power, and then an incarnation, clone, etc. are needed to carry these separated distractions. This process is very painful and quite Yu pierced thousands of needles in your brain. And if you don’t separate the five pieces at once, you won’t get any good cultivation results at all, so the standard for this technique is to separate five pieces at a time, and Lin Hang will have to suffer five times!

After Lin Hang learned about this technique, he had no plans to practice in the near future. After all, his mental power had just entered the late stage of the Golden Core, but at the meeting, Lin Hang felt Wang Lao's meaning and knew that Wang Lao wanted very much. The two elders Zhu Ge also entered the "Candle World", so they took the initiative to take this burden, so that Wang can achieve the wish in his heart.

However, after Lin Hang thought it over, he felt that there was nothing wrong with the practice now. Practicing this "Distraction Art" in advance can make him feel some things in the subsequent realm, and it will also help to improve the realm in the future.

Lin Hang returned to his room, took a good rest for the night, and was ready to adjust his state. The next day, he used the "Distraction Technique" to form several more independent clones.

Early the next morning, Lin Hang came to the quiet room for cultivation, and Wang Lao had been waiting for Lin Hang here. Before Lin Hang, every time he was at an important juncture in his cultivation or when he was studying the law, he was surrounded by Mr. Wang's guardian, and it became a habit over time. Now that Lin Hang was in the realm, there was actually no need, but he still invited Wang Lao. If Wang Lao is next to him, Lin Hang will undoubtedly feel more at ease.

After Lin Hang arrived in the quiet room, he greeted Lao Wang, sat down cross-legged, and began to adjust his state. After about half an hour, Lin Hang began to transport the "Distraction Art", and then slowly performed it according to the above method.

Following Lin Hang's use of the tactics, Lin Hang could feel that there was an invisible knife that was slowly cutting his mental power. Lin Hang couldn't help but screamed. Obviously, this process was not very pleasant. Lin Hang kept playing the magic trick. In his perception, the mental power turned into a tough muscle tendon, and the magic trick was that a small knife was cutting this muscle tendon, but the knife was very rusty and dull. , Has been cutting for a long time, but the meat tendons seem to have not changed. The process was very painful. Lin Hang was sweating all over his body, but he gritted his teeth and said nothing. The blue veins on his face showed Lin Hang's pain.

The old Wang on the side apparently noticed this situation, and secretly squeezed his fist, sweating for Lin Hang in his heart. But he also knew that no matter how painful the process of this tactic was, Lin Hang could only bear it alone, and outsiders could not help him at all.

After half an hour, Lin Hang's body was soaked with sweat. At this time, Lin Hang opened his eyes and panted heavily. Although he was very embarrassed, his eyes flashed with excitement. luster. Before Wang Lao could ask, Lin Hang straightened his body and moved his right hand beside him. Suddenly a clone of the top of the foundation appeared. Lin Hang and the clone sat facing each other, and then slowly moved from their minds. Slowly separated a small group of mental power, and slowly entered the sea of ​​consciousness of the clone.

After finishing all this, Lin Hang's deity closed his eyes again and stopped moving, but the clone opposite stood up and smiled at Wang Lao.

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