I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 254

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:20:02 AM

Chapter 254: Distraction complete

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At this time, there was no need to speak from the clone, as Mr. Wang knew that Lin Hang had just succeeded. Mr. Wang said to the clone, "How do you feel? Would you like to take a break? I think you were not very relaxed just now!"

Lin Hang avatared and said, "Teacher, no need! You can move on to the next time with a little breath adjustment. It's the first time to perform. It is inevitable that you are a little unfamiliar. The subsequent process should be a lot easier.

Elder Wang nodded in relief, and did not speak any more. Instead, he closed his eyes and continued to protect the law for Lin Hang. Lin Hang's clone left directly and went to discuss the next handover with Zhu Ge.

The deity of Lin Hang did exactly as the clone said. After adjusting his breath a little, he continued to perform "The Technique of Clone". This time, after the first experience, it became much smoother, and the pain on Lin Hang's face The color is obviously much less. For example, the speed of cutting meat becomes faster, and the pain is naturally much less.

In the next two hours, Lin Hang, like the first time, separated out four clones with a distraction. These four clones didn't say much to Lin Hang, and they all went straight to the second elder Zhu Ge. At this time, Lin Hang’s deity stood up, rubbed his temples a little, and forcibly stripped five pieces of distraction just now, which still caused some damage to his mental power, and it took some time to recuperate. At the peak state.

Wang Lao said to Lin Hang, "Hang'er, after you go to "Candle World" with us this time, you can practice for a while with peace of mind! For the time being, we have no way to intervene in the outside world. Some of us can increase our strength to the point where we can fight against them, otherwise it's better not to venture out!"

Lin Hang nodded. He was thinking about practicing for a period of time. Since the last time he practiced in "Candle World" for a full ten years, he has been running around, and it is difficult to spend all his time practicing. To know that Lin Hang's current state, comprehension is of course very important, but daily accumulation is still essential. Lin Hang is ready to improve his accumulation in "Candle World", striving to lay a solid foundation.

And here, the second elder Zhu Ge is handing over some of the daily affairs of China’s senior executives to Lin Hang’s five avatars. After Lin Hang felt the work content, he asked the second elder Zhu Ge strangely, "Old Zhu, Elder Ge, There is one thing the kid doesn’t understand. I don’t think there are a lot of these things. You only need to be responsible for a few things every day. Isn’t there only such a thing at the top of our military?”

Old Zhu smiled and said, "This is just what we decision makers have to do. Do you think there is no one at the grassroots level below us? They will do their own affairs well, and then report to us, and we make unified decisions. After that, I will decide what to do. But now all of our Chinese human races have entered the cultivation process, and there are a lot of things missing invisibly, so you will feel relaxed. But what really tests you is not your daily routine, but Some sudden events, with so many people in Huaxia, will always catch you off guard, and it will depend on your ability!"

Elder Ge on the side continued, “But, Lin Hang, don’t put too much pressure on you! When we are in "Candle World", we can still communicate with you! Then just ask us if you have any questions, we It's impossible to practice every day!"

Lin Hang nodded and began to carefully study some of the information that the old man gave him.

Two days later, Wang Lao and Lin Hang stood together, and Wang Lao held a transparent mask in his hand, which was the new "Guardian Barrier". Because the environment of the external planets has become different, China’s current region is also occupied by the three major forces, so in order to reduce the target, Wang Lao specially prepared this "Guardian Barrier", so that this time transfer from "Imperial World" People enter it to reduce the possibility of exposure. And the number of people who want to transfer this time is very large, reaching 50,000 people! Except for the 150 disciples who participated in the training in the early stage, these 50,000 people are all cultivating geniuses who have emerged from the cities in the past two months. They are very sensitive to "Ren Huang Jue". It is so high that the foundation has been laid in just two months, and some people are even in the middle of Qi training. For these outstanding disciples, Wang Lao and others are more important. If they practice, they will definitely become the backbone of China's future. Therefore, Wang Lao and Lin Hang look solemn at this time. Obviously this time The action is still very heavy.

After the two adjusted their state to their peak, Wang Lao nodded to Lin Hang. Lin Hang knew, opened the light door of "Emperor Realm" and walked out first. Wang Lao followed Lin Hang quickly. After landing, Lin Hang turned around and put away the jade card, closing the light door.

Lin Hang waved his hand around the two of them, and they disappeared from sight. Lin Hang's light ability was activated. In fact, this place is located at the entrance of "Emperor Realm" in Huicheng. The avatar of Lin Hang in Earth Star has been detected, and no one is watching here, but after all, there is a precedent for the entrance of "Back Realm" being attacked, Lin Hang and Wang Lao still appear to be very cautious. After all, there are a total of 50,000 people behind them, so naturally they are not allowed to be sloppy.

After sweeping the divine sense of Wang Lao, he whispered, "Hang'er, nothing was found nearby. It seems that the "Kashgar" you are talking about does not occupy every inch of their territory.

Lin Hang also whispered back, "Teacher, according to the news that my clone carefully probes, this "Kashgar" has a population of only about 30,000, and they divide a third of the region in China. There are people everywhere, and most of the people should be inside major cities. Naturally, few people come here in the suburbs like this."

Old Wang nodded lightly and asked in a low voice, "Hang'er, is there any movement at the entrance of "Candle World" now?"

Lin Hang’s clone was at the entrance of "Candle World" in Diancheng, providing Lin Hang with first-hand information. After Lin Hang lowered his head and sensed the clone, he replied, "Teacher, no problem. The location is relatively remote, we have arranged some phantom arrays outside, and no one has touched the restriction for the time being, let's go directly!"

Lao Wang nodded and led Lin Hang to initiate the spatial teleportation. The next moment he appeared at the entrance of "Candle World" in Diancheng. After arriving here, Lin Hang did not say anything, and directly took out the jade card to open the light door. , And Wang Lao quickly entered.

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