I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 257

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:19:59 AM

Chapter 257: Set up teleportation array

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Old Ye nodded. He knew that when their Ye family was before, compared with other families, their top combat power was his innate peak, but there was a big difference in the backbone, except for a few in the family. In addition to the cultivation level of the Houtian realm, the other disciples were all in the physical training stage. He had always worried that if he had an accident, it would be difficult for the entire Ye Family to maintain it. After all, the subsequent disciples had not grown up. Now there is no need to worry about this issue. Not only did their cultivation level temporarily crush the patriarchs of other families, but Ye Guangyuan and the others are also growing rapidly. The foundation building period is a dividing line, and the later cultivation is not based on talent or time alone. For simple breakthroughs, chances are also very important, and it is not impossible for the juniors of their Ye family to keep advancing by leaps and bounds in the days to come, surpassing people from other families.

After a brief understanding, Ye Lao did not really test what Ye Guangyuan and the others meant. After all, I just came back today and there is still a lot of time in the future. Ye Lao remembered his purpose today, and smiled apologetically at Lao Wang and Lin Hang beside him, and said, "Lao Wang, I'm sorry, I just came back, and I have forgotten the purpose of this time! Look, where is the most appropriate place to build this teleportation array?"

Lao Wang waved his hand and said, "It's okay, Lao Ye, you really have been running around for our military over the years! I think the core of Ye City is centered on your current Ye Family area, and then build outwards and teleport. Set up the formation in the middle!"

Ye Lao thought for a while. Indeed, if the teleportation formation is too far away from their Ye family's location, it will really be more troublesome to manage. It is indeed good to set up the Ye family's core position.

Lin Hang looked at the houses built by the Ye family and said, "Lao Ye, brother Guangyuan, don't be angry when I say this! I think your houses are a bit too random, right? Such external conditions are not in line with your Ye Family’s external identity, so let’s talk to me if you have any ideas, and if you have blueprints, I can directly help you build a'small Ye City'!"

Facing Lin Hang, Ye Guangyuan was not as restrained as his grandfather. Hearing what Lin Hang said, he said angrily, "We are here in the Ye family. We were not good at this originally. There are not many people in the family. It’s already pretty good to build such a house after training! But the suggestion you just said is really good. With your current state, plus the blessing of the dual element of wood and earth, it should be pretty good! I’ll just wait. Discuss with your brothers and sisters, and then see if there are any drawings you like, you kid said so, naturally I won't be polite to you!"

Lin Hang was very satisfied with Ye Guangyuan's attitude, and said directly, "You can just tell me if you choose, I have no problem!"

And here Lao Wang was already in the current position of the Ye family, chose a flat ground, and began to paint on the ground non-stop. Originally, if it was a temporary teleportation array, Wang Lao could build it with a wave of his hand, but the teleportation array to be built now needs to be used for a long time, and it needs to be connected with more than 20 other teleportation arrays. It takes a lot of effort.

After about half an hour, Wang Lao finally completed the characterization, and then began to transfer spiritual power to the teleportation array. With the continuous injection of spiritual power, the teleportation array slowly lit up. After a while, the light was restrained. Wang Lao also stopped.

Wang Lao said to Ye Lao on the side, "Lao Ye, because this teleportation array does not have array equipment and spiritual stones to support, it temporarily relies on the spiritual power I injected to support each teleportation. I estimated it, Probably it can be supported hundreds of times, and I will add spiritual power to it every once in a while. Now that there is no spiritual stone, we can only do that."

Ye Lao nodded and said that he understood that the world today is not like the ancient and ancient times, where spirit stones can be seen everywhere. After years of war and consumption, spirit stones have become a rarity in the cultivation world. There is not much in the big cave sky, so naturally it cannot be used as a consumable for the formation.

Lao Ye looked at the teleportation array in front of him, and suddenly asked, "Lao Wang, how do you use this teleportation array?"

Hearing this, Mr. Wang slapped his forehead, and said with some embarrassment, "Look at my memory! I've been talking to you and forgot about this!" After all, Mr. Wang took out a small crystal silver wooden sign. , Handed it to Ye Lao, and said, "Lao Ye, this wooden card can be involved in this formation, and then choose the target to be teleported. Therefore, you need to arrange for someone to hold this wooden card and be responsible for this formation. Every time someone sends it, it needs the person's consent."

Ye Lao understood what Wang Lao meant. He held the wooden sign and examined it for a while before handing it back to Wang Lao. Wang received the wooden sign and said, "When I set up all the teleportation formations, I will connect all the connections. , I will give you this wooden sign again! Hang'er, go!"

At this time, Lin Hang, who heard the call of Mr. Wang, hurriedly bid farewell to Ye Guangyuan, and returned to the original place with Mr. Wang.

There was still a long time between Wang Lao and Lin Hang this time, but none of the people present showed any dissatisfaction. After seeing Wang Lao and Lin Hang back, everyone looked at Wang Lao, waiting for the name of the next family.

Lao Wang didn't hesitate this time, and smiled and said to Lao Yu, "Lao Yu, how about going to your Jade house next?"

Lao Yu naturally didn't mean to object, he also laughed, and came to the location of Yu's house with Lao Wang.

Then Wang Lao began to work uninterruptedly. After arriving at a family residence, he immediately chose a location to set up a teleportation array, and then linked the teleportation arrays to each other to achieve the effect of mutual transmission.

When he arrived at the Xu family, after setting up the teleportation formation, veteran Wang said to Xu Xianhai, "Old Xu, I think these houses of your Xu family are well built!"

While talking, Mr. Wang glanced at the Xu family's buildings again, and saw that dozens of houses were arranged in an orderly manner according to certain rules, and each house was very beautiful, firm, and heavy. feel.

Xu Xianhai laughed and said, "Our Xu family's family abilities have always been good at this. It's not worth mentioning! But you said this to me suddenly, maybe there is something to say?"

Old Wang laughed and said, "Hey, Old Xu, I won't hide it from you anymore, I want you to do our military a favor!"

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